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A member registered Jan 18, 2019 · View creator page →

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Eyyy, that did the trick! Thanks so much!! I changed the ids to text, aery_se and seraphina_se, and it works great. Hooray~ Appreciate the fast response too.

I have two speakers right now. The "Smart Speaker" settings work for their names using Auto Speaker. But when using the Message Sounds, it's picking the wrong preset. 

If speaker 1 has id 1 for their message sound, and speaker 2 has id 2 for their message sound, speaker 1 ends up using message sound id 2 and speaker 2 doesn't have any sounds.

So then I switched speaker 2 to use id 1, and now they're both using sound id 2.

Hard to describe sounds through writing, I know ... ! 

Here are the settings: (edit, I forgot I can't post pictures without itch yelling at me)

  • Filename: UI_Button_Click_07
  • Interval: 4
  • SE Config: 80, 150, 0
  • Variation Config: 5, 10, 0
  • ID: 1

  • Filename: UI_Button_Click_08
  • Interval: 4
  • SE Config: 80, 150, 0
  • Variation Config: 5, 10, 0
  • ID: 2

They are both 1 and 2 of the array fields respectively, just in case, although I'm pretty sure I'm using the Id #s correctly here.

Then for the Smart Speakers, I have

  • Face Image: Aery_Pixel_Face-nohat
  • Index: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
  • Speaker Name: Aery
  • Window Skin: [blank]
  • Font Face: [blank]
  • Message sound id: 1

  • Face Image: Seraphina_Pixel_Face
  • Index: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
  • Speaker Name: Seraphina
  • Window Skin: [blank]
  • Font Face: [blank]
  • Message sound id: 2

With these settings, Aery is speaking with message sound 2 and Seraphina doesn't get any sounds. Then when I switch Seraphina to message sound 1, just for testing, they both end up using message sound 2.

And now I just put them both to message sound 2, for testing, and neither is using any sounds now. Oof.

Am I misunderstanding the ID system? Let me know if there's something I can change to fix this weirdness :) Thanks so much for your help!

Sorry!! On hiatus for a bit~

Thanks!! Clicking the face settings did the trick~

And my parameters. Can you check what might be wrong? Font Face and Message Sound are empty because I don't have those plugins right now. I might get Message Sounds later but probably not Font.


Thanks for the response! I got the plugin loaded properly in your Sample Project before testing. The Auto Face feature works in your sample but not any of the Auto Speaker events. Also if the Window skin is supposed to change (I saw it's set to Window5 in the sample project), that's not working either. I'm gonna need to reply with my screenshots cause Itch keeps yelling at me about sizes lol.

(1 edit)

I'm not able to get this to work, in my project or in your sample project. In your sample project, no name appears: (had to delete screenshot cause it was too big).

In my project, no name appears as well, but I have this error in the console (no error in your sample game though):

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input

    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)

    at Object.createParameters (EliMZ_SmartSpeaker.js:193)

    at Object.initParameters (EliMZ_SmartSpeaker.js:186)

    at Object.initialize (EliMZ_SmartSpeaker.js:181)

    at EliMZ_SmartSpeaker.js:284

Pretty sure it's all set up right though! Thanks for your help :) 

I've been obsessing over AI recently and was so excited to see this! The opportunities are endless~~ I think the biggest thing I'd love is a cutscene generator. Basically you put in a prompt like, "Harold finds a girl being attacked by a wolf and runs up to save her." It would put in the events of Harold, the girl, and a wolf, and then code in the moveroute and full dialogue between Harold and the girl, complete with face graphics.

For my situation specifically, I have the entire script for my game written with dialogue already. So I'd love to just paste it into the prompt and see what it does!

This game was stupid addicting lol. I loved the skeleton twerk!! Thanks for this experience haha

Loved this! I'm terrible at platformers, but this was more like a puzzle! Really cool. Good job!

This game hit all the marks! Awesome job. The graphics were beautiful, it was well written, and most of all, it was fun! I'm terrible at platformers but enjoyed the puzzle!! :D

Really cute! I loved the graphics, animations, and effects - like the pots breaking and the ghost boi's slight transparency!

I loved the art style, and watching the zombies take over the island was very satisfying, haha. Good job!

I could only find 3 souls hahah but it was fun to explore the city! Good job!

I loved the graphics in this game!! It was a little challenging because of how zoomed in it was, but it was fun trying to get further and further!

A bit confusing at first, but very nicely made!! Good job!

Really fun!! Very clever use of the theme!

It was really hard but also really fun! I kept trying to get further and further but had to give up in the end LOL good job!

The game was stupid fun LOL except when the bloobs got squished, I felt awful lololol

I loved the graphics and the animations, like how the levels scrolled down!! I was really bad at the game tho lol

Hi, thanks for the warning! I do have the Source listed though - it's the google drive URL. Does it not work for you? I have it set to anyone can View. I can fiddle with some settings if it still isn't working.

That's so nice of you, thanks for the help!! I am using MZ. Here is the console error:

My plugin list is a bit large, but it is almost entirely VisuStella wave plugins. I have tried putting your plugins above and below BattleHud but they come up with the same error.

I really love your plugins, but they're not compatible with MogBattleHud - or at least, I get errors when I enable this plugin when BattleHud is on, and no errors when the hud is off. Do you have plans to add compatibility? I haven't bought this minimap yet but plan to if everything works nicely together in my game. Thanks so much!!

That is so kind of you! I didn't know how to even respond! Thank you so much. You're not the first person to mention Tarin's facial hair, LOL. I should probably do something about that at some point if this becomes a recurring theme...