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A member registered Jun 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Asdo, te has lucido con este juego, el gamefeel es genial, la dificultad está muy bien y el jefe final, aunque parece sacado de kirby, mola mucho como concepto y está bien implementado :0

La única cosilla que yo cambiaría es el sistema de lanzar el disparo especial, está bien que el juego te premie por jugar bien, pero en este caso te castiga un poco por jugar mal, quizá si se llenase simplemente acabando con enemigos se sentiría menos feo recibir daño cuando estás a punto de librarte de los enemigos con ese ataque especial.

Es solo mi opinión, en general 20/10 compadre! ^^

Veo mucho potencial en este juego y creo que deberías terminarlo. Los sprites que has elegido casan bien entre ellos y el movimiento del personaje se siente suficientemente fluido como para añadir esas balas de las que me hablabas. Espero ver este proyecto terminado algún día!

Muy buen trabajo! Sin duda te has pegado una matada día tras día para finalizar el proyecto, estoy seguro de que has visto una cantidad ingente de tutoriales en youtube para aprender a hacer estos sistemas. He terminado el tutorial pero no hay niveles más adelante y algunas veces es complicado como jugados saber exactamente el sitio por el que hay que ir.
Pero la verdad es que como demo técnica de un juego de parkour está 10/10, puedes estar muy orgulloso ^^

Neat game, gorgeous graphics and effects, nice music and level design. Congrats and good luck!

Está genial, súper pulido, es muy claro qué cables se hay que juntar entre sí en todo momento, el final fue inesperado y la animación quedó genial, lo único que le puedo criticar es que yo hubiese hecho las zonas para clickar los botones más grandes que el grosor del cable, es una tontería pero yo creo que mejoraría mucho el gameplay

(1 edit)

Thanks for the nice words about game's presentation ^^

Yeah. I Know. Using WASD, Space, And keyboard in videogames at the same time is pretty uncommon. It's like playing twister with your fingers. 

Now, jokes appart, what was wrong with using mouse and keyboard at the same time? XDDDD or maybe I misunderstood.

Now some feedback! The game looks really nice! The world procedural creation is really well made.  it is always cohesive and feels really nice to move across the map.

The music felt a bit repetitive but the particles on getting coins and enemy movement were nice. Making this from scratch must be a hard task! Well done there! Ir really deserves more atention

Hi! This game is wayyy better than many games around here. It deserves more attention, for sure.

I trusted you but my pc told me that your game was a virus (but I forced it to be executed) . This kind of downloadable games, made with custom engines are a double edged sword for most game jammers. Maybe you should implement ports to webgl in your framework next time. People usually won't download games if they are not made with a recognizable engine. Plus your engine isn't much flexible. I saw someone below having problems to execute the game due to his hardware architecture. I don't know but i think this won't run on linux lr macOs. Only on x64 Windows (idk don't mind me)

Maaan our games have the same name LOL!
I loved the idea of your game, rotating the screen felt really nice, maybe the lava flow occurs so suddenly, but the game loop is pretty enjoyable, the error when dying is a shame, but i won't count it, sometimes webgl gives headaches ^^" nice concept!

Many thanks! your game is so good aswell :0

Thanks!!! <3 ^^

wow, i think i'm gonna cry, many thanks for your words, your game's art is super polished too!
Yeah, the movement between rooms could be more intuitive and many people had other preferences according to input, I'll use that feedback on future games!

At first I thought that I had to find keys to open the chests around the map, tried to hit a chest but nothing happened turned out that I needed various hits to break it, I think that the player should have some feedback that the chest is receiving damage, despite that little detail This game is really nice, the voidstep mechanic is truly great and discovering how everything actually works, every powerup and different jumps and voidstep combinations. I see tons of potential on this!

Super Polished game! loved the artstyle and the story, and the plot twist on the end too, I made it to the 8th round and it was nice, i focused more on throwing stones than using the spear, a couple or minor things i would point is that isn't very clear that you can jump in the center structure, first time the flying enemies appeared i wasn't unable to hurt them with the stones 'till I noticed that you can stay in the structure, another minor detail is that i missed a bit of music, but the fx were nice! all in all, really cool game!

Liked to NOT aim for the head and just see some dismemberment, I missed some sound and a better feedback when getting hit but I ended the game and enjoyed It. the models are just fine and the attack animation is cool since it's like moved only by keyframes, loved that style!

