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I really enjoyed this game! The mechanics reminded me a lot of pac-man which I liked since I used to be very good at it. I liked the song and sound effects. They were very fun and fit the vibe. The characters you chose were super cute as well! I liked how the game got more difficult but not impossible as you continued. I also liked how the song increased speed. I really liked the teleport crystals and used them a lot. I thought the difficulty was at a good level. I was able to make it through level 1 and level 2, and only died on level 3. For critique, I would have liked to have a second chance at level 3 (maybe a life system) before being sent all the way back to level 1, since being sent all the way back after all that work felt a bit demoralizing. I also think it would be good to add a quit button on the help screen.

Thanks a lot, Kristen, for the detailed feedback.  One question - for the lives, did you not get 3 lives?  It was supposed to give you 3 lives and only end the game after the third life.  I'll look into that.