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A member registered Oct 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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Pretty cool game! Initially almost all attacks felt undodgable, but after spending some time with the game I was able to complete all bosses without taking damage, which is a true mark of "challenging but fair"

Nice! Interapting the boss in the middle of an attack is always so satisfying

In menu you can use W ad S to select an item and I as enter (at least it worked for me). That said playing from keyboard is indeed really unintuitive

(2 edits)

Oh man. I got really into boxing recently and've been thinking of a game just like this for a while now. 
I think you did a great job emulating the strategy that goes into the boxing match as well as feel and flow of it. You clearly have a lot of appreciation for the sport and it shows!

One thing I personally couldn't figured out was how to utilise attack and guard cancels. I assumed it was a reversal/combo tool just like roman cancel in guilty gear, but if it is intended use I could never get the correct timing/proper attack to get any value from it. In general I had some moments where I didn't understand what move beats what, and resorted to mashing. Despite each player having a very limited moveset, the game still feels like there is a lot of potential for outplay and skill exprecion, but it's really hard to figure out. Showing the frame data or even having an indepth tutorial can help with giving all the tools to the hands of the player.

P.S. it would be increadibly cool to give some moves an ability to instantly KO (or just deal a bunch of damage and have a special animation) an opponent on certain counter hits (like if your opponent goes for the heavy punch and you respond with an uppercut), that would spice the game up in my opinion, and bring in some strategies, which are also present in a real boxing matches (do you risk it and go for KO or just deal consistent damage with bodyshots and jabs)

So yeah, sorry for a lenghty comment. I just realised you are already working on the next project, but this is still a gem. Would be glad to see it updated at some point but for now I'll stick to maining hitboxer in Arcus Chroma, I guess lol

Some moves won't come out if you don't have enough stamina to use them. Maybe this was the issue

I knew this was an instant hood classic! Congratulations for making it in the video!

Incredible game!

You can realise it as is and I would buy it. Probably the best puzzle game on the jam. 

My one and only issue is this bug I found, I assume it's because it first checks for available moves and only after that destroys the line.

Nice graphics and audio! 

The weapon was initially unintuitive to use, but once I realised that you're supposed to use explosions, it clicked. Diyng constantly and being immediately teleported to the next point is a good fit for this type of game. Level design is good, although the pathfinding can't quite handle player getting to a high spot it feels :) 

Good game, congrats on finishing the jam! 

Great game! 

I was expecting a game about rolling on the lower value, but this is so much better. The amount of gags in the game is incredible, and the game is actually pretty challenging. One thing that was a bit confusing was the scoring system, I felt like texts for bonuses were a bit messy, so it was hard to tell how much score I got. 

In any case, amazing game!

Nice art (especially in the menu)! 

The roguelike elements were pretty cool and the main mechanic was easy to understand. Also good job, for providing in game descriptions for items. One issue I have with the main mechanic is that it feels random in a bad way - you either roll low number and don't get many energy, or roll high and can do more actions. Ideally you want all player dice to feel usefull no matter what he rolls, by providing some different options for dice utilization (for a example attack could scale with dice value, but the shield uses any dice and provides 3 armor). Still the game is great, and I enjoyed it nonetheless. Good job! 

Thanks for the feedback! 

Yeah, our idea was that if the player doesn't have needed colours he is supposed to put the card aside and focus on the other one. We might add some mechanics to prevent to many "impossible at the time" cards from spawning. 

The issue with multiplication vs sum conditions is a reoccurring one, so we will definitely work on it.

Thanks for playing!

This is incredible! 

Such a unique game. The atmosphere of supervising an expedition on the far away planet, using terminal limited control of the console is conveyed beutifully. I love that feeling of booting up the game to see an empty console not really knowing what to do, and then slowly discovering new pieces of information and realising how much is actually in there.

One small complaint I have is that I can't turn the console to full screen or make it smaller, and as a result do not see the last line in the console, unless I drag the console up and hold it there, which is super inconvinient.

Still, great job! 

Your passion about this project can be felt through the computer screen! 

I love the idea of strategy game with terrafroming. Jam version is already great, but obviously a lot can still be added, like other terraforming tiles. Additionaly tiles can have extra properties, there is huge potential here. Hope that you continue working on this, good job! 

(1 edit)

The dash changes everything!

