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A member registered Oct 15, 2017 · View creator page →

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please update, love you, have a wonderful day.
Stay Foxy

mix of Dall-E and stable diffusion. I would have stuck with Dall-E but ran of of tokens.

 it's weighted RNG, for instance Merlinus has a slight preference for missile. as for the art its AI generated but I cleaned it up and applied some dithering manually. mostly with the dithering tool found in this

The idea for the shield was that it's a force field, kinda like in Dune, where it blocks bullets but still lets swords through.

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)
  • Weird choice to have D open containers
  • I think it's pretty clever how the room name blends in with the webpage
  • the flying enemy in the 3rd room is very hard to hit, always positioned either too low or too high
  • lmao the thing that makes you blind
  • oh I see now, very clever

I really enjoyed this. The game has a lot of charm, the writing is fun and the shapeshifting mechanic really makes you want to go and try it on everything.  Took me a couple tries to do the eye boss until I figured out the optimal strategy, felt very rewarding to beat.

The action delay takes a little bit of time to get used to but I don't think you should take it away, adds to the games character.

Environment feels sterile, I think if there's an area you could improve its there. a lot of staring at mostly white backgrounds  and black walls. I would work on making the world feel more lived in. Maybe compress the room size or create more interesting features to look at in each room to break the repetition.

All in All tho, my favorite game I played so far. definitely looking forwards for more.


just finished the demo, very lovely. actually chuckled at that very last NPC blocking the path when I tried to transform him.

  • Movement speed is a little slow.
  • I picked wizard as my starter and didn't have any spells, or any equipment for that matter, it would be nice to have starting loadouts.
  • I didn't think to check the shops before heading out, probably should have.
  • it would be nice to see damage numbers or somekind of bloodsplatter to get visual feedback of causing damage.
  • there seems to be a bug where it casts your rmb spell when interacting with NPCS
  • I really like how you can see glowing eyes in the darkness

welp, my game just froze when I killed a goblin with a fireball. UI still works but the main game is frozen.

I will play more of this if you make the movement speed faster.

I'm not much of a rage game fan, but I really like where you're going with this game. not sure if the little blob guy fits in with the big ominous monolith.

Sound design is nice, I'm not sure music is needed but maybe adding some ambiance like wind and rocks falling in the distance could increase immersion.

not sure if you had the rolling mechanic in the last DD but I really like it.

keep up the good work!

Thanks for playing! Sound is coming and I'll see if I can slightly shrink the resolution. I didn't have to zoom out on my browser but I see how you might have needed to since I cut it pretty close.

Thanks for the very detailed feedback, you pointed out a lot of useful things.

are you playing at 165hz ? I think there might be some issues playing at higher framerate. probably why you've had so many issues with the turnips. I'll definitely have to look into it.

not being able to move while holding shift isn't locked in stone. I understand why you would want to be able to move. I'll try allowing it, see how it feels.

>The trigger point for levers should be closer to the middle.


>I don't think the slow movement speed adds anything to the experience (at least not in a good way).
Movement will feel better when I redo the map to be smaller.

>Grabbing the inward doorknob on a door from the outside makes the door snap inwards.
This might also be a framerate issue. Doors are a little hacky right now. I have 2 hitboxes on each side of the door, to know if you're inside or outside. This flips the direction the mouse affects the door.

>Giving NPCs items should be done by letting go of the mouse button, not just by hovering it over them.
didn't think of that, that's definitely much better!

Also thanks for the proof reading!

Yeah, I've had issues with my vulkan drivers in the past, I might  play around with them see if I can maybe get the game to run. At least it didn't freeze my whole PC like some other vulkan apps do. So sounds like a good app to test things out with.

I'll let you know what I did if I manage to run the game.

Crashes on startup. I'm on arch linux.

here's the Core Dump:

somewhat frustrating yet cute little game.
I like the limited color palette and the game is generally very pleasing to look at.

Character feels a little too floaty, specially for a plateformer. I feel a lot of the difficulty comes from the floatiness.

I don't think you should be able to get damaged when you hit a spike sideways.

changing controls doesn't seem to be working. I would have like to be able to flip the hook and jump button around.

pressing Enter for the options is counter intuitive. I feel like it should be ESC.

heyo, that did it!

