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A member registered Jan 01, 2024 · View creator page →

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Game feel is good in this one. The collectables could be placed in a better way, they seem way to random and not rewarding. Good job!

(1 edit)

The aesthetic was very nice and coherent, boss design was very cool, the game mechanic was interesting but the spacebar kinda felt useless. Was expecting a little more gameplay for a game made in 1 month. Overall great job, keep it up!

Estuvo piola espamear burbujas

Very cool

Me gustó el humor jajaja, buen trabajo chicos!

Me encantó la idea y el soundtrack, el sprite del protagonista es legendario. Copito hoy se come

Gameplay solido, me encantó la intro jajajaja

Me encantó el juego, los diseños y animaciones están tremendos y el concept del juego en si me pareció re bueno. Se siente un poquito injusto que los fantasmas te puedan atacar ahí nomás pero eso aparte está muy solido, buen trabajo chicos

Me encantó el concepto de hacer un rage game en una jam, la unica critica constructiva que les puedo dar es que aunque sea un juego troll las hitboxes se sienten demasiado grandes, nunca está demás ayudar un poquitito el jugador. Muy buen juego

Thank you so much for the detailed review! Glad you caught and enjoyed the little details. If it wasn't for the poorly written old code I would've totally done other levels

Animations and color palette are so on point

Funny idea, love the glasses on a pen

My account got terminated 😥😥😥

Had to give away a finger but pulled it off in the end, great game had fun. I really loved the forge mechanic, it made the game really fun. Cards were really well drawn, the sound and animation when the cards are handed is pretty satisfying. Only thing I would add is maybe a background song when playing.  Great job!

Super cute game. I couldn't understand what the enemy drop did. That aside good job on the submission!

Awesome graphics and a lot of content for such a small window of time, great job! The only thing I can suggest is that maybe the battles could be shorter, I kinda felt like I was just waiting for it to be finished instead of being engaging. Maybe some sort of mechanic so that lets you strategize more. But yeah you guys were really ambicious so I get that you couldn't have everything done. Good job on the submission!

Graphics are really well done, great job. The gameplay was also nice, maybe it needed a little more strategy to make it more interesting. Good job on the submission!

Thank you! I appreciate that a lot

Second time I play a rythm game this Jam, which isn't much but it's weird it happened twice lol. Anyways the game was great, it integrated the theme well and it wasn't just a reskin of a rythm game but with forge elements which is really nice. Got stuck on level 2 because I couldn't tell when the timing was right, so I couldn't see the other mini games which is a real shame because I was having fun. Good job on the submission!

Pretty fun game. Couldn't figure out what the anvil was actually for tho. I really liked the idea of attacking with negative and opposite charges, took a little to figure out but was nice to have something original.

(1 edit)

THIS IS INCREDIBLY COOL. I can't tell you how much fun I had with this, I was really immersed when playing. Idk if you were going for a spooky vibe but I was shitting my pants the entire time I was in the monster world. The forge mechanic was also super well made, never felt like I was making useless garbage, and felt really rewarding after I crafted the sword. I also like how the items don't disappear when switching stages. Incredibly well done, my favorite game of the jam.

Very original game, I think I got the good ending but I'm not sure. The art was very nice and the color palette was interesting, good job!

Fun game, liked the idea and the intro with the lore and art was cool. Once you place many turrets you are practically a god, I think this game would benefit with some strategy involved so I had to think what buildings are better to buy. Overall good job!

Very cool Idea and good level design, and the art was also coherent. Good job!

Very fun game! Absolutely loved the upgrading system, felt really rewarding. Made it to wave 10! I think it could use some work regarding the balancing of damage taken and dealt, but overall good job!

Really fun game, I really enjoyed it! I wonder if you can get to 1000 points, I certainly couldn't lol. Sfxs were nice. I really liked how everything worked together, awesome job on the submission!

Really original idea, I like it! Simple but fun, good job!

A lot of systems in this game, probably took you a lot of time and effort, good job!

Really fun game, the only thing I could think to make it better is to add a recipe book where you can see the things you have already forged, because i kinda forgot lol. The art was also good, great color palette. Good job!

Very cool simple game, I like that the art style is super coherent. Also really like the spawn anvil animation, looks good. I don't think I have anything to critic, the game was short but to the point, didn't overstay its welcome. Great job!

I liked the funny gameover text lol

I think this could be better as a chill game with more time to draw. Anyways I had fun drawing, and the next level animation is really good. Good job on the game!

There are a lot of little system in this game, which I respect a lot, you probably had to do tons of work to get this working. I think maybe the first rythm minigame could be made easier because at first I didn't have even time to react lol. In the battle stage I couldn't tell at first why I didn't have a healthbar but the enemy did, found out the hard way on gameover lol. Anyways great job on the game!

Graphics are super polished which is nice. The gameplay felt kinda too repetitive, idk if its because I've played too many Overcooked style games this jam or not. The explanations were very nice. Good job on the submission

Very nice game, the level design was pretty good and the difficulty was balanced. I think it needed some particles on the wall bounce to make it feel more responsive and solid. Made it to level 19 because I thought there were a lot more levels, then read the description and regret quitting the game lol. Simple but coherent, good job.

At first I thought the game was super difficult because I was using the swords, then I changed to the bow and it became extremely easy, that's a major balancing issue. The only thing that made me lose in a gauntlet was not buying enough arrows. The market and bow are wayyyy too OP, I never used the forge mechanic at all, only bow and market. Also the arrow doesn't go exactly in the mouse direction. On the good side, the game felt responsive thanks to the sounds, and I think the idea has potential. Anyways good job on finishing and submitting the game! I had fun playing it

This is absolutely crazy polished, I love it. The graphics are just a pleasure to see, amazing color palette. Gameplay was simple but satisfying, the only critic I can give you is that I couldn't tell when I was actually hitting an enemy or missing them too much. Still incredible job on the game, love all the little effects, it really makes it pop so much more

This is insanely polished for being done in only 9 days, actually can't believe it, especially since its done by only one dev. I beat the first boss and thought the game was over lol. It's crazy all the mechanics there are, incredible job

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed my art

Can't take credit for the music, but I did all the art, so thank you!