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A member registered Jul 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Fun concept, I love me a good cooking game! Cool how it affects your opponents side of the scale. I'd love to see a PVP version of this!

Controls can be a little disorienting, but otherwise I love the concept!

Love this simple little game! I only scored 17600 though, but I really loved the moment where I realized the space I had around me was also my life bar. It really played with the theme in a way I greatly enjoyed! Love to see more like this :)

That's our Goblin, she can stretch reeeeeal loooong
Don't know about the right angles though 😅

Wow, great job on this game! It was a tricky bit of fun maneuvering the cats around to make things work, and I really liked how silly they all looked stretched out like that. I think one of my cats has this ability...

(1 edit)

Thanks so much! Yeah, the font is part of my 8x8 sprite sheet which I used to limit myself through development of this game. It's on the description page if you want a closer look! I'm glad you liked the animations too, those got the most "polish" time (for what little there was in game jam time) :D
If you look closely, the crouch/defend animation even just reuses and flips the body of the regular action-body-sprite!

Oh wow, love me a good chill puzzle game, and this one scratches that itch! Truly a stunning game, I loved the space theming too :D

Great concept! I think my only real complaint is that there could be more sound design, and the scaling seems to affect the speed/jump height maybe a little too much, but otherwise very fun!

Thank you for playing! I'm glad you could appreciate and comprehend it haha

Such a cute game! I was really happy to have some margin for error, though I only got B rank. When the scale was really big, it did get a little hard to see the Bugus to avoid them when selecting the Gubus. Overall though, a fun lil concept!

Great idea for a mechanic! The presentation made the game very tense, and I feel like things were well tutorialized, like the toxic fumes if you don't break the boxes in level 2 or having to figure out how to pull some of the boxes in the last level. With more time (game jam, I get it) maybe an even better intro could demonstrate the controls in a safe environment first, before throwing you "into the fire". Overall great concept!

Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you were able to get used to the text, haha. With more time I definitely would have balanced magic a bit more, maybe a once per battle type of thing or something. For now it's "balanced" by having to put in all the work to scroll down to it 😅

A beautiful game with clean FMV and really evokes the feel of a classic 90's point-and-click adventure, even down to playing some esoteric card game lol, well done!

Thank you! I'm glad to have fans of turn-based RPGs play to get specific feedback there too :)
Knowing the text would be a bit hard to read, I opted to make it less important; the main ones that really matter are the second Page which gives you "a new spell" and upgrades your magic power, and the second-last which upgrades your sword attack. Well, that and the final "The Graviturgist Blocks the Exit", but most of the rest are just extra bits of lore. Thanks for playing!

Thank you for your kind words! I appreciate the feedback, and I'm glad you liked the mechanics, as they were a big focus of what little time I had to balance the game!

Thank you for playing! From other recommendations I might add some kind of accessibility setting or toggle to make the text more legible, even if it momentarily breaks immersion 

Oh hey thanks for reading the devlog! I hope it helps articulate all the nerdy energy I put into this game 🤓
Thanks for the play!!

Very much enjoyed this game! I really liked how atmospheric the background was, and the UI was very cute given the theme of the game! Very unique controls, I could see a lot of depth if there were more puzzle mechanics added.

This game was DELIGHTFUL! I loved how the higher key (scale) changed the mechanics of the jump *and* the enemies! It was really fun needing to modulate to A to get short hops or deal with the shooting E enemies while having the highest jump! That last level was a bit of a doozy, I kinda accidentally fell further down and lost progress ;-; maybe there could have been some check for the "furthest" button pressed for checkpoints?


Absolutely astounding, friend, this game is beautiful and really makes me feel like a small rat escaping a giant machine. Bravo!!!!!

My only suggestion is to make the bouncy ball thing a little more obvious, though it was well tutorialized by me dying a few times before I realized there was a *thing* in the middle of the spikes I could jump off.

Quite a difficult game! It may be because my laptop is a bit of a potato but I had trouble aiming and shooting sometimes. That said, it's a fun concept, and I love the chaos and the art direction! Great work!

Ooh, good point on the key sfx. I unfortunately ran out of time for some of the sound design I wanted to add, but that's a good one to improve. 

You're right, magic *is* pretty powerful, especially if you can hit the super tight timed hit window to double the hit (see the developer challenges). I decided not to tweak it too much since I wanted to keep the numbers low for simplicity sake. 

I'm glad you like it, thanks for playing!

Thank you! And thanks for playing!

Oh yeah! That's a good idea, especially from an accessibility point of view. Certainly a good idea for a future improvement!

Thank you for your kind words, and thanks for the play! Yeah, kind of unfortunate that the worst letters are the ones in GAME but oh well 😅 

Wow, this is definitely a fun chaotic arcade-style shooter! It did make me a little dizzy to spin around in the void but otherwise it was fun to watch my spacecraft(p) get bigger and bigger! Feel like the music was fun and chaotic to fit the vibe too.

Fun game idea! I like the puzzle aspect, but I do wish there was a little more indication on the square dude as to what shape will fit. It does seem like they don't exactly match the grid. But I really like the art and sound design! Feel very "geometry broke" as it should :)

This game looks great! Love the art style. Puzzles are good too, there's a lot of depth to only being able to scale in certain directions. That said I wish I could control with something other than the mouse as an option! And it can be kind of frustrating if my scale is undone by bumping a wall, I wish it just stopped me from scaling instead of bumping me back to the smallest size (and maybe falling). All said, well done!

This game is a fun little arcade romp. It looks so good! My main suggesting to make it look even better is to try to match the pixel sizes for the cutscenes and UI elements to the characters and backgrounds. Great work!

I like the pixel art flair on this classic style of brain teaser :)

Thanks! Glad you were able to read it, it was a bit of a struggle to make it work with the limitations 😅

hehe thank!

Yes, the enemies were supposed to have a bit more variety than the speed of their projectiles. The Last boss on Level 1, the Graviturgist, is the only one that's really any different, as you can't see the projectile before he shoots it. With more time though I'd love to add more mechanics! Thanks for the play :D

The mechanic of swinging around the weapon was unique and fun. Great job getting your game submitted! especially in only 48 hours!

This game was a really cool concept! It felt satisfying to duplicate the slimes to be used as a distraction or to phase myself through barriers. My main comment would be that it would be nice to have some indication on the red blaster radii so that I know how close I can get without getting hurt. I'd love to see what more you could do with this idea!

 I loved the art style, and the puzzle mechanics which had me stumped a few times! Unfortunately I did run into the control freezing issue a couple times especially on the "Dragon?" level, which was frustrating, but also understandable. There were a lot of unique ideas, and I even loved how a couple of the puzzle catches teased the epic climax. Great work!!

Fun concept! I kept dropping the sky though at the end 😅

Fun! And cute lil frog :) Music is quite relaxing. The flies got away from me ;~;

Thanks! More complex enemies was something unfortunately left on the cutting room floor given the Jam time limit, so I definitely agree.