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A member registered Sep 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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fun, simple, and the "how to play" instruction work. what else could you ask for?

laughed out loud on that one gotta admit. Yeah its bugged.

The visuals are amazing! I like this style very much.
Im not sure how hard it is to make games in 3D but it looks like you put lots of work in it!

Playformar mechanics are really solid, I would like it if there was a save point every now and them.

I like it! I also did a similar theme but you executed it so much better. I really enjoyed testing how long I can last, the mechanics are quite fun.

The map is so huge. I wondor how much work it takes to make it.
I found few points, then wondored off, saw the sunset and went towards in until I fell off the map

I was a bit scared at the started that there are going to be jump scares. Game has very 'the witness' feel. I went around, could find 4 pages, but no clues, toke photos but it didnt seem to do anything.

did you make your art yourself? it looks cute and fitting together well, better then I could pull out myself.
I noticed you didnt have sound in the game, if you want some basic SFX for jumping and walking hit me up for your next project or jam (;
Well done on completing a game in such short time :D

omg the black outline... in asprite there was no default black color on the palette. only 3 days ago I noticed that, during the gem I wasnt aware.
The blue and red should have been gray and black (red and blue shouldn't have been in the game anyway)... that was a detail I wanted to change but missed.
Im so impressed you found out about that line because I knew *something* was bothering me about sprites I were making and couldnt understand what.

I live so many things about this entry!
Its extremely well done, seems like a finished product with all the features (menu, settings, pause, polish).
Game feels very fast (by its nature) but I like the idea and I like how you brought up to it (at start game feels kinda slow and then you kick in and zoom through the stars.
Well done this is amazing entry!

thanks a lot, Im so happy you tried it!

Funny theme and setting!
I like how all is written in a playful way (like when you lose "you are fired" and when you get hit you get messages like "you dont like this job do you?").
I found out that the most effective way was to spam the shot button otherwise i would get crushed by something in front of me
You seem to be the sole auther so I believe you made all the assets yourself? very impressive!

its fun :D
the idea to splash in the water is really nice and I like it.
game definetly feels gameboy-y in all aspects.
dont see how it relates to space though. I assume because its a space ship that fights aliens? having a different setting would enforce that (like death star in the background instead of sea and clouds).
execution is well done though.
what tools did you use in making this game?

There was a technical difficulty, had to re-upload the game again, the game download is here -

woah, a game that is created with SDL, I can really respect that.

anyway, it didn't run on my debian machine. got an "error while loading shared libraries" message. Tried to find a fix and followed few threads (such as and it didnt fix it.

shame because I really wanted to try this one, hope to see a windows release after re-uploads become possible again!

this one does not work for me /:

this man is freaking out of control!


also waiting

Oh I played it, didnt realize it was submited for the GB jam. What engine did you use to make this btw?

My situation could have been worse... people can still play and rate the game. but it isn't listed in the "help rate submissions" list so it will probably go unnoticed by most.

(1 edit)

at first I thought it was going to be similar to binding of isac, then it turned out to be side scroller platformer too.
In level 1 there was a blocked passage I couldnt cross.
In level 2 I came to the boss but he was too difficult.

I also didnt understand how this relates to space. because we play as stars, and stars are out in space? this is the only connection I could find, but if thats the case why arent more stuff space related? seems like only few characters are. and it feels kinda forced even for that (stars trying to save the world from ending? what?)

one 5 MB executable file with an icon? Interesting, already seems quite different then most submissions.
What engine and tools did you use to create this?

But why stick to unity after they tried to do something like that? It sounds to me like they gave everyone a good reason to leave that product behind.

I uploaded and toke it down by mistake right after /:

Im so sad for my mistake.

listen man this game is hard... got to cheat-A and gave it like 10 attempts. couldnt get past it, its like Ninja Gaiden the NES.
The game is good and very game-boy or 8-bit-y. There is a lot of details even in small stuff like menues and credits scenes. You made real good use of scenes. I give you very good score

The production value on this is amazing! very high quality of sound, visuals and game design itself,
I rate this very highly.

btw thanks for help in discord and gl

There was a technical difficulty, had to re-upload the game again, the game download is here -

The game was nice, feels a bit repetitive. Its nice you got a product out, it sure is harder then imagined :D
You got music, menu screen, you followed the theme and rules so well done on that!

