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Hakuen Studio

A member registered Sep 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hi there!

I added the feature to persist the zoom value across maps. You can enable/disable it with a switch.

The zoom cal also follow the character now. Unfortunatelly, it is too much trouble to make the camera follow the character perfectly, just like it does when zoom scale is 1. But it follows the character, keep them inside screen now.

Have fun! :)

Hmm, I still do not understand. You said that you know that common events can only be played on maps, but you still want to invoke that common event after the option window closes?

When the option window closes, the game returns to the Scene Menu, not Scene Map. Therefore, there is no way to play a common event there.

I think, what can help you, is put a conditional branch on that common event, to check whatever you want to check and then, control what the common event will do.

If you want to use that variable, you can try keep track of his value before enters in the menu. After you return to the scene map, you can compare the old value with the current value of the variable, if it was changed, then you run your script call.

The thing is, you need to find a way to make the common event understands if the player opened the Scene Options or not, so you can do your thing on the common event based on that.

Hi there!

By default, to get in and out, of the Options Menu, you need enter on the default Menu Scene. And, on the default Menu Scene, there is no way play a common event, only on the scene map. So what exactly are you doing to want the common event to be played only when leaving the Options Menu?

Hi there!

I fixed that issue on the 4.1.4 plugin version. Let me know the results!


Have fun! :)

I took some time, but I finally able to fix the breath effect. It is way better than before now. Just letting you know :)

Hi there!

Fixed the problem on the two versions! Thanks for the feedback, please download the updated version :)

I recommend MZ.

You showed me the wrong screenshots, you to need to click on the CONSOLE tab on that browser window.

This error probably means that the number of parameters created on the Custom Parameter plugin does not match the ones you setup on the Class Curves. They need to have the same amount.

Get the sample project to check the right plugin order and how to setup each plugin

Hi there! Thanks for the donations ^^

This plugin is a complex one, for me to be able to help you out, you need to give me more information than that. But before that, I strongly suggest that you grab my sample project and see how they are setup there so you can compare with your project and discover how they work.

After that, if it still does not work, what is happening? An error on screen? If yes, press F8 or F12 and send me a scrennshot of the CONSOLE tab from the browser window that will open.

PS: The new custom parameters will not be shown anywhere on the game, by default. My plugin only implements the logic of it. You will have custom parameters and will be able to change and read their values, but if you want to show them somewhere, like in a menu, you need to find or create a plugin that does that.


I believe they are clear. You probably is missing my core plugin EliMZ Book. You need to have it installed somewhere above all Eli Plugins.

If you don't have it, a warning message should be present on your plugin manager telling you that you meed EliMZ Book as a base.

Thanks for the feedback! Will take a look into this!

This is on MV or MZ?

Plugin parameter seems fine. The note tag is on the plugin help file, I don't remember on top of my head now. If you are using Cover One Region  you must understand what this reveal form does on the help file too. And paint your map with the regions according to it.

The plugin page:

You can just put "Hakuen Studio" where your game put the credit list :)

It is like I told you before, on previous comments. Instead of telling me what you did, you need to show me what you did. Screenshot of the plugin parameters, map note tags etc. Everything that requires the plugin to work.

What do you mean by, you cannot find it on my list? You say the plugin manager? Or are you not finding it on the js folder? You can always download it on it's page and insert/enable it manually on the plugin manager.

What I believe is happening is that with my plugin ON, visustella options to change font is being useless. My plugin changes how RPG Maker handles font. As so, the Visustella is trying to change font and it is not manage to do it. 

I guess you will need to remove/change that font option of visustella, by going into the plugin parameters and mess with their code there to either use my plugin functions to change the font or create new "functions" inside their plugin parameters that allow JS to change the fonts. This is kinda advanced, I will try to take a look and see this.

Thanks for make another threaad for this, really appreciate! ^^

My font plugin really did not use the default RPG Maker font. If you want to use the RPG Maker font, you need to apply it on the plugin parameters, to be the first on the list and set the Default Font Index to 0:

This way, my plugin will understand that the first font on the font list should be used as a default font.

  • 0 = First font
  • 1 = Second font

and so on.


Now, I did not understand the Visustella question. Are you not being able to apply my font inside the Scene Options Menu? Or what you want is to add an option/command on the Visustella Scene Options to be able to change the font in-game?

Will add that too! Thanks! :)

Thanks for this feedback! Don't know if I will be able to fix this, it's been a while since I did not make anything to android. But is good to know!

I manage to reproduce the problem! I will fix this! Thanks for the feedback!

Ok then! Anything else just ask :)

Have fun! ^^

Hi there!

Yes it is possible. Take a look into the help file, it explains how to do it.

You can try run a parallel event to check if the menu button is called. if yes, then you can manually hide the minimap by using the plugin command or the switch that hides the minimap. Otherwise, wait a bit that on the next update I will add an option for this.

You need to tell me exactly what you are doing to trigger this error on the sample project.