Loved this concept, really enjoyable, the crafting system felt so complete for a 3 days jam, the animation of the tiles jumping with the level is completed surprised me, really nice touch, i feel like this game isn't 100% with the limitation itself but i like this point of view of a roguelike, congrats on making a nice game full of detail! ^^

This game is truly difficult BUT the progression feels very nice, the graphics are neat and the quite good! I saw the comments below and I agree, in fact. You're in time if you want to upload this as a game playable in browser, more people would enjoy this! Nice entry, if you did this in 3 hours. You rock

Did you made this in 3 hours? That's crazy! Well the graphics are super nice and the game loop is well made. I'm still thinking on this being made in 3 hours, can't say more :0

Nice mechanic! Adicting game but maybe a bit repetitive, the sense of progression is really neat plus the graphics fits well even if the bricks remind me a bit of super mario bros from NES ^^ nice entry!

Thanks for the rating!!! Sorry for that bat going behind the ground. 3 days to see all those details... Truly hard ;u; thanks again! 💚

I liked the concept, the sensation of danger is always present. I didn't liked the graphics the most, the camera makes me a bit dizzy but the sound efects were just in point!

Thanks! ^^

Amazing Entry, I couldn't stop playing 'till i made it to the dark wizard! I should mention a thing as feedback: the "Garbage mode" could be an "on/off" mode so you can discard multiple items without having to click there several times, despite that little thing this is a round game for a jam, could be easily a mobile game, I really would play it!!
congrats! you always make minimalist games with great deepness, your games are always well thought out!

Great  concept! I see this being a very fun game so please keep working on this! 

Your idea has a lot of potential. I see someone below gave you a perfect feedback but i would Highlight that you should polish main mechanic and make the game more intuitive, in other hand, classical music sound like a charm for this but also sound effects could fit great, if you work this, soon you'll have the complete version! Go for it!

Hii thanks for the kind words, may I ask why the game doesn't fit in the limitation for you? So i can improve the game or maybe you've been unlucky and saw the same room in the same place on two runs

Hi tony! First of all many thanks for your words! 💚

About the back doors: the game level is procedurally generated, the dungeon isn't linear and a room can lead to another 2 or 3 as maximun. So you shall backtrack to explore other rooms. In other hand: when you clear all the rooms you have to return to the beginning in order to get to the end of the game ^^"

First time I hear that point, try again and send screenshot of the point where that tight time management occurs ^^"

Play a couple of times, the room pool isn't so large, but maybe you didn't saw everything yet! ^^

Great concept and artstyle, the game was easy to understand and creating dungeons felt nice, would loved to see the player travelling across the dungeon in real time. But this game's nice

Nice to see you here! Gotta play your game soon, those laser enemies are the worst, better to keep them in bubbles

I always love to see games made with pico-8 this one's music is so good and the mechanics are just nice, don't have much more to say, nice colors, artstyle and gameplay

Nice small game, the "tip" sound effect is so addicting to hear, i saw you uploaded this to the last triJam, if you made this in under 3 hours you really rock man!

Great art, sound design and interesting mechanic, you guys rock, i only miss there was more objectives or mechanics to accompany the main gameplay but this is way too nice for 3 days

Graphics, animations and sound effects are reaally nice! i would love to see this game finished, at some point I ran out of bullets and a zombies didn't killed me or something, but with more time this could be a truly amazing game!

Loved the music and the graphics, the combat felt a bit repetitive but the final boss patter was nice, sometimes there was a bit of screen shake when moving and i didn't knew why, but despite that little detail this is a really solid entry!

Loved the "powers" sooo much, really made me laugh, the third person mode was the best XDD super fun game

Nice idea on mixing genres, you've put a ton of work on this, the art is really nice and the images used are just fine, i've got stuck on the restaurants withou knowing where to go but the story was really enjoyable!

Great looking game, the particles on blood are just sick I would love to know how you did the effect because it is impressive! hitting enemies feels really good, however being hit by them could be more noticeable, i would love to see a bigger thing out of this!

Really nice use of sprites, loved the music change when entering in combat! those details drive me crazy ^^
and i dig the system for procedurally generated hex tiles  that can be destroyed, it makes the game's duration so consistent, great work!

Nice concept! the controls are a bit unintuitive though, if you push both jump keys at the same time you can fly, However the art is really nice, the color palette is just sick, saw this game image and had to click  XD, it was fun, i always pick the extra health powerup btw