I'm still getting the same error with the new version :(

[-@judgement: Games]$ chmod 777 ChasmClimb-demo-0.2.1.appimage 
[-@judgement: Games]$ ./ChasmClimb-demo-0.2.1.appimage
Error: Error executing 'ChasmClimb': Permission denied

Dang really fun!

The gameplay is very straightforwards but it's not a bad thing. This game really shines in the level design and little twists every level.

You can get lost easily in levels from lack of landmarks.

The Crypt was really fun but I feel the ghosts are a tiny bit too hard to see.

Towards the end of river rumble, I was left wandering a little too long to find where the last room was to get my kill count high enough.

Trees in general feel a little too small for their hitboxes. it's hard to tell which gaps you can fit in or not.

I did not have any issues with the little girls in the swamp

Midnight Grove is dank. although once you run out of ammo its game over.

I played up to Chaotic Cave. I gotta say I had a lot of fun with this game. and the music is very nice too.

Thank you! it works now. so far I'm having a lot of fun with the game!

>have you made the appimage executable?
I did. nothing works. but like I said, it might be on my side.
note that it says :

Error: Error executing 'ChasmClimb': Permission denied

when the file name is : ChasmClimb-demo-0.2.1.appimage

That tells me it's most likely not a file permissions issue. since where would it find the name "ChasmClimb" if it wasn't running the file.

Thank you so much for the video! Very helpful indeed!

One thing I noticed is how you were always standing very close to objects you wanted to interact with. in reality the interaction distance is very long. the idea is that you can place everything you need to interact with into frame. Also, you push and pull objects away from you using the mouse wheel. I'll have to figure out a way to communicate this better.

I really enjoyed how you put a turnip in the witches cauldron. It's something I hadn't even thought of doing

> I hope the obvious black and white 3d models with no textures are going to be replaced with some doodle textures in future just like the ground and trees.

Definitely, I have a lot more shader experimentation I want to do. which hopefully I can showcase next DD

>Some trees clipped through buildings.
Yeah I had to rush this to get something out for DD.

> I wish there was sprinting.
Sprinting isn't out of the question but I think the main issue is that the demo area is way too big for the content it has. I'm planning on making areas a lot more concentrated so this will probably fix the need for sprinting.

>Sometimes it was hard to put things in the bag (but I am sure I was not supposed to have that many items)
yeah I like the idea of it becoming harder to fit things in your bag as it gets more full. Kinda like trying pack your suitcase for a trip. But the bags definitely feels jankier than intended right now. Although I'm surprised how well it holds.

Also I just remembered your video showed a bug I thought I had fixed. Which is extra helpful. You're not supposed to be able to talk to NPCs while your bag is open.

Really, Thanks a lot for trying out the game and making a video. It's always immensely helpful to get to see someone play your game for the first time.

Oh, it's actually much better now. Which info specifically do you think should be still hidden?

I think every unlockable rooms in the offices section should be hidden when not unlocked.

>Did you find it too hard, or did you not know what to do?
Too hard.

>I don't know how long you played, and if you unlocked Sealing Chamber, and Bathroom,
played for 45-60min. I did unlock both of those. They are fun. but there seems to be a hard cap on time limit increases in you can get in dungeons. iirc it says "capped at 85 seconds" is that the upgraded cap? I think I've only managed to complete 1 run. most of the time, I fail without even reaching the mirror room. Do you know roughly how much time people still have on the clock when they complete a level? Maybe I just suck. but most levels I feel like I always failed without even standing a chance.

>By the way, I was going to play your doodle town next week, but I might do it earlier now that I know you are online.
Hey play whenever you feel like it. but I appreciate you planning on trying it out!

it's a fun game, even tho I suck at it. I might come back to it someday when I feel like suffering.

getting when trying to run the game under Linux

./SGT2_linux: error while loading shared libraries: cannot 
open shared object file: No such file or directory

Cannot run the game on Linux. getting permission denied no matter what I do.
Issue might be on my side but just letting you know.

It's my first time playing this so you've probably heard these before but here's a little list of things I'm writing down as I play.

