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A member registered Sep 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Vibes are spectacular, art is great, but there are many little anti-QoL things that bring the experience down : /
This includes the bugs, but also the attack stopping you, the camera lagging behind you, and the floaty/way too fast character controls.
The intro section is also annoying - the text is too fast the first time through, and lingers for way too long afterwards. Later on, that's just me being stupid, but it took me a while to figure out I should attack the door on the floor to progress.
The layout of the levels has no direction, though that makes it feel quite interesting in a sense of being lost (positively). I'd say to make the layouts and individual rooms more memorable, and/or give a map, at least a simple square grid one.
I gave up when I got to the castle area, after the double jump, and fell out of the level's bounds. A quick restart button would've been nice here

6/10, excluding the bugs 8/10. Looking forward to a full release!

Edit: Forgot to mention, music is also really nice, and enemies look interesting but are hard to attack with just 3 whip directions. Then again, I never played the original castlevanias. That's probably me being bad at playing :p

Enemies were functional but broke down in the shipping build, we were already on our extension fixing other bugs and couldn't see it until it was too late :(

The tower was hard to guess as I feared... The brighter areas were supposed to be platforms/landable in general, but yeah, I prioritized the looks there.

Next time, for sure we're gonna use really specific assets for platforms and traversable space.

Hey there, thank you so much for (trying to) play our game!

Yeah, we went in with a lot of ambition, and in the end we didn't have time to fix these errors (even with an extension!!)...

There's no mac version, sorry. We had no idea about these additional installs, nor about the performance; unreal engine games are quite demanding and we don't have much experience with smoothing things over for players nor about performance :(

It was a splash of cold water for us to realize how demanding a game is to make it good for the user's end, and not just having it working in our devices. Your immediate feedback is really valuable - we wouldn't know if the tutorials are good at their job or if the map's flow made sense at the eyes of someone else. Thanks again!

very cute, cool puzzles! Also I don't feel like what I made here was the intended solution XD

hah, called it! Graphics are phenomenal, music creates the perfect atmosphere, and gameplay is pretty cool. However, I must say, it was a letdown that the enemies claimed "I killed many of them" when I went full pacifist.
The only issue I found is the camera; it moves too fast, with the robot; it's quite disorienting.

Art looks very good and unique, gameplay isn't much engaging as almost all encounters are solved by rotating counter clockwise (in fact, the one time I rotated clockwise I lost a life). Hope I can see more in this artstyle!

Very serene! Dangers weren't immediately clear, it was fun swimming around for a while.

Ha ha, didn't expect that! VERY creative. Really enjoyable as well! This seems like straight out of the "Out of Control" game jam XD
My only criticism would be that it's a bit finicky switching between control commands, it should be easier somehow.

Wow, it looks amazing!
The way you switch characters is pretty interesting, didn't expect that.
The (I assume?) 3D assets blend seamlessly with the 2D! What a great shader and geometry XD
Also loving the character design :]
As some people pointed out, it's not possible to retry on Web without a refresh. Also it gets choppy sometimes.

This was very, very fun! I love the buildings destroying surrounding slots, though that really could've used some overlay to demonstrate the area.
The skyscrapers should also have some control to where they fall. Most buildings could use a hit less, I feel.
It wasn't very clear that the sea rising was also bad for you; I realised only halfway through a session that like, if you had 3 land tiles, a single house would occupy 33%! I lost with a score of 19835.
If you plan to continue this project, consider more area destructions from other building types (Cross? Only diagonals?) and more terrain interactions!

Very zen, though the role reversal aspect feels weak. It'd be nice if we could watch an AI build stuff on the tiles we made, somehow. The map building aspect is very fun, I can imagine myself playing it for hours XD

Very cute sounds, interesting idea, loved how the kid shows up like a kaiju XD
It's a bit monotonous though, and there really should've been something to clear excrement. At the end I had many unscalable towers of poo on my screen, making it hard to see.

Very fun! The different abilities are pretty interesting, and build up really well on the gameplay concept. Music is great, art looks cool. I only felt was missing was an in-game tutorial, and the archer wasn't very obvious on how to use. Coolest idea is that you can color boxes as well, giving them the characteristics of each ghost!

Interesting concept! It didn't feel like I did anything to the heroes outside of the murder dome, though. Spikes and acid didn't make a thing to them.
I hope for an update with a wider build palette, and with some AI behavior for the heroes (avoid spikes, go for treasure?)
A camera zoom (zoom out) and sounds felt missing

I couldn't really understand the objective. The concept is nice, but in execution, it needs more tools for the player. It was really nice watching the survivors do their thing, though.

The vibes are spectacular. As someone who can't read the language, however, I could not know what was really going on, nor how the game fits the theme.
The 1-bit artstyle looks really good, and the music and sounds are really atmospheric. The "touch to see"(?) idea is very novel for this genre, though I'd tweak it so it's clearer where do you really "feel" an object (the yellow overlay).

(1 edit)

Very interesting concept! I couldn't actually manage to get very far because characters would often move off of switches or get stuck, and sometimes switching characters caused them to kill themselves?

Art direction is pretty interesting, though the level was a bit dark. Sound/music was pretty great!

I'd suggest actually removing the concept of enemies that kill your currently controlled character, so they won't chase each other and it wouldn't be unclear if someone is out of range of someone else.

The game suffers a lot from a lack of sound. The main mechanic was not entirely clear, and some things (especially thieves) seem very easy to miss.
However, the concept is very fun! The world is also pretty interesting, despite being a flat plane. Great prop placement!
My main issues were controls and camera; the camera being locked behind the player worsens the "easy to miss" problem, and also it was hard to see within the forest.
The tank controls could be fine if there was a backwards key; there is also an error that causes rotation to move the character sideways.
The idea has potential!

Really unique take on the theme! I'd say the only thing lacking is levels - every X score a new layout? But what's here is great.
Art is very charming, sounds are pretty fitting!
My score: 5750 (max combo 30)

Art and sound are amazing! Though the brewer's humming gets a little repetitive.
Despite the instructions, it took me a while to truly understand how the game's logic goes. I only understood by puzzle 3 that some ingredients (given X conditions) won't do a reaction! But once I did, the game was very enjoyable and had great puzzles.
Amazing game, I look forward to what more can be done with it; other levels! The only real issues are what's already on the plans (retry/undo, an ending)