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A member registered Apr 05, 2015 · View creator page →

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Hello, I'm a decent programmer. I can use Godot, Unity .Unreal, Gamemaker etc. 

I currently have no concept for a game but glad to work with you

Thanks for the feedback

Thanks for the feedback, will fix.

Yep, thats definitely a issue, I had no idea where the game was going so the knives and gore were added as a last minute thing to "save" the game and make it at least entertaining and compensate for lack of any direction.

At first the knifes were supposed to be traveling slow using my own coded movement system but although more gameplay wise sound it didn't look as cool so I went to a physics one as it was slightly less buggy and looked cooler when for example they would throw a knife above themselves. 

I contemplated having knives deal damage only once but that was in like the last 4 hours of the jam where I was done after a solid 15 hours straight of working on it so I was kind of done at that point.

But yea in the end the philosophy on the 3rd day was along the lines of " Fuck it, make shit explode it'll be fine" 

The player throwing was quite literally stitched together after I made the main menu and realized the game still was missing something, adding a crappy knife throwing mechanic that made enemies xplode would help that I thought. And yes the angle was a result of the knife physics messing up as I was forcing it to go on the x axis and yet it was still being affected by the y.

This isn't me giving excuses, those are genuine issues with the game, some can be fixed the day voting ends but the fundamental knife throwing thing would need to be redone from scratch.

Yes, biggest problem is the complete meham and randomness of the knives, as they bounce around and do random damage to everyone.

Thank you for detailed feedback on the game.

Great art, but for the game, I'm left confused but intrigued. Everything happens way too quickly

Metal as fuck

Few really annoying things , 1 ) and the genuine biggest thing stopping me from playing your game after the 1st room is the fucking platforming, the movement is great for combat you launch around everywhere and stuff, but for platforming it's just so incredibly frustrating.  I refuse to go through awful platforming to play the rest of what actually seems like a fun game, and that's all that matters in a game jam is a fun game, more then polish or ideas.

Frames just actually died on me, like I have a beast setup and the game was dropping frames(I can live with that), the audio is a bit broken, the game plays tracks abruptly, I'd just keep the metal music all through-out tbh.

remove platforming and pointless chests/10

If the player was more in the centre you wouldn't be able to see all the enemies behind you kill themselves and xplode, literally the only reason camera is so far back, and also the fact that the world generates only 1 tile in front of you, a easy fix but still would have taken time to generate the world 4-5 tiles ahead. 

And yea, ears are overrated 

Art wise it's probably one of the better games submitted but I can't really say it's fun, the enemies don't do anything , there is no impact on you or them getting hit, little difficulty.

The flashlight battery thing is a unnecessary addition, it doesn't mean anything ,it doesn't scare away the mold or do anything except drain really fast and be a annoyance.  

Pretty game, polished game but I can't say I had fun.

Compared to most games submitted it has a lot of content and features but the swinging I found unreliable and often frustrating , it suffers from a lack of polish which is understandable. Although there is a lot I think it's just too much stuff to make a fun game in 3 days. 

Building was cool, I just minecraft my way through the lava, finding your way can be a bit hard too.

There is nothing here that couldn't be fixed with a few more days of dev time.

Thank you for your feedback, after the voting is over I'll be doing minor things like limiting the amount of screams that can play at once etc.

Thank you, after the voting is over I hope to fix all that and add a main menu to wrap things up.

I have no idea what's going on - and I don't want to, I just know I want more

The game left me lost, I don't know what was happening, nothing was explained.  I didn't know what to do and I had no reason to want to do anything.

Well polished , doesn't really go out of bounds to do anything special or very interesting, in what it does it does well. Character controller is a bit stilted, with this awkward situation of not knowing whether your half a inch in the range of arrow fire or spikes.

It's great, combat is as good as melee 3d combat at this stage in development can be, altough I really wouldn't call it fun, attacks lack punch or any satisfaction. 

I love the low poly broken tile floor, it shows potential for a detailed low poly environment that could be brilliant but I really am not a fan of the character models.

I found 1 bug.

When you pause the game and return to the main menu and start the game again the main menu stays on the screen forcing you to restart the game.

Brilliant and fun game. Had a princess duplicate on me, except that it's perfection tbh.