Starting cut scene is way too long.  I was on board for about 2 minutes but after that I just kept mashing to skip everything. and I was astonished as to how much mashing I had to do. Sad part is, I Was enjoying the dialogue. I'm sure you're planning on having a proper animated intro at some point but right now staring at a wall it's very boring. If I were you, I'd try to space out your initial information dump in between gameplay. This would hold true even with a proper cutscene. Players are excited to play your game when they start. don't let them down.

UI is very overwhelming at first. it might be good to outright hide all the options that aren't available yet. Gradually introducing them in as you unlock them.

Little weird how you have to right click to get information tooltips. it feels more natural to me that they're just always there when hovering.

There's a bug (on linux) that if I minimize the game on a loading screen, my mouse will disapear and I can't click the button to start the dungeon. however there's a workaround where when the pause menu is open in the loading screen, you can click play from within the pause menu. unpausing the game still keeps you in that state of not being able to click play.

(This room is not fun)

The game is fun, honestly. It's hard but it's a game you can see yourself becoming good at (which I'm sure you are). The thing I HATE, is the time limit. I feel like it's completely anti-fun. Or at least, the fact that it kicks you out of the dungeon. It's not very conductive to you getting good at the game. I feel like the game could be a lot more approachable if the time limit was reworked in some way. Either extending it by a lot or making it a requirement for greater rewards without ending your run altogether. Maybe even implement a rating system to see how fast you cleared a level and base rewards on your ranking. But ending the level when the timer hits 0. not fun.

Hello, I need to push bug fixes to my game. and the jam is preventing me from doing so. Kindly understand that some of us might be planning on keeping updating their games after  the jam is over. A streamer is going to play my game shortly and I'd like him to to have access to the latest bug fixes.

If the restriction cannot be changed. I will be forced to withdraw my game from the jam.

Thank you for your understanding.

Thank you for the clarification! this is valuable information. I don't think I'm planning on changing this puzzle right now but if more people turn out to share your feelings on it I'll definitely consider it some more.

how is this 852MB !

Very interesting twist on minesweeper! Art is very pleasing and the gameplay is simple and easy to understand.

couple things I'll suggest:

  • Introduce the same mechanic as minesweeper while exploring, letting the player know if enemies are nearby, making it easier to decide when to explore versus when to fight
  • adding an equipment system and treasures or drops to be found to spice things up
  • maybe make your odds of hitting an enemy in combat more obvious, same as odds of an enemy hitting you.

I guess the big thing I'd like to see is giving more information to the player, since this is a kind of puzzle/strategy game, as a player I'd want as much information as possible to decide what my next move is going to be, instead of trying something and then finding out the result. like when I went to fight the reaper, I wondered if I was strong enough to beat him. I think if I knew my odds right from the start it would have made the fight more exciting knowing, for example, I only had 20% chance of beating him without dying.

In conclusion, very elegant twist on minesweeper and the game has definitely potential. It's simple, fun and easy to pickup. Looking forwards to the next updates!

>Do you mean more often, or better quality loot? On hard you get better quality loot more often.
I mean maybe have more variety in the stats on the loot you find. from what I've played, loot progression seems pretty linear. if you had lets say an amor that gave more magic power or more attack speed in the same tier, it could give more room for building the character you want. maybe you do have more variety like this but I haven't seen it.

>-Mysteries Of Mystic Cultists-
maybe just tell the player in which area the quest needs to be completed? I can see someone spending a lot of time in an area thinking this is where the quest happens when in fact it's on another floor. just an idea, I understand how cryptic quests can be fun.

>how about instead of locking you out, they make you lose a chunk of the hunger meter?
that's actually a great idea! the end result would be almost exactly the same but minus the waiting.

Man this game is really cool. I really like the quest system you put in there and the different maps. really helps with the world building. I died once and then rolled firestarter, which carried me through the game up to floor 5 where I stopped. Hopefully I can find some new skills for him.

I have a feeling firestarter is OP? because I really breezed through all the levels with him. throw fire, hide, repeat. I'll have to see once I die and pick another class.

Here are some minor things I think you could improve on. but I really had fun playing the game.

