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A member registered Jul 03, 2014 · View creator page →

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The single penguin joke retold throughout is hilarious

I laughed

Well, clown about that!

So wonderful!

I adore the art & writing, and of course the dapper frog gent :)

The little recipe rhymes are so good.

Please make the wind chimes ring when you run past them! I think that would be cute.

So so good!

Sorry, this was just a really quick sketch I made in a few hours.. It's not very functional :D

Thank you!

XR wise- I'm not the most informed but I've had a lot of fun exploring VR Chat on private servers with friends

Non XR-

HORIZON which I developed for the Guggenheim museum

A bunch of wonderful LIKELIKE-likes, 2d web based MMOs, ours is called the Biome Gallery

One of the first spaces we explored together was Red Desert Render, which was super inspiring in terms of multiplayer movement and discovery

Our friends over at Sickhouse / The Overkill are always exploring these kinds of spaces live on stream, with audience participation - check out their "Exploration Mode" series for tonnes of great recommendations

We were hanging out in v buckenham & Viviane Schwarz's Frog Pond last night

There are probably loads more but that's just off the top of my head, hope it helps!

You can use the mouse wheel to zoom the camera in and out! Perhaps that's the issue?

Such a cool concept!! So excited for the full release.

Thank you!! Ambitious is the right word haha

Thank you so much!

Thank you! :)

Thanks for the kind words!! I definitely understand what you're saying, those boats went in during my last few hours before submission lol. One of the problems with the reset is considering multiplayer, but I probably should have focused more on a single user's experience. The level goals were definitely a lack of time thing too haha, the heli-cockpits were meant to be more constrained and the mechs were designed to consume fuel originally too!

Hahahaha thanks!

Thank you Luke! <3

I had so much fun with this jam so well done again :D

Thank you so much! :D

Thanks for the kind words!

Thank you robin!!!! :')

Thank you tom!!! <3

The zooming wasn't supposed to be secret lol I forgot another control instruction :D


Thanks! I'm quite happy with the body swapping stuff. I definitely wanted it to be more challenging puzzle co-op stuff but way overscoped for a two week jam haha :D

Thanks :) The aesthetics were a big focus so I'm glad you enjoyed them!!

Thank you!

Thank you so much :D

Been looking forward to this one after seeing all your development in the discord! Great atmosphere from the outset. The grapple hook is so fun and so intuitive! Feels great to use. The sound effects are really good too. I could see it extended with different enemy types, the option to try and manage more ore collectors at once (risk vs reward) and player upgrades to buy.

Really great work though! Awesome.

Super stylish transitions. Awesome characterful portraits lol.

I love your in story tutorial. Greed was my favourite.

Such a lovely story and so well polished, amazing work!

The whole thing oozes style! Love the main menu to start off with. Really great little storyline and fun base defense gameplay. The shots feel very impactful and the hit indicators on enemies look great too.

Fantastic work! I hope you'll keep working on it :)

Cool tower defense game :) I like the little animation of each unity falling to the earth when placed lol. What you have so far is fun and well made, hopefully you can continue with it!

Great work

Thank you! Co-op puzzler was definitely the original design, with each player having different traversal tools and helping each other out a lot so I'm glad that still came through :)

Thank you for the kind words!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you were able to progress in the end

I added some further instructions about landing on the mech heads :)

Really cool menu! Lovely music. Great ship arriving effect too, the overall aesthetic is great. Lots of cool camera animations too!

I found the easiest way to win was to completely ignore the enemies and speed run destroying the turrets/enemy mothership while dodging a lot :D

Fun! Great work!

Cool immersive cockpit view! Lots of great effects and very satisfying to explode all those little people :D Love the in-world UI too!

Great work

Beautiful menu. Really cool gameplay, I love all the little animation effects too. Very polished, though I would love a version with sounds/music. I really like that you can reset your turn - great for trying out all the features.

Fantastic work, well done!

Incredible! Super stylish with great art & music. And really polished boss rush gameplay too.

Amazing work, well done!

Yes it works now! Thanks, I had fun now that I can play without lag :D And my original comment stands about how awesome your aesthetic is

Great work!

Thanks so much for the kind words! That challenge is definitely in the spirit of the original design, I like it :)

I'm looking forward to playing yours too! Just slowly making my way through these many awesome games :D

Stylish transitions! Great music. I like the mobility of the pilot compared to the mech. I love the giant bullets too. I couldn't seem to damage the drillbot but I had fun running around fighting things!

Great work

No need to apologise! I also had to rush my entry lol, and yours felt very polished and a great success overall as I say :)

This is really cool! Especially for your first game, wow. I love the menu customisation idea. Level 1 felt a bit like I was learning a speedrun route at first lol, trying to find a way to survive and make it to health packs. But once I learned it and progressed further it was really rewarding to upgrade the mech and then zoom out to kill everything.

Really fun. Great job!

Love the mech design + aesthetic! The controls add to the feeling of piloting this giant unwieldly thing, I like it! I appreciate that even without a minimap/radar you can find the fires by smoke and sound

Great job!