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A member registered Nov 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Amazing idea, I think this idea of yours has a lot of potential. trashing items really took a very long time, so I just stick to using small weapons that could fit anywhere and had no problems with inventory management afterwards. I think the weapons attack speed needs to have a pattern to them. I think that the same weapons having very different attack speeds was just weird, maybe it's because of those weapons' prefixes, but I didn't even paid much attention to prefixes anyway, the texts were just too small, and I couldn't pause the game to read them, so I just look at elements and damage and that was enough to take me to the ending.

Stacking rings was very overpowered, I think the character could have slots for equipment instead of the backpack, or maybe even both, that could make the player get items such as armors, shields and stuff like that. This would give the player around 2 slots for rings, which would make stacking them impossible (I had like 3 1x2 weapons, one of each element, and then the rest were just defense and attack rings, I took almost no damage at all).

I also encountered a problem with the character passing through enemies, I have no idea what caused it.

Very cool idea, congrats!

(1 edit)

Amazing work, very good job on the game, it was very polished overall and very fun to play.

The controls and platforming were a bit weird at first, but once I got the hang of it, and specially after the upgrades, it felt very fluid and fun to spin and jump around. I encountered an issue with the character's sprite. When you unlock the powerup to walk on walls, if you walk on the ceiling, your sprite gets inverted, so when you get back on the ground, your sprite is flipped to the wrong side, I fixed this by walking on the ceiling again.

I got stuck while spinning very fast and jumping when I got inside a hole in the wall. My character got stuck in a falling (and rolling) animation. Thankfully I was close to the checkpoint so I just reset to the nearest checkpoint.

The music was also really bugged, like it was lagging or something, but on the whole you game was pretty good to play through, and the art was very nice and the use of the palette gave it a very nice aesthetic. Congrats!

Good work on the game.

Here's some problems that I found:

I think it's because of how you implemented the double jump feature, but when I jump and press space without double jump on, the character would freeze in the air for a couple frames, like he had 0 gravity applied. This also happened whenever I attacked in the air.

I could not use the dynamite. I don't know if it's not fully implemented yet, but I pressed every button on the mouse and keyboard and no dynamite were thrown.

Overall this is a very nice first project, congrats. Keep on the grind!

Nice job on the game, it was in spanish tough (luckily i'm brazillian, so I could understand about 30% of what was written...). The tutorial texts kept appearing every time I entered the workshop or the farm, also I couldn't use anything on the workshop, and the upgrades at the center could be bought even when I had no points, and could keep buying them, so you can expect I own you a lot of points,,, The sprite of the character didn't flip horizontally when I walked to the left, so he kept moon walking whenever I moved to the left. Unfortunately I couldn't progress much further into the game, mainly because it's in spanish, but also because the tutorial texts kept annoying me. But I could see where you guys were going with the game, and I'm sure it would be an amazing game, so congrats!

Amazing job on this game, the combat was really fluid, the art was very charming and overall pretty fun to play. The only problem I encountered was that the smoke of your shots would hide enemy projectiles, so I had to dodge on instinct, so the jump mechanic was a nice addition. Very good job on the game!

Glad I could help, good job on the game!

Amazing work on this game, the animations were very good, the art was very charming and the Pokémon-like combat was also very well executed (though I thought the team battles would be the Pokémon's double battles). The only problems I encountered were that the chests I collected would not reset on game-over, and that if you don't farm on the area you spawn in for a couple levels, the game gets really difficult once you exit the spawn area, the enemies would be level 2-3 and you level 1. Really great work on the game, congrats!

Again, congrats on the game, it was really fun.

About the clicking issue, I think you could basically make it nonexistent by having less plots of land to actually plant on at the beginning. You click a lot to plant on all of them, and then a lot to process all of the wheat (around 1.7k ish) into every processes, and then click a lot to sell them. If the player had less plots at the beginning, but could upgrade the amount he has later, when he already had upgrades to help him with clicking (maybe even with the tractor you wanted to have), it could potentially erase the issue. But just making he hold the button to do the processes would also be a way to fix it, tough the former is way more fun in my opinion, or you could just have both as well.

Very nice job on the game, the idea is pretty interesting, congrats. But here's some problems I encountered: First the enemies would take around a second to update to their death state, that means when you kill them, they continue to walk, often do damage to the base, and then die, that made them do free damage to the base even tough they were dead already. Second, often I would encounter a turret fire rate upgrade, or turret damage upgrade but I had no turrets at the time, sometimes they took all the upgrade slots, wich means I got 0 effective upgrades for that level. They could appear once you actually have a turret. I really missed a visual representation of the bullets, even just a trail would make it far more satisfying to shoot the enemies.