I've seen multiple games on the jam where the distance of your move is defined by the value of the dice, all of them were, obviously, puzzles and I liked them. But what botherd me with that idea was how unintuitive the puzzles were, at times it felt like you're just doing random actions until the proper result would come and I didn't really know how to solve this issue from game design standpoint. 

Well, you did it! It finally feels like I am playing a puzzle game made for humans, not robots. Another popular puzzle idea was rolling the die to get the right value on the right square of the grid. It was arguably even more unintuitive, then the first one. Yet by combining the two ideas you have pretty much took the best from both words, the player still has access to convinient roll movement, and if you want to use dash you have to place the die on the proper side, solving mini puzzle in the process. 

Two movement mechanics are beautifully tied together. This is a game design gem! 

The best implementation of both ideas and one of the best games I've seen on the jam, if not the absolute best. Great job!

This is really interesting! 

On one hand the tower's rooms are filled with weird and funny characters and interactions, which I crave to see more of. On the other the game actively tries to stop you from seeing it all, the dice rolls on each level are lenghty, but more importantly your chances of even getting to the next floor are getting lower the higher you go. (I have to admit here that I haven't finished the game, so this is my assumtion, that you get a roll from 1 to 100 no matter the floor)

Your goal is to climb a mysterious tower, and your main obstacle in doing so isn't some monster or even clever puzzle, but a pure improbability of consecutively getting through 100 doors. 

I can imagine someone like Borges could have depicted a similiar structure. This is art (no irony intended). 

Crazy level of polish for a 48 hours game!

Nice minit like metroidvania. The movement is incredibly tight, which is crutial for a speedrunner game like this. I feel like there is little insentive to run to the further dice from the flag, as they still give you the same random effect as the dice two meters away, I kinda wish key powerups would be in those hard to reach places.

In any case - great job! Amazing game!

Hey! Another Inscryption inspired game!

Atmosphere is great, especially impressive, since you made your own soundtrack. The flavor text on top for different dice rolls results is an amazing touch, that brings a lot of character to the game. 

The combat, as others have pointed out, is a bit uncontrollable, but I still liked the gameplay a lot. Good job! 

(1 edit)

Nice music and art!

Maybe it's something on my end, but I have reached level 7 and still haven't seen any white dice. Even so, I think the mechanic of white dice probably needs some work. Since dice don't go away from hand, player is forced to use wrong white dice, which only hurt his damage, or this dice get stuck in their hand.

Despite that the gameplay was enjoyable, although I would suggest rerolling the dice in hand at the end of turn so that player doesn't end up with a bunch of 1s. 

Good job! 

Love that you added a cutscene at the beggining, presentation overall was extremly creative and charming!

I felt like the dice roll animations were to slow, even when you have figured the level out it still takes a lot of time to complete it. On the same note it would be nice to have next line button in the cutscene, since it's just dialog. 

The idea of rolling the die on the right side is very popular on the jam, but moving multiple boxes at once added a more convential puzzle element, which I really enjoyed. Good job!

(1 edit)

Very interesting idea! The art is great. 

As someone already mentioned, the game gets repetitive pretty quickly, but I'm sure it can be fixed in a post jam version with some extra rolls for something like weapon type, or with some progression elements. 

Nice little game! 

Am I crazy, or are the amounts of health which die gives predetermened and tied to the animation? Also I felt that spikes damage was also constant for each spike, but again I might be wrong. 

 Music and art are really good.

Cool idea! 

I really like the strategic gameplay, not only do you have to keep count of your resources, the positioning of the modules is also extremly important.

One thing I am conficted about is that circuit producer needs a circuit to be built. You don't get this module right away, so it's easy to assume, that you get circuits from other ships, or something like that, and spend all your circuits leading to a softlock. 

Other then that - great game! 

Always nice to see an implementation of a classic board game. 

I never heard about the royal game of Ur before, but the game looks simple, yet really interesting. Reminds me of backgammon but with extra twist, since the existence of rosettes calls to place your rocks so you can reach a rosette with one of them, no matter what you roll.

Sound design is interesting, I obviously wish, there was some effect for moving the rocsks, but I really enjoyed the cheering crowd as an audio background (especially the laughs whenever a rock is kicked out - good stuff). 

Great game, I hope we can see more implementations of historical games to a digital format.

Cool idea! I haven't figured out you can roll at first, since the character speach bubble is so small, a tutorial pop up would help. I love that Count shoots bats at you, instead of doing some generic attack, it adds a lot of character. Good job! 

