Thank you! Look forward to checking it out :)
Recent community posts
Tried this, thought it was cute but ran into some rough bugs in the third(?) room after getting statuewife back (the one after the lowest pictured one).
Got to the bottom of the ladder and could not put the statue down, walked off the edge to respawn and did so still holding the statue and having a second one back in the normal spawn location. Picking the second one up let me seem to put both down but I think I was still holding an invisible one as I could not walk through either "gap" on the right side and I was entering the upper door while pressing down on the floor below it. Fortunately closing the program and re-opening it reset things.
Thank you for this, finally went to get around to this game (giant charity bundles take ages to make one's way through) and was saddened to see the original was no longer available, at least with this I had a chance to see what the base game was like even if the more social aspects are no longer in play.
This was very neat, honestly better than I expected. Dug the mechanic, the droning music set the mood, my only criticism is having the only left hand keys in use being Z and R was rather uncomfortable after a while; my hand is still aching a bit from having been stretched out like that for that long.
No problem, I wish you the best with your future games! I just want to restate (since my post was focused a bit on the negatives re: the guns) that I generally had a good time on the stages where they weren't featured/weren't a huge issue, if said stages were their own separate game I'd give it a very comfortable thumbs up so I'd say most of what was included was done well and you should be proud of it... just, you know, some parts weren't and as you said, that's a learning experience. Cheers!
Got this in the Palestinian Relief Bundle (thanks for supporting that BTW with your game), looked like something I might enjoy so I gave it a shot and... I enjoyed it until I did not? Basic idea is good, I generally enjoy these precision-esque platformers, the first dozen or so levels ramp up well and... then it starts leaning on the guns.
The guns starts alright but become an issue the more they are leaned on as they've got problems. The biggest is that the bullets are very tiny and hard to see, and while the line shows where they will fire said line follows you continuously which does not help with visibility. This is magnified by the timing of the guns not resetting when you die, which throws of the timing of each run you make. There are two levels which are just a mess because of this (I believe both are in the 20s and force you to take an S shaped path through the stage, the latter also has a giant saw blade). I got through all of Celeste and Golden God in Super Meat Boy so I can deal with harsh, this is just annoying due to being borderline mechanically busted. I needed to take break after failing for like the 70th time on that second noted stage, saw I'd have to continue from the prior safe room (and do that prior S path room that legit took me 30-40 minutes and hundreds of attempts) and just uninstalled instead.
Obviously this game is complete and I dug the first half, I just mention this as if you revisit this type of game again this element had severe issues and IMO kinda tanked things.
I work on the concept that whatever future lesser known indie games I look forward to will eventually end up not coming out in whatever the current year is (which is generally true for about 80% of them in a given year it seems) so I salute you for embracing this fully, eventually you will be one of the 20% to prove me wrong :)
So this is a very clever game but ultimately too much for me, for the record 15 is where I called it. I looked up a hint and instead stumbled upon the solution (skipping ahead in youtube vids is dangerous) which was at least good for getting the puzzle out of my head as I was barking way up the wrong tree.
Coincidentally just happened to finish level 10 myself before clicking that notification bell and yes, it is solvable. Elsewhere (I think on twitter) the dev mentioned itch having the most up to date version (as of a year or so ago) so while the layouts might be different as you get further in they should be the most current ones.
FWIW I do want to say that I think it is still a decent puzzler, just one that some will want to check out of at some point due to said difficulty spikes. I managed to finish the rest of the full 40 today and I would say that the difficulty level in the final ten or so stages was more manageable, having to trigger a block disappearing as opposed to it alternating each turn may simply be easier to grasp. Anyways was glad to give it a shot, not sure I saw a game use that kind of "count down & disappear" mechanic in this context before so credit for showing me something new, best of luck with whatever you get to next.
This is a neat concept and I like some of the mechanical twists that are later added in but I have to agree with another of the comments here, the difficulty level is through the roof at times. I'm currently on puzzle 27 and have been for a bit (edit: got to 28) but the final puzzles for each mechanic have almost universally been a bit harsher than is likely necessary. TBF I think the "count down & disappear" mechanic may just make it too difficult to visualize far enough ahead IMO.
Decent autorunner here at the start, it starts to lean a bit cheap as it gets further in (reminds me a bit of IWBTG at times). I got as far as level 40 at which point it felt like I'd have to basically memorize way too much to complete it, I see that it ramps back down a bit for stage 41 but I think I'm just gonna abandon it at this point. At a certain point even for me, someone who is generally a fan of harder games, things just cross over to more annoying than they are worth.
Anyways I think the first half or so of the game is pretty okay, probably worth the buck just for that.
Yeah some of the optional and later in each world puzzles had some very neat interplays between all the elements that made me have to step back and work out the logistics of how it'd all eventually work out. Near the end in particular there was one where you had to lure out the pogostick looking things through electrical barriers and then send them off to power up those tiles that need charges, but it also powers up lasers when they do so that was both rather clever and close to driving me nuts for a bit :)
There was one... well not criticism but something I wanted to point out that I forgot to last time, and that is that I didn't realize it noted the world number in the bottom corner of the screen when in them until I was through five of them (I think they pop up on a delay?). This was how I learned that the second to last world I played through was #3 so I'm not sure if Limiter was designed with nonlinear play in mind but one can accidentally manage to do so fairly well :P
Finished up the full game and it is definitely neat. I'd basically describe it as a pathfinding puzzle game (i.e. one has to find the right path through the obstacles to activate and reach the exit) where the default "move two spaces at a time" deal sort of breaks the stages up into "on" beat and "off" beat tiles (it's not musical but that's the best way I can describe it) that one has to switch between to activate everything while avoiding the various obstacles and such that get added over the course of the game.