Hey, nice work on your game, it hooked me for a while, by making me reach for a higher score. At first I thought the upgrades were saws I had to evade, but later I figured it out. It got really fast, is there a speed cap? The game could be very unplayable depending on the rate of spawn of the dynamites and on the player's speed, this partially happened to me when I was around the 7k score mark, it was really difficult to see the dynamites on the black background with that speed. the colors just kinda blended together. Maybe you could add a default jump height the character would reach with just the press of the button, and then if he held it longer, he would jump higher, instead of binding the amount he can jump directly to how much the player pressed the button.

(1 edit)

Really loved your game, the concept is really cool, but I think it could really use some downtime for the player to upgrade and heal properly. The enemies are also very good, and I like that there is a type that won't fight you, and just rush to the computer, making you focus on that one while dodging the others. I also had a difficult time to find how many cash I had on the first time, I wasn't expecting it to be on the wall. Congrats on the game!

Hey, good job on the game, it's a very interesting concept, maybe i'll have a try with it later, now here's some tips: You really need to polish the platforming controls, on a platformer, this is the most essential thing to get right, as soon as you can. A bad platformer controller (not really your case, yours was more of a polish one) can get pretty frustrating and make the players not want to play your game, it really misses features like coyote time, input buffer and the like. Your collisions also need revision, I would often be bouncing around when colliding with the platforms, and this is not ideal in this case. My character also got stuck when I stomped on the cow, he just ran to a corner and stayed there, and since there is no reset day button, I couldn't finish the game. Maybe I died there, as I have not bought life upgrades ( I saw no reason to really, and it was just too expensive to grab my attention anyway, same with the coin value.), but the game could reset as well. Congrats on the game, and I really hope you fix those issues, i'm certain this could be an even better game!

Very good job on the game, I just miss a water refill upgrade, it refills very slowly, and a lot of enemies spawn the longer I played the game, so more water would be nice. Maybe the capacity upgrade does it? But I saw no difference in the actual gameplay.

Awesome work on your game, it's very relaxing and pretty fun to play through, but TOO.MUCH.CLICKING! You could make it so that you just needed to hold the mouse button to do stuff, but at the current stage you have to click A LOT to do so, thankfully your game worked fine with my pen tablet or else I would be having a nasty carpal tunnel right now...

So, great idea, but the game was very hard, there were a lot of enemies, and they would not die easily, just reducing the spawns of enemies at the beginning, and spawning more, the more the player has upgrades would help a lot. And the shield was pretty much useless, I couldn't block nothing with it. The enemies were also much faster than the player, this becomes an issue when that is, in theory, the weakest enemy of your game. Escaping them was pretty much impossible, they would just box you and beat you to death, the player should be able to be even, or even higher in strength compared to the first enemies he encounters, even Dark Souls does that until the player gets a hang of the controllers and things like that. The idea of upgrading your enemies alongside the player is okay in itself, the problem is when that happens with every upgrade he gets, it's like he's not leaving square one at all, like when you get a Health upgrade, but your enemies get a Damage upgrade, so basically it's a zero sum game, where nobody really gets anything at all.

Really liked the idea of the game, but unfortunately I couldn't finish the game. The problem was that at the stage you get the grappling arms, after you blow up your legs, if you hadn't know that you would need to use the hover belt, you would just get stuck near the exit, because you can't move afterwards, and there were no reset button to the game, at least not that I could find one. It would also be really good to have a better feedback to the player to what parts he has available, I get the top-right UI idea, but sometimes you need instant feedback, like in a middle of a jump for example, I think you could implement something similar on the game screen, that the player could see with his peripheral vision maybe, or any other idea really, like something similar to the UI on the top-tight, but around the cursor, for example (maybe this is better, and easier to implement than the former).

I really liked your game, and it's idea. Congrats on the game!

The idea was pretty good, unfortunately it doesn't spawn any enemies, I could place the towers, and upgrade them, but no enemies would ever come, really a shame, I love tower defenses. From what I could gather, The game has no music and sfx, and I also did not found a feedback to the player about the cost of the towers, and the cost of those upgrades, and the sprites didn't scale while in fullscreen.

Nice job on the game, but I have to say, I have no idea what just happened, there were no visual feedback to the player to what he does, the objects you could upgrade didn't change colors or sprites, to show that it indeed upgraded, the weapons didn't shoot anything, for the most part I didn't even know if it did really shoot, and the player also has no feedback to when he would won, when I won, I was really confused. And there is also no way for the player to reset the game, unless he reloads the web page. It also really lacks some music and sfx. The sprites were also very small, but the idea was pretty good, you just have to adress these issues and the game will be even better!

Nice job on the game, the character controls were super responsive, and it felt pretty good controlling it. The game could really use some sfx and music, and also some hazards or enemies that the player needs to evade.

Amazing work on your game, the art and the character were very charming.

