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Hot Shack

A member registered Sep 22, 2018 · View creator page →

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I dont know why but the items were stretched for some reason 
Also for the field of view the torches were like placed in a way where i cant upgrade the field of view without showing the whole map soo 

Thanks for playing my game man :)

If I show you the collision box you'll see that the character 's collision box is Barely under the door's collision box which made it impossible to finish
The thing is you took the first aid kit on the room on the top right you'll be able to save the doggo but if you didn't you actually get the bad ending because it dies on the road
But even if I had a lot of problems but it was fine I had fun making it

You also like to throw customers 😂 

The style was supposed to be dark because of the story i wanted to share 

Its a girl that lost her dog in a cave and you dont know this until the end but the dog actually dies 

No offense, I respect your feedback but it's not constructive at all 

Gamejams are made for trying and i wanted to try a new mechanic where you build code sheets that are used everywhere and reuse items because there is individual code 

This threw off some huge difficulties because of how everything resets because the rooms are different layouts but also because it doesnt have the same code for certain items


This game was submitted 20 mins after the deadline not before and also the game is supposed to tell a story

The webgl version was awful and i asked benbonk if it waw possible to change it and he told me to remove the submission and submit it again so that's what i did 

I'll play your game tomorrow cuz it's 1 am right now

This is the end scene of the game Im sorry but the collision box is acting weird Hope you had fun :D

(1 edit)

This is the end scene of the game
Im sorry but the collision box is acting weird
Hope you had fun :D

As Always thank you all for playing my game I'll be updating my game live on my twitch channel i will also hear your feedback and listen to your suggestions Again thanks to all of you for playing my game

As Always thank you all for playing my game I'll be updating my game live on my twitch channel i will also hear your feedback and listen to your suggestions Again thanks to all of you for playing my game

As Always thank you all for playing my game I'll be updating my game live on my twitch channel i will also hear your feedback and listen to your suggestions Again thanks to all of you for playing my game

As Always thank you all for playing my game I'll be updating my game live on my twitch channel i will also hear your feedback and listen to your suggestions Again thanks to all of you for playing my game

As Always thank you all for playing my game I'll be updating my game live on my twitch channel i will also hear your feedback and listen to your suggestions Again thanks to all of you for playing my game

As Always thank you all for playing my game I'll be updating my game live on my twitch channel i will also hear your feedback and listen to your suggestions Again thanks to all of you for playing my game

As Always thank you all for playing my game I'll be updating my game live on my twitch channel i will also hear your feedback and listen to your suggestions Again thanks to all of you for playing my game

As Always thank you all for playing my game I'll be updating my game live on my twitch channel i will also hear your feedback and listen to your suggestions Again thanks to all of you for playing my game

As Always thank you all for playing my game I'll be updating my game live on my twitch channel i will also hear your feedback and listen to your suggestions Again thanks to all of you for playing my game

Thanks for your feedback
The music was the hardest part because i'm not a music maker so it took me the majority of time
Sad reality

Thanks for the feedback 

I actually made everything except of vsauce related sounds and video

The art was mine and the code was mine

The first idea i had was that vsauce was supposed to confuse the bad boy's boss and so he wont trip and die but the game got big very quickly

And so i wanted to keep Vsauce as a joke 

Yes i did think of that but had already submitted the game
You can play in the Downloadable version for a better experience

I never finished that game sadly :)
Thanks for the feedback 

I'll be updating this game in the future to have that for sure
For now I very honestly don't know how to stop time while you are in the vending machine :')
Thanks for the feedback

It's not a bug you just have to press E to go to the next chat
Also there is a whole UI under the player showing how many bullets you have, Light Medium and Heavy
Thanks for playing my game

Thanks for the feedback
and also sorry for not mentioning the potion buttons. My time management lately is horrible

Thanks for the feedback

Great game
liked the gameplay and implementations

Wanna play my game ? 
I'll appreciate every single feedback on it Thanks for your time

Very neat game
Liked every aspect of it
Kind of had to learn some things myself because i dont like written tutorials but i liked it
I didnt hear any sounds i dont know if its on my side or anything but :/

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Neat little game
I have played that mode so much in Super Mario Galaxy and it's still as fun 
Very nice

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I'll appreciate every single feedback on it Thanks for your time

I really like the game 
Nice art and sound effects
Neat ideas
Poor me i have an azerty keyboard and no game supports that :)

The web based is indeed not recommended because of the Ctrl R but the downloadable version is more enjoyable :)

Indeed my man
English is not my first language and I don't have auto correct on my program :P

Nice game
I kind of expected the same button from the moving to be the same for going back but i get it it flicks too much and you dont know how to fix that

Over all i liked it and maybe if i didnt die off map from the left side i would have enjoyed it more

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I'll appreciate every single feedback on it Thanks for your time

That's a nice game
A bit too repetitive
No music
but nice game man

Btw i got 10 cars but cant submit the image for some reason

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I'll appreciate every single feedback on it Thanks for your time

Love the game
The music is extremely loud Try to lower the volume please :)
But that's a very nice idea for a game

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I'll appreciate every single feedback on it Thanks for your time

That's actually a good game the guards catch me way too fast
You could have done it like Legends of zelda games

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I'll appreciate every single feedback on it Thanks for your time

I Cant play the game at all :sweat_smile:
Soo sorry I just couldn't bear with the speed

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I'll appreciate every single feedback on it Thanks for your time

The game is good 
I still don't understand how to play it but yeah i like the art

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I'll appreciate every single feedback on it Thanks for your time

Nice mechanics but i think that's a lot of people and also money doesnt do anything
For a first project thats a nice attempt but maybe you could add a little tutorial or something similar to it

Wanna play my game ? 
I'll appreciate every single feedback on it Thanks for your time

If you are going to keep making that game i recommend adding more content to it
It may seem hard but you can do it