  • Lighting is a little bit weird and I think the transition to lit/unlit could happen more smoothly.
  • first person camera is pretty low, making you feel like you're crouching or 3 feet tall
  • some corridors feel pretty tight sometimes, mostly the 1 block wide ones.
  • pickups could be more exciting, but I like the notes you find
  • areas could have more doodads and things in them for world building
  • it would be fun to have levels that aren't just 1 flat plane
  • the later quests could have clearer objectives ( Mystery of fireballs, Mystic Cultists)
  • could use display options like fullscreen and borderless

Here's my guy after maybe an hour or two? I feel like I played a good amount.

But yeah, really cool game! excited to see it finished!

I played this game for a good 45 min. Pretty fun. I definitely dig the vibe of it and the music is perfect. I think there could be improvements to the hitboxes and the kockback.

I never could quite figure out the hit timing to safely dispatch enemies. sometimes I'll get a really good attempt and breeze through the first couple screens of the east wing. Others I'll get demolished by the first ghost just because I didn't time my hits properly.

This is really my main issue with the game. Like with the big guys that run at you, often they'll just slightly brush agaisn't you and that'll make you take damage.  I haven't played the original zelda in a really long time so I can't say if this is how it was in it. but I think the game would really benefit from trying to make things more predictable.

Someone mentioned the original YS games and it's true it does remind me of those a little bit. but at least with the bump system, if you were facing an enemy and attacking, you were pretty much safe from harm. Here with the not always accurate timing I'll often take damage just because the enemy didn't get kockbacked enough.

The solution could be making it so that enemies can only inflict damage in an attack stage and hitting them with your sword cancel that attack. Or maybe increasing the knockback so that you don't run into situations where you hit an enemy but still take a hit because he kept running into you.

Now for the more positive stuff. I really liked the enemy variety in this. they all feel unique and you learn pretty quickly the strategy to take them on. I only managed to reach the kind of scyth ghost screen once but clearing a screen without taking damage feels very good. I like how you keep the stuff you pickup when you die (also as a reminder of how much I suck).

I ran into 1 bug while playing and it was when I died at the same time as clearing a room. the next time I got to that room, it was empty. which made me very happy but I don't think that was intended behavior :^)

Healing with C could have been explained, also starting the game at the smallest screen size probably not the best idea. they weren't big deals for me because I figured them out quickly but it's definitely something you want to make clearer. Ah and the tips when you die, loved it.

I wish I could have seen more of the game because I really had fun playing and I was pretty excited to see the crafting system. but I think it's just too hard at the moment and I don't have time to grind it some more.

keep an eye on the google play store! Thanks a lot for playing! glad you enjoyed the game!

Thanks for the detailed feedback!

Hit detection is definitely going back to the drawing board.

number 2 might be hard to implement, but I hear your frustration. it's similar to how you could accidentally click the play again button by accident at the end of an intense round. I'll play around with solutions tho.

I see the issue you have with the ladybugs and you're raising a very good point with the non-interactivity. they're supposed to kill you later on. but also I see how they could be implemented in a funner way than stopping you from playing for 5 seconds.

as always, thank you for playing!

that was the initial idea, but then I figured it wouldn't be very frog like. also, I am NOT a voice actor.

Thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing! sometimes, it's ok to eat them!

bless the frog jam for making me make this.

Thank you for playing!

really glad you think this way. I'm indeed planning on developing the idea further. I think it could be an amazing mobile game as well.

Thanks a lot for playing!

BGM is definitely on the TODO list, just sadly didn't have time to get that for the demo. as for the stars, I've just added a feature where when you get close to them they fly to you, essentially increasing their pickup range. and I also hopefully fixed the turret sound bug.

Thanks a lot for playing!

Thank you! I'm glad it kept you playing despite you being fed up of metroidvanias. I'm hoping this game can bring something new and fresh to the metroidvania table but while still staying close to what makes a metroidvania great.

Thank you for playing! ESA is definitely a big inspiration, specially in the way it makes the station seems so alive. Compared to lets say metroid where most things just seem there to be a challenge.

I'll definitely stick with the more detailed audio, because indeed, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me to have somewhat abstract graphics with abstract sounds.

I'll have to take a look at the first boss RNG again. I also found that he does the homing lasers way too often.

Thanks! I think sometimes I go a little bit TOO heavy on the dialogue. but I do want to make it at least some interesting part of the game. Cave Story is what I'm going for dialogue wise. Where it's not constantly bombarding you, but is there to get the story moving along.