The controls were pretty weird, I found them too random to be predicted, especially on the toasters, I would most of the time just be flung downwards instead of to one of the sides if I tried to lean in one direction. The camera also didn't help. If just a tiny bit of the bread boy passed through a hole, even if I didn't fall down yet, the camera would just move places, and stay there until I restarted.

The checkpoint system really helped, but if you want to go the Getting Over It's route, you'll unfortunately have to get rid of it. The game would fit perfectly on the genre, but it's your call if you want to go that route. Congrats on the game!

Thank you very much for playing, if I keep working on the game I'll surely make it very challenging and I'll make sure to make the art and the upgrades even better!

Thank you for playing, and I'll surely add that if I keep working on the game!

Pretty good concept and idea, it kept me hooked for a good while, unfortunately it got very repetitive, maybe you could make the player get different types of resources, and different upgrades to help him, like some drones and things like that. It reminded me A LOT of Dome Keeper, both have basically the same gameplay loop, mine for resources, get back to base, upgrade, and return, but on Dome Keeper's case you still need to defend your base, just like a tower defense, and I think you could go in that direction, or something similar with this game. Maybe you could defend your ship from space debris or asteroids, even aliens, you have a lot of options to choose from. The UI was Awesome, I loved it. I really liked you game!

(1 edit)

It started off pretty interesting, but then things got REALLY weird, were you under influence of some illicit substances while making this game, i'm not a cop, don't worry. The game was very interesting to play through, but it ended quite suddenly with that rolling cat thing ? It's even weirder when I type it out. Also what the f is a bimbo?

Good job on the game! It really misses some music and sfx though, and I found it pretty easy overall, just the fact that the player dies in one shot that's really weird, even on Touhou you have a life system in it, and that game is extremely hard. The color of the enemy bullets was very bad, they would almost blend with the background, they should have a color that the player can easily see, that's why most games have them being red, but good job on the whole.

I love clicker games, and yours was pretty ok overall. My biggest issue was the UI, the UI was pretty bad. I constantly had problems to find where everything was, and the positions of everything were just really weird. You could have just tried to copy cookie clicker's UI and you were all set. Other issue I had was with buying the machine upgrades. I had the required money to buy a higher tier, but I could not buy it until I had a certain number of the previous one, this isn't what 99% of the clicker games do, so it was pretty weird at first. Also that robbery thing was just unnecessary, I can imagine the player losing hours of grind to get later stage upgrades and just losing it all because of a random popup he can't control. If it happens after the first time, and can happen even on late-game it could cause some serious backlash from your players, be careful with those types of implementations. And the idea about converting bread to money just doesn't do it for me. It's an unnecessary extra step the player has to make, if the money would be used to something more exclusive, like buying specific upgrades that could only be bought with money, it would be alright, but converting it to buy simple upgrades is just a hassle on the whole.

Interesting game, but the player movement was very off, you slide on the platforms like walking on ice. The enemy shots would often pass through walls, and damage me, and the level design was pretty confusing, there were a stage where I had to look everywhere to find the exit. Excluding those issues, the game was very easy, and the bullets bouncing off walls helped a lot, if this wasn't intended, it would be a nice addition to the game, along with more levels, enemies and upgrades.

(1 edit)

The game was very interesting, the concept was pretty well though, but I had some problems with it, first the collisions of the duck with the walls was pretty bad, I often would get bounced of the wall if I didn't time the jump perfectly. Also the collisions of the dropped items would sometimes allow them to pass through collisions and get stuck on walls and the ground, this happened a lot, including with upgrades, wich would be an essential part of the playthrough. The game was also very easy, I could just pass through the enemies when they would attack me with no problems whatsoever, and since the duck doesn't have a health bar, dying was basically impossible, and the punishment for taking damage was also nonexistent. Also, using WASD to move your character but the arrow keys when on the menu is very unintuitive.

Hey, great job on the game, it has a slow start, but so do all idle games. it was pretty fun overall and I enjoyed it a lot, it was a good idle game.

Amazing work, your game was very fun to play through, though I barely used the upgrades at all, since the cost of towers was the same of the first tier of upgrades, and it would not increase no matter how many towers I had, I just spammed those towers, and won very easily. Also after wave 3 I think, the health bar of the enemies was empty, but they would still take 2-3 hits before dying, so I found that really weird. The graphics were amazing, hope you add more stages, towers and enemy types later!

Amazing job on the game, the graphics and music were very good, but the gameplay itself had a lot of problems. First you get too little i-frames after taking damage, that means the player will have a difficult time passing through all the enemies without getting hit, or dying. The most concerning problem is when you step on their heads you would often just be comboed to death with little to no counterplay against it, and since the level design had a lot of areas where you couldn't get past without taking some damage, or straight up dying at the beginning before you take the weapon, it could make the game frustrating to players unfamiliar to platformers. Also the level design was really confusing, and those signs wich are used only at the end of the game, kept distracting me, as I would follow them instinctively, only to waste time on the process.