I'd say it is a bit longer than it probably needs to be, but I also played every puzzle in a given world even though it isn't necessary so I'm at least partly to blame for that. Still overall I'd have to say it is rather well done.
Game seems like it has potential but the version uploaded to itch only has data for the first two chapters, stepping onto the overworld icon for the third drops you into an endless void and when I check the folder contents there is no data for anything beyond those chapters. It is also only 30mb, compared to the 89 mb the steam version is listed as (which is the same price as here and also lists 7 chapters).
Finished this up tonight, pretty solid experience but there were a couple of late game bits I am unsure I handled correctly?
First was the high-tech "create the right symbol" puzzle. I tried to solve it for a long time via figuring out how the various colored rugs matched up with said orbs but could never figure it out. I walked away, looked at the "read me" tumblr thing and finally figured out what it was actually saying and saw three symbols on a book page that ended up being the correct ones.
Second was the end game "write his name" bit, I screenshotted all sorts of names I came across in the game and tried all the ones that were six letters or less, none worked. Went back to the tumblr and on the screenshot next to the one with the symbols I saw a name that fit, typed it in and it worked.
I am curious if these were the intended way to solve these puzzles or if they were put there as basically a "if you get stuck look here" alternate way to get the answers? There were a couple things I never sorted out, mainly the four metal things to place on the pillar in that shed, the other two warp pads by my jail cell, also that key or whatnot north of the shed in the woods across the gap, so it is very possible I accidentally backdoored the whole thing.
Very neat puzzle game, I saw it described as a mix of BoxBoy and Snakebird and I think that is a fair quick summary. Intended to give it a quick peak and aside from a break for dinner I pretty much played it straight through and made sure to go back and find the "extra" things.
The one thing I will note is that for whatever reason it taxes my PC a good bit to run it, I can literally hear my desktop "speed up" and run loud whenever the game browser window is up and loaded. Perhaps there is more complicated stuff going on in the background but it does not appear to be a game that should be that taxing.
I tried running this on a Windows 7 PC and either I have no clue how to get it to start or it doesn't appear to work? If I hit new game I end up floating in the middle of the screen with all the instructional text with no ability to move left or right or rotate the screen, and going to the menu repeatedly to select either new or continue does nothing to fix it (although each options spawns my character in a slightly different screen position). I'm including a screenshot in case it clarifies anything but I think this might be a no go sadly.
I mean, the guy who made the other game is a fairly well known game designer in his space who based on everything doesn't seem the sort to do something like that (also some of his other games are on this site and he answers posts about them under a different name) so pretty sure he isn't the one here complaining about the name.
That said there are multiple instances of multiple games having the exact same name on itch alone so it's not really much of a deal at all.
Okay here is the output file, which I believe is what you wanted for the crash file:
And here is my systeminfo data:
I redownloaded the game and gave the updated version a shot. Unfortunately this still seems to be happening, although it is happening slower now? I initially thought was fixed but the game eventually crashed on the last level in the first section (1-10 I believe). Gave it a second shot continuing from there and got to 2-2 or so before it started becoming stuttered again and I checked and saw that the memory use was pretty high once more. I ran it in a window and the second time with post-processing off if that helps in any way.
So does anyone have a tip for the stage 9 boss? I've probably put a good 60-90 minutes into it alone so far (which means I've probably played stage 9 as long as the rest of the game combined) and I don't think I'm all that close to beating it at all. I don't know if I'm just missing something obvious or if it is just a random major difficulty spike, and unfortunately the only playthrough of the game I can find is of a version of the game that existed before said boss existed (lucky guy) so I'm flying pretty blind.
I get using the big lasers to try and hit the boss for me, but they don't do that much damage and 90-95% of the battle there is no other way to damage it. I made it to what feels like an ending section of this battle a few times but being forced to move that slow with both giant lasers on each side just butchers me.
I've dug the game so far but I fear I might have to give it up.
EDIT: I did eventually get past this boss (took a bit over another thirty minutes), I'm not sure what happened as it died when I was looking elsewhere on the screen dodging something else. Loading everything so that I could fire as many shots as possible during the brief windows it was vulnerable is what I think made a difference, in case anyone else gets stuck here.
Been playing this the last couple days, it is rather good although this (what I presume is the) final puzzle is kicking my teeth in so far, put probably 90+ minutes into it today and still can't crack it. Hated to have to give up all progress and start said puzzle over later but my brain was properly fried by that point.
I'm writing just to point out one bug, every so often the game basically lags and slows down to basically a standstill for 10-15 seconds before resuming running in the normal fashion. I haven't noticed anything specific that triggers it and it isn't particularly often.
EDIT: Okay I managed to take down that final puzzle, it definitely is a beast. It is a fair puzzle (good one too) but in a fuller game I would recommend having another "ramping up" puzzle or two before it or one like it as it is a bit of a steep increase in what the game asks of you compared to what came before, an extra late game puzzle or two wouldn't make it easier but would perhaps smooth the difficulty curve out a bit so it is less of a sudden jump.