Because I just download it now and hit the playtest button, everything working fine, no error being triggered:

Give me more details. Did you try another map? Did you enabled/disabled any other plugin on the plugin manager? etc.

Hi there!

No, there is no way to disable the plugin once it is installed.

Nice, thanks for the response!

Unfortunatelly I don't plan to fix compatibility issues with the Dot Move system, at least for now.

Just for me to be sure: The "learning" error happens only when you use the Dot Move System? Or it happens with a fresh download and try of my sample project? When the error happens again, press F8 or F12, go to the the tab CONSOLE that will appear on the browser window, and send me a screenshot of what is in there.

Hi there!

I need more information than "it's simply not working". There are some things that you must do to make them work. 

But first, we need to see if this is a compatibility problem with the Dot move System. So, set it to off on your plugin manager, and make my Diagonal Character works first. After you manage to do that, then you turn the Dot Move System On again and test both plugins together to see if they will work.

Now, to help you make the Diagonal Sprites work, show me what you did on your character filename. Did you follow the help file instructions? Changed the filename properly? Show to me what you did so we can try figure out how to make it work :)

Also, you should only have one row of characters on the file. Just like the screenshots on the help file.

(1 edit)

As I see on the code, Indeed there is no way for it to work with negative spacing between characters.  it will broke some things.

But also, I'm not sure if I understanding you correctly anymore. You said on your last reply that without negative spacing, there is no way to achieve it. Achieve what exactly? If you sent the Space Between characters to 0, the fonts should not be clipped at all.

I guess it is best if you send me a sample project on discord replicating the issue, so I can take a look and figure out what is wrong.

My discord is: hakuenstudio

But that issue of the font being clipped, only happens with the negative spacing, right?

The sample project does not include the Pro version of the plugin file, because it is paid. But the plugin parameters of the pro version is on the sample project. Is just a matter of you copy and paste the plugin file inside the plugin folder of the sample project, then activate it on the plugin manager. After the plugin file is inside the sample project, you will be able to double click the parameters and see what is inside. But if you try to open the parameters before the plugin file is on the plugin folder, it will reset the parameters.

The outline font works like two exactly bitmap.png files on top of each other. Therefore, they must have the same file size(width and height), and also the same "letter" size inside the image editor. Taking the example of the CyborgSister_28_outline file, using GIMP as the image editor. 

Below is the layer of the font without outline:

Now, this is the layer of the font with outline:

Now, you will export each layer, individually. In a way that you will have two files.png so you can assign into the plugin parameters:

When the text is been drawing on the RPG Maker, the plugin code will first draw the font file without the outline, then after that, it will draw the outline font file above it, making the letters look like this:

This need to be done this way, because the letters as drawn as an image, not as text(which is the default). And so, the plugin must treat the outline and non-outline files individually, in case you want to change the outline color or the font color individually.

So, on your image editor, you need to take into consideration when creating the font file, that both font versions must have the same size. The outline type will not be drawn on rpg maker, as an outline over your font. But instead, as a file on top of another.

Now that I'm talking to you, I can see why you are confused. Other than taking a look at the sample project, the help file is missing those kinds of information. I will update it with all this info. Let me know if this explanation helped you :)


About the negative space, I will have to play with it myself to see if there is a solution for that. 

Hi there!

This is a plugin parameter configuration problem. Probably the amount of characters you put on your bitmap file does not match the amount set on the plugin parameters.

Take a look at this post, it had the same problem

If you are using Visustella, make sure to take a look at the compatibility section on the help file.

Hi there!

I think I fixed the error and also added some new features into the plugin! Thanks for the feedback!

Hi there!

Take a look at my sample project. There are an outline font there that you can see how the bitmap file was made and how did I setup this bitmap parameters.

You could try putting negative numbers, but I don't know if it will accept negative inside the code. If not, I will implement it :)

Nice! Have fun! :)

Hi there!

Make sure you are using my core plugin Eli Book somewhere above all other Eli plugins.

And make sure you have the same amount of characters in your bitmap file and on the All Character parameters.

If it still does not work, when the error happens again press F8 or F12. A browser window will open. Go to the CONSOLE tab, and send me a screenshot of the error so I can take a look.


Not with this plugin. But if you use Dynamic Parameters together with it, you can do this via the Dynamic Parameter plugin.

Hi there!

I'm not sure. I mean, is always hard to tell when it is Visustella. But also, their Message core add a LOT of functionality for the message system. So I really don't know if they work together. But My message scroll plugin needs another plugin of mine as a base(Message Manager, is free):

So first you will need to confirm if my message manager works with visu one.

When i make a test i will let you know.

Nice they work together! good to know!! :)

Thank you!!! *____*

Hi there!

Yeah, I removed the free versions. In the end of the day, being free and pro, just adds another plugin for me to update and fix bugs.

As I made more plugins, I had to start let go free and pro versions. So today I just do one or another.