I really like the idea of this game, it has a lot of potential for expanding. But I encountered some problems. First when I disable the tutorial, my character couldn't move anymore, it got stuck for some reason. This also happened with tutorial on, I would click play, pass all that text, and then I couldn't move as well. Second, when I lost and clicked the X button instead of OK, the game just stays frozen and I don't know if I missed it, but there were no pause button so I had to restart the browser tab itself. Also, the rightmost and leftmost enemies were very hard for the plane to hit, even with all max upgrades, they were the reason for all my losses, the plane would just bounce off the wall and not hit the planes when they got too small. (Also this is more my problem than anything but as always, I was pretty unlucky, I often got 4 to 5 back to back downgrades, and since they stay a lot of time on the ground, they would make me lose some upgrades if I didn't want to get them to get to the upgrade)

Other than that, I found the game pretty good, the character was very charming with his voice lines, and the sprites were very good as well. Congrats on the game!

Cool game, though I think I didn't had to sacrifice myself (late spoiler alert), I killed all the bread that spawned, there could have been an alternative ending. The game was pretty good overall, but here's some caveats: The rolling bread thingy was very fast at the beginning, I died about two times to them, but after I got familiar to them, the game was very easy afterwards. Some bread spawned outside the walls, thankfully your shots go through walls, or else I would be stuck on the game. The music was pretty repetitive for the entire game, and when I evolved to black bread, the music kinda broke like it was starting and stopping very quickly until I clicked to continue, then it stopped.

The game doesn't work, says it's missing a .pck file.

Is it just me or the spikes won't stop coming no matter what I do? I kill like 10 of them, and when I take 5 seconds off to refuel, I die to them, I basically have no time to refuel the gears. But an interesting project overall, just a tad too difficult.

Go for it man, it's a very good game and could be even greater. For the stab, maybe you could disable collisions once the stab is retreating, it's an option to consider if you can't find another one. Congrats on the game!

Well, it should be able to, unless the bread gives a headbutt to the ship, that thing can do some nasty damage.

You actually can have two problems with your character being heavy and if your map were more vertical, the first is that it would be a hassle to navigate, since you would have to jump a lot, and it would be pretty easy to mistime your jump because of that. The second one is that, if you fall, and your character being so fast while doing so, could cause the character to get stuck between collisions while the frame is updating, and constant collision check would have an impact on performance.

I realized you could hold the jump and jump higher, but some people might not, they might be new to platformers,  so it's good to inform them of that in the tutorial.

Like I said, the issue with you current attack speed is just that if you plan to add a fast enemy the player would have to time it VERY well, or just tank a hit, I actually thought it was pretty easy overall, I just had to stand still and smack the s*** out of the bosses and enemies, as the attack collider was very big, considering the animation. And YES that jump attack, I really missed it in the game. But I really enjoyed it a lot, it was very fun and I would love to see your game finished

Thank you for your time and your valuable feedback, it was 69/420!

Thank you for playing, and I'm glad you played for so long, and for your great feedback!

- Yes, i'll add more difficult enemies, bosses, and I'm planning to add that, or something on those lines, glad you liked the upgrades, I'll make sure to add some cool ones.

- The leveling system was based all around Vampire Survivors, it's the exact same values, I was testing to see if I would leave those values or make my own, but since I still don't have new enemies that drop more exp, I wasn't able to test it enough.

- Yeah, the Rocket Launcher has a lot of issues right now for some reason, and the heat-seeking feature is not in the released version because the game would crash if you killed the enemy it was targeting, and I couldn't fix it before the jam deadline.

- I actually planned to add more enemies and each of them would have a certain tier of exp they would drop upon defeat, but as the game currently only have one enemy, it only drops the lowest tier of exp, it should increase the amount it gives, based on how many minutes you played, else the game would be super grindy, but I'll remove that when I have more enemy types.

- Yep, I planned to have tons of enemy types, each with it's quirks and mechanics and even bosses, but as I'm new to Godot, I wasted a lot of time trying to implement things the way I would do in Unity, only to realize that it would not work on this engine, and couldn't add more enemies, but I enjoyed godot a lot overall.

- I haven't remembered to pause the game, but it really needs it.

- I'm currently planning on two options, the first would be a toggle on the options if the player would like auto-fire, or have auto-fire as an upgrade you get in the last level of an item. I still would like the player to have the option to shoot like in the old space shooters, but maybe I just need to add auto-fire and forget the manual inputs, will have to test it out later.

No please don't worry about it, I love critiques, it's what makes us grow on our abilities, I would be pleased if you offered more advice since i'm kinda new to making games. I also really love this genre, and it could be implemented in so many different ways, it's very exciting.

Thank you very much, and sorry for the long wall of text, I just love discussing about games.