wow very cool, the first one was a big inspiration on my game still not dead, happy to see a 2nd one :) keep going !
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Scary Gardener Tales 2's pageComments
The game is aesthetically pleasing but I couldn't keep playing after the third level. All it did thus far was spam ten enemies around me every time I walked through X spot or picked up Y thing. It didn't feel challenging, it didn't feel like I was making intelligent use of the space. I just kept spamming the gun until I got through while hearing the same death noises ten times per second.
If that's what you're going for, then I guess it's just not for me. You should however probably make it clearer when enemies are going to deal damage, visually.
I gotta say well done. I'm not sure what I like most between the nice and aesthetic, atmospheric and polished sounds, fun & clever level design or the cool UI. You've done a really great job in all this different areas. I will definitely fire this sucker up again and play more, the gameplay is really fun and I wanna see what else there is! Well done.
Dang really fun!
The gameplay is very straightforwards but it's not a bad thing. This game really shines in the level design and little twists every level.
You can get lost easily in levels from lack of landmarks.
The Crypt was really fun but I feel the ghosts are a tiny bit too hard to see.
Towards the end of river rumble, I was left wandering a little too long to find where the last room was to get my kill count high enough.
Trees in general feel a little too small for their hitboxes. it's hard to tell which gaps you can fit in or not.
I did not have any issues with the little girls in the swamp
Midnight Grove is dank. although once you run out of ammo its game over.
I played up to Chaotic Cave. I gotta say I had a lot of fun with this game. and the music is very nice too.
getting when trying to run the game under Linux
./SGT2_linux: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Damn, this game is really mentally exhausting, although maybe I played longer than I should have.
I really enjoyed the levels, though the maziness could be slightly toned down (or add navigation reference points, you have the entire top half of the screen for that). Crypt is exactly what I was expecting from the sequel. Scrubs were good too. The Other Swamp had a nice gimmick going on but it also made me quit.
Some enemies are simply bullshit. I think that the swamp banshees are not the kind of enemy that should teleport, since it can appear right next to you. The spiders are pushing it but manageable due to low health. The other swamp ghosts though... Enemies really need more sounds like footsteps, grunts and attacks, as well as player hurt sound. I should be able to hear a piss fiend throwing a fireball like I do in Doom. A bit more telegraphing when enemies spawn in would be nice too, because right now there's only a quiet cue.
I couldn't finish River Rumble as I couldn't find anything past ~90 enemies.
Is there a full screen option? I'm getting lots of stutters, and it might be because of windowed mode.
Great overall. I love the hub and the shop giving you an incentive to find the secrets.
Which button executes glory kills?
-It's obvious what it's supposed to be if you've ever played a game before, but the "ESC" on the controls explanation is completely unintelligible.
-It doesn't tell you what the interact button is.
-I don't like the way the skeletons seemingly randomly change to their attack sprite and start doing contact damage. Enemy behavior should be mostly predictable. Maybe decrease their normal movement speed and add a short wind-up before they lunge at you to separate their idle and attack states more clearly.
-Enemies in general don't pose much of a threat apart from their erratic movement and lack of movement noises making it hard to keep track of them.
-Needs straferunning.
-The first Pacman level is way too easy, while the second one has so many enemies you literally can't move.
-The hitscan enemies should have more noticeable aggro and attack sounds. You need to be able to localize them by sound alone so you can take cover.
-The silent ghosts in the crypts are just cheap. The other nearly-invisible ghosts were enough.
-Games shouldn't have dead ends with nothing in them.
-It's really easy to get lost (and not in a good way) with the lack of landmarks.
-Gave up on Garden Shuffle after failing to find the yellow key after combing through the level several times.
-It took me ages to find the skeleton closet in River Rumble. I was stuck at 97 enemies humping every wall in the level. Was starting to think it was a bug.
-There's no reason to ever use anything but the shotgun other than running out of ammo. Shooters should incentivize to to use different weapons in different situations organically. Look at Serious Sam for a perfect example.
-Map screen should show level names.
-The bush enemies are too quiet.
-Those robed enemies in the graveyard are way more engaging to fight than the rest.
-Those girl enemies in the swamp are bullshit. You need to give the player time to react to that kind of thing.
-Right Enter doesn't work.
Played up until Midnight Grove.
Thanks for the feedback!
There's actually no interact button. Switches and secret walls are activated either by running into them, or hitting them.
Garden Shuffle is actually procedurally generated. The red and yellow keys with both spawn in their own hedge maze area, opposite to the red/yellow door respectively. But I'll agree I should probably mark them on the map.
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