I really enjoyed the level, I left a detailed comment in the game page, so far this is very good level from the jam!

From the get go this is very well put together.
There is cool animation in the start screen, nice music, an options menu!

art style is minimalistic and its cool to see you went with something that fit the game and the scope (and not, lets say use assets that would feel like they dont belong to that kind of game).

One particular level was hard and I kinda brute forced. I got to the final question, wanted to go to the "yes" goal but then stopped and jumped to the "no" to see what happens instead. very cool ending and I loved how there is meaningful player choice :)

I assume you are into 'game design' since your game feels kinda meaningful and designed in a smart way.

Knowing you made the music and art yourself is also very admirable.

What tools did you use?

well I dont say it *needs* a menu, it is a bit strong. You made a remarkable product in just a week, I was not trying to get down on you.
My goal was to maybe set a point for something to work on next, to point out where you can improve and what is noticeable the most for someone who tries the game from the outside (since as a developer many times its hard to see our own product).
As I said, I dont understand in 3D, but many 3D games give me this motion sickness (some more some less). Team fortres and Halo for example... so maybe im only small portion of people.

i get an error message after the unity load

initial thought -There was a text dumb (you acknowledged it). was surprised of 3D (I never done 3D before and you have courage to do 3D as beginner). cool idea that you have a 'limited space' of abilities. I found sprint and jump. also found 1 ability in starting area (you probably need the jump to get it) and one more after the red brideg that appears after you get the sprint ability. I got motion sickness and couldn't play after 10 minutes.
I would also add escape menu or a way to quit the game after you done instead of using alt-f4

Initial thoughts - I checked your user page and saw some stuff related to viruses. I was afraid that this would be malware. after starting the game and seeing it mentions viruses as well I was also afraid.
movement/gameplay - I didnt understand at first what I was looking at. I see mouse and two buttons labed '1' and '2' with icon of mouse and box. I pressed keyboard buttons and nothing happened, then mouse started moving. I lost and didnt understand what.
After few more times I started understanding - I can move the view with my mouse. I seem to only see part of the 'real user' screen. The real user tries to download stuff and I need to stop him(?). I collect energy balls by hovering *my* mouse over them. with 3 energy I can block the user mouse from moving in a certain area, and with 8 energy I dont understand what I can do.
Its a confusing.
The green bar suppose to show how much free space (and hence the theme) the user has and when it runs out we lose. btw - I lost many times before I even had half of the bar gone. seems like a bug.
Also - I would add a quick/intuitive way to exit. The game is not windowed and ESC doesnt seem to work so only way to quit the game is Alt+F4.
Visuals - the visuals quite simplistic. its mainly boxes and texts, and also the mouse. The start screen is special though and has some style. good that you added a start screen.
Music - There is a track, it's nice that you added sound and its definitely not self explanatory. I give extra points for that.

(1 edit)

Im really happy to hear people tried it out, let alone leave a comment. Thank you!
thank you for pointing out the flaws, I was kind of aware of some of the things. as to the theme - I hoped to make more confined levels, like you would have limited space to move, but got many issues and bugs and couldn't work around them so I decided to release it as is.

cool mechanics, the game works well.
I didnt understand how to use the pushers.
art is well done too if you made it.

hard game /:
you die really fast after the lights start flashing, sometimes I die even after I manage to switch tabs.

I get that you can get the number in the homework high or low with left and right arrows but once I want to submit the answer how do I do it?

I got an error message saying I need "Cross Origin Isolation" and "SharedArrayBuffer". I cant run it.

Using firefox btw

(1 edit)

"The game has the collision a little bit strange, but I couldn´t fix it, sorry." I know that feeling lol. Collision detection and handling is confusing.

- it toke a long time for the game to load for me. I believe it was loading for 15 minutes in the background then music started and reminded me.
- music and sound in the game is good. Its not overwhelming and done well.
- follows the idea pretty well, indeed space is limited
- there is some lack of signs that you are about to die.
- I did have a lot of bugs regarding collision detection, even going throw walls.

Anyway its very nice submission good job on submiting