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A member registered Jan 14, 2014 · View creator page →

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Awesome! Looking forward to the new animation features for coastlines.

Absolutely lovely art, and a fun grappling mechanic too! Nice work!

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That's one hungry lil' fella! Nice little game, I like the star ranking system! It's also fun how the music gets more instruments when you eat more of the gelataliens.

Lovely polished interface, and a really interesting game. Quite challenging, but very enjoyable! It was really fun using objects like the TV to plan ahead and nail the scales right in the x10 zone. I'm really impressed by this!

Really awesome to see an ant simulation game! I love just how many ants you can get roaming around after a while, it feels really cool to see them all streaming around over everything. So good!

A most devious little gnome indeed! I laughed out loud when I got eaten by the cat the first time, the tiny cut-off scream and simple death screen was great.

It's a pretty hard life to be a gnome, it seems! Lovely little game, and it's fun to dodge the big boots and garden hose jets.

Really great; a consistent and stylish visual identity with an interesting theme and a quite literal interpretation of the theme and the thumb-on-the-scale idiom. Fantastically polished, well done!

Great idea! Like a very sharp, stabby katamari. Nice and consistent art too, good job!

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I feel like I learned something I shouldn't have. Par excellence.

Cute little robot!

Nice work! It's interesting to see a Scratch game. Keep it up!

Interesting game about building mesh networks! Quite tricky to make sure all the nodes have a good connection, well done!

I love the cute little Capybara! Don't get squished!

Fun idea! The crunchy text-to-speech is great, and I liked trying to size things up with my tapemeasure. I tried to be as fair as I could to the workers, but alas... those swings were just too short...

Stunningly polished for the short jam timespan. I'm blown away by this! Also, that's the same model of Polaroid camera I have in my desk drawer! Really fun to see it brought to life here. Excellently spooky, and the kind of thing I'd expect to see on the Haunted PS1 Demo Disc compilations! Awesome work!

Although the controls were a little bit fiddly, I had a great time with this! I love Pete's design, and it's a great idea letting the player directly control the scaling gizmo this way. Really interesting trying to figure out clever ways to climb up to high places!

As a 3D printer owner, I swear that this is actually what's going on inside there. Cute little game, I like the way you look around and physically have to pull the levers to change the sizes of the parts - that always feels good! Well done to your team!

A tricky but fun platformer with a unique take on the scaling mechanic, by making it an obstacle to account for. Nice work!

This was really fun! The switching between top-and-bottom parts to stretch and scale your way around is really neat, and I super-duper love the framing of people sharing music on music forums as a narrative aesthetic.

This absolutely rules. I love the incremental-game-style upgrade progression and the active gameplay of maintaining my glorious pumbo and scaring off the birds. Also the art is lovely - the pumbo itself makes me think of PS1-era prerendered scaled sprites like in Tomba, Klonoa, and so on. Absolutely great!

Impressive game mechanics and lovely crisp black & white art. Nice work!

Really fun narrative-driven puzzle game. I really like the art, it's very cute!

Really great take on the theme - the world being the interface of a DAW and jumping on the piano roll notes is really unique, I loved it!

Interesting concept for a tower defense, and executed well. I really liked the Wave tower and the way you could push enemies around to group them together and keep them away from the fractal. Good job!

All the cute and goofy creatures reminded me of Spore; I had a few scary moments where I nearly got sandwiched between two giant monsters! Nice work!

Loved how disheveled the aliens look! Runnin' as fast as I can away from those guys. Nice job!

Gloriously creepy visuals, and it's fun making a monstrosity piece by piece. Incredible result for 48 hours!

Impressive scale for a jam game! I enjoyed the narrative and characters, and it was fun trying to build things that I could use to succeed. Wonderful music!

I had no idea frogs lived such a brutal existence! Well done for making something in such a short time!!

Took me a few minutes to understand how it works, but it's a great puzzler with a lot of different things to balance and watch out for. Excellent work!

Giving me fond memories of playing 4D golf earlier this year, with the way everything scales around. The repeating-your-last-shots mechanic is really interesting - makes me take a lot of weird shots early on, so that I have a few moves I can use later on. Lovely golf game, nice job!!

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Ah, awesome terminal with disk activity sounds! Love how you nailed the speed/responsiveness, and the flourescent lighting of the room is really on-point. Extremely atmospheric, and incredible job for the short timespan of the jam. Nice!!
I will confess, also, to pouring silicate into every machine just to see what might happen.

What a unique idea for a tower-defence game - splitting off parts of your main base to create the towers! And with a waffle iron, to forge the raw material into the towers, hehehe! Awesome!

Very cool! Like a blend between the Zachtronics puzzle games and Factorio, this is really fun!

Huey is adorable, and I really love the way you splat paint everywhere, colouring in in the world as you move - and the way you colour in the objects at the end! Perfect little bite-sized game!

A nice little jam game! Lovely art, and it's fun to blast those legally-distinct mushrooms!

A really nice visual effect with the cylindrical lighthouse in the middle, and I love the little skipper character & how the hat pops up in the sea when you get munched! Excellent work!

I love this tiny wizard's grappling hook magehand spell!

I love the way the repeating cycles through the scales makes you time your shots to get the most damage and utility out of them! A lovely interpretation of the theme, nicely done!