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A member registered Sep 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Aha, yeah, the mouse pointer turns into a little white dot that the character faces (or should be?). Alternatively you can control with the right analog stick on the controller but I had trouble with precision there :/
It is quite broken in many ways anyway, was in quite a rush to make it playable near the end.
Thanks for playing and commenting

Really nice, concepts like this make game jams worthwhile

I'm confused, did the other comments play the same game as I just did? :|
The character would zip across the screen, sometimes through walls but sometimes stop on invisible obstacles, seemingly independent of my inputs. 
With no jumping I would end up at the bottom of the level within seconds with no way of getting out? I could not tell if my gun damaged the big jar enemy down there and my bullets had such short range that I could not reach it unless I zipped back and forth across the room. I restarted twice because I couldn't tell if I was stuck or not and last time I randomly zipped into a room on the side where there were a few locations I could change the gun. With no limit on fire rate and enough range I could spam little red waves on the jar and suddenly it died? So I won?

I did quite like the rubber hose/cupheady sprites, and the level seemed pretty complex and interesting but with no real way of traversing it? I was very confused about the controls. :0

Amazing! Clever puzzles and super clean and juicy graphics. Introduction of new mechanics very well paced

Love that ps1 oasis music, but I gotta say that FOV gives me lingering nausea :(

Very simple but works really well! Bopping tune (Y)

Wow really nice. I really like the graphics of the collapsing and contracting tunnels, very satisfying. 
Some sort of warning before enemies spawned would have been nice, sometimes they would appear right in my face which felt unfair. A suggestion I have is some kind of food item that you need to explode a bug near to "unshield" and collect. Could make it more tactical and fun.

Nice! Felt really polished and you managed to fit a tutorial in there, wow.
Lost my perks after 'digging too deep' and had a little ohshit moment. But despite that, like other commenters said, it was a bit easy. I see you said more hazards were designed but not implemented in this build, would be cool to see! Would rebalance the game also.

(1 edit)

Nicely made!
I feel like the controls were very unintuitive though, I had to wrack my brain to remember any input.
Like if there is arrow movement why not have jump on Up or Space for that matter? Pipe types could be on 1,2,3 and maybe if you pressed them  again you would rotate that type. That the rotation was displayed on the ui was very helpful though. The mapping was to me very unconventional apart from being in the same general area on the keyboard.
Personally something like E:pickup/place, R:Rotate, Space/Up:Jump, 1-3: pipe types, Q: cycle types would make much more sense, but that is my WASDerbrain speaking. 
The jump not being able to get over a single block's height also strange to me, this while the character is more than one block high? Hm! :- )

Criticisms aside, impressed with what you managed to put together!

Yeah I will agree the text was a bit hard to read, especially the intro in white. 
I enjoyed the audio and the setting, but I didn't really get the sense of it being underground.
I don't usually play card games, but I guess you really need variety as well as a way to view and customize your deck for it to really work, as well as a way to save to your hand or some other mechanic that makes it more tactical and less random. I guess I'm stating the obvious, there is always the issue of time.

Sailing around on mini adventures to find new cards is a really nice idea and gives great opportunity for worldbuilding. (Y)

Got the html5 version working:
looks slightly worse, but the same version as this jam upload other than disabling SSAO

Yeah lol sorry about that. I had some issue where I "had to" move all my files over to a new project to see what was wrong. I was fuming and project named thusly, forgot to rename it when building :(