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A member registered Jul 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing.

I'm looking into the enemy collision glitch. Could you tell me where it happened please?


I'll keep that in mind for a future update :)

Really fun game, with an interesting concept, and great menu system

Good Job!!

Rate my game if you want :)

Creative game

Some background music would have been nice :)

(1 edit)

Nice music but no sound effects

Good game, but you took the theme very subjectively

I enjoyed it none the less, good job:)


I'm going to change the ladders in the future for sure :)

Really fun, but the jumping was a little unresponsive

Fun, frustrating and challenging game, that rewards criticalthinkers

Good job :)

Good job. 

I liked how the game would break if you used the rewind too much :)

Nice idea, but the controls felt a little unresponsive to me :)

This was so difficult, but a really pretty game.

It would have been nice if the controls were more obvious :)

Deceptively difficult game, good job :)

Deceptively difficult game, good job :)

Really fun and challenging game. 

I really liked the audio cues


Will definitely keep that in mind in the future:)

Thanks for playing

In regards to the theme, I wasn't sure if what I was making was right, and I was going to change it, but I was running out of time, so I had to stick with what I had. In future, I will definitely integrate the theme into the game, rather than just the story :)

The issue with collision and the millennials, I encountered the same bug a couple of times in playtesting, but I couldn't figure out what was causing it, so I added the "Restart Game" button. If you could let me know where it happened, that would be great. Usually when in collision with the millennials, you can only take damage once, so I don't understand how it happens.

(1 edit)

Thanks :)

I liked the appearance of the background, and the platforms, though, they were difficult to see sometimes, which was unfortunate

The game played well, and I really enjoyed it

I liked the appearance of the background, and the platforms, though, they were difficult to see sometimes, which was unfortunate

The game played well, and I really enjoyed it

Thanks for that :)

I really appreciate the help

I will look into that and try to find the problem

Good job

I had a bit of trouble with the controls, but other than that it was good

Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it

I'm definitely going to change the ladders in the future, and a checkpoint system

I'm glad you had fun :)

I was aiming for deceptively challenging, so ladders weren't originally intended to fundamental, but I was running short on time, so I threw them into the levels

I had a lot of trouble figuring out enemy collision, so there was some trouble with timing, but a particle effect would have been good.

I appreciate the feedback, and thanks for playing :) 


I have had a lot of comments about the ladder, so I will keep everything in mind.

As for the audio, I have no idea why there were any issues. There have been no complaints about it before, and I didn't run into any problems when playtesting. If you could tell me when the problem occurred, that would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for the feedback

I did the collision for the millennials in a weird way, so that might explain why it was weird

As for the ladders, I am definitely going to change them once I update the game :)

Good game, and a nice spin on the tower defence genre

The menu times could be improved, but other than that, everything's good

Thanks for the feedback

I probably should have given the ladders some sort of differentiation :)

Glad you thought the game was fun though

I myself found the game very frustrating, but quite entertaining nonetheless.

Please play my game, Thanks.

Yeah, at first I wasn't intending on having the ladders necessary for the game, but as time got short, I fell to desperate measures, and implemented them as an important feature, which was probable a mistake.

Thanks for the feedback, and I'll try to make my future games less punishing :)

Good concept and execution, packaged in a deceptively challenging game

A music track in the levels would improve it, but aren't necessary

Good job

Rate my game if you want

It was quite fun, its audio, Excellent, and the graphics, definitely suit the music.

I would love it if you played my game, Thanks. 

Great game concept, though similar to "Papers Please"

It really stressed me out, but in the best way possible!!

I liked all the different titles on the tapes, they were really funny

You can rate my game if you want :)

(1 edit)

I really liked your game, it was very entertaining and fun.

The audio was amazing, and the graphics too, overall, it was just a really good game!

Please review my game if you have the time. Thanks.

Fun game and god audio. 

Graphics are a bit off, but they get the point across. Maybe traditional colours for health and mana.

I found it very difficult, and only got 480 points, but I liked how the tutorial lead into the level, rather than bringing you back to the menu

Rate my game if you want :)

Fun game and god audio. 

Graphics are a bit off, but they get the point across. Maybe traditional colours for health and mana.

I found it very difficult, and only got 480 points, but I liked how the tutorial lead into the level, rather than bringing you back to the menu

Rate my game if you want :)

No, I didn't press esc, I didn't realise you could.

You should probable mention that in the future :)

Thanks for the feedback.

Looking back on it, a checkpoint system would have been a good idea.

I was the only one to playtest the game, so I wouldn't know that the jumps were very hard, though, in testing, the ones in level three, even I found difficult

I really enjoyed this game jam, so I will definitely join more in the future

Thanks again, and I'm glad you enjoyed my game 

All the visual aspects of the game were perfect.

The sound effects can get a little annoying over time.

I found the game very difficult, and that there wasn't much time to learn the game before it got difficult

Overall good game