Cute little platformer! 

Basically we have a 3D platformer with (very) restricted jump. Interestingly enough this mechanic can create the same kind of tension watching a die usually creates. What I mean is sometimes the die gets really close to the edge while in ragdoll and all you can do is watch waiting for random to decide whether you are still in the game, or have to replay the level again. 

Nice game, good job!

Rolling the die around feels really satisfying (especially if you kill some skeletons with it).

One issue I found is that there is no actual pause in pause menu, you can still move and so can enemies. 

(1 edit)

Great game! The gameplay is frantic and engaging and the art is crazy good. 

One thing I want to propose is choosing your bet (and maybe a dice) with a button, just for the speed (I mean add an option, mouse is still a better choice for most players). Short decision time works great for tension and I personally don't think it should be expended, and this way you can reduce the frustration from misclicks. 

Thanks for the feedback! 

We'll add lightning to the list of things in need of adjustment. Perhaps we can even highlight the upper side of the die and conditions on the cards with some glowing textures. Will definetly look into that, thanks!

Very interesting concept! I think showing the starting positions on the level would be a lot more convenient for the player, especially on the early runs. Also I would practically never go for low speed, because it just mean that I will have to wait for the grandpa way longer. 

Other then that - good job! It was really fun to experiment with different stat combinations, and I can see how the idea can be expanded further. 

Hi! Thanks for playing!

If multiple cards are stacked on top of each other, placing dice on them will only contribute to the top order. However I personally find it a lot easier to spread the cards across the table, so you can work on multiple orders at the same time, so this situation rarely comes up. 

The art is simply amazing! Minidice are the cutest things in the world and animations float wonderfully. 

The strategy aspect might not be that deep, but the game is extremly polished and is fun to play as a result. I also like the element of progression you added with candies and extra dice. 

Great game!

Thanks! It really means a lot! We are already set to continue working on the game at least until it's in a finished state. The comments from the jam have been super encouraging.

Thank you a lot for providing the gameplay! Watching someone else play your game is one of the most insightful forms of feedback.

Sorry for the messy physics.

We should have definetly elaborated more on the requirements of each task (or at least make it so you can't leave the tutorial without pressing H for the help window), but I'm glad you decided to stick with the game for a bit and figured most of them out. 17 dead sailors is an admirable result!

Cute game! The arts is super good.

I feel like it would be better if die just took one roll whenever you put it into the inventory, as it would make controls a bit easier. But I love that you've included an inventory managment element in your game. Good job! 

Very clever puzzle! Essentialy your goal is to memorise the level, using perception and choose what stats you would need to complete the next objective. 

I unfortunately got stuck in one of the rooms (one where there is a platform in the middle, levers  ahead and on the left and a reroller on the right). The bug with the stats allocation was present for me as well. 

Despite all that the idea is wonderfull, and I really enjoyed my time with game. There is a lot of potential here, and I hope you can finish the game after the jam.

I'm a simple man - if you can catch fish in your game, I like your game.

The implementation of fish silhouettes in the water is super impressive from the technical stand point. I don't know exactly how you did it, but it feels like a combination of using shaders and procedural animation. Really cool that you've found time for something like that!

One thing I wish was in the game is some sort of shop to sell your fish to. I don't even want any upgrades or anything, it's just that without it the cycle of fishing minigame feels incomplete :)

Good job! 

Good game, I really enjoyed the art and music, as well as the gameplay loop. 

I felt like sometimes the direction cube was going after the explosion was a bit unpredictable, but other then that game is great, good lob!  

Great atmosphere! I love that you force player to drop bombs as the game goes on. 

Aiming the gun at myself was a bit unintuitive. I can only assume that by shooting yourself you prevent the bomb drops and the entire game is therefore a variation of the trolley problem.

I couldn't really understand what's going on and what does all of it mean, but that's to be expected for a game like this to leave you with no clear answers.

Very creative take on the theme! Even though game mostly consist of text, everything looks really pretty. 

I love that you've decided to include unrelated news (or maybe I am just too dumb to connects the dots lol). 

Cool game, good job! 

Thanks for the feedback!

You're right, highlighting the object mouse is hovering over is a must have feature that we should implement in the future. Shadows are already in the game just not in the browser version, unfortunatly. Thanks for playing!