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A member registered Sep 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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Really cool! got really invested when going through it, would love to see more options and places to go! hope this gets worked on!


Very cool game! Really felt like the theme was nailed, nice music, and cool art!

Overall a solid game with a nice game play, would have loved to hear some sound in this but the game worked well and was very clear with fun characters with different weapons, good submission, very enjoyable :)

The game had nice UI and a good soundtrack, the combat was clear and the sprites were well designed, one issue i had was that if slimes came form behind, i was unable to urn to fight them but instead had to walk through them so they would be in front of me,  very nice game nevertheless and i did enjoy what i played :) I could tell work went into this !

Very cool game, I really like the details that went into this game, for example, just having the ability to edit your character went a long way for this game allowing the players to feel more unique in the play through and giving them options, the combat was clear and the enemy felt like a good enough challenge. Really appreciate the detail in this game, well done!

Very cute game! really enjoyed the visuals and all the animations as well as the sound affects! the game felt very retro and reminded me of my old game-boy games (Which was a nice nostalgic trip), the game play was enjoyable and i felt a lot of work went into polishing this game :) Well done !

The environment felt really nice to play in with multiple ways to fight with a some what challenging enemy, however, i did find i could straight up walk off and ignore the enemy, i also did't find the game too challenging due to how much health I had.  I Really like the movement and animations that were used and some sound effects would really boost the game  a long way!

Really nice looking game with well designed sprites, I loved the scoring system and how the challenge of the game grew over time, some variation in combat would have been nice to see but it worked as expected and felt very unique with its own style! very nice submission :) Well done!

Awesome submission! plays very well with a concrete art style. The players had multiple ways to play and defend themselves which lead to very tense game play making it very exciting and leaving me wanting more. The choice of environment and playable character was a nice added touch which gave variety and replay ability. Very solid submission that the whole team should be proud of!

thank you for your feedback Charley, sorry for not including the necessary information, i lt jsit completely slipped my mind upon upload, yeah I agree with you feedback completely regarding the game leaning towards the platformer genre but unfortunately we had quite a bit of problems with team task distributions and communication so we did our best to make light of somewhat of an awkward situation, with the gun situation, we planned on having an option to swap weapons but was had to cut it out due to time.

Thank you over all! I’ll be sure to take this in for the next project and try to handle time better to ensure a more polished game in the future :)

Really fun! It ran really well and had good elements the made you feel tense at moments. The whole gamefelt really smooth and worked as intended. Would love to see more levels!

Hi Charlie, Thank you for reviewing our game! I agree with everything you have said and will be sure to pay attention to these details in the future, I definitely should have done more game play testing to ensure everything was as smooth as it could have been  :) And yes I must admit we did have a few complications when it came to making this game due to the fact it became corrupt very soon to the submission deadline, leading to me having to rebuild the game which may have been why some things were a bit rushed as originally we did manage to get the animations in but we didn't manage to find the time after the corruption and same goes for the audio. I believe the reason for the corruption was because we were all working in different versions of unity and when we used the collaboration option, our work got messed up so we learnt our lesson there. personally I would have loved to have been able to add more levels but time became an issue unfortunately. 

Loved the art and the game play, a cool little story with creepy characters, a few game play issues but nothing game destroying e.g; i get stuck to the side of platforms, 

Really well made game, a lot of time has clearly gone in to this. No real complaints and very solid submission with nice art,  game play and game mechanics with well synced menus! 

Really loved the mummy dancing, Some interesting art and and enjoyable jumps! would have liked more levels but overall pretty fun :)

Really love the art style in this game! The creature changing as you progress through the levels was a really nice touch and help add a sense of shock as you progress through the game. The hotboxes of some of the enemies was a big off and i found myself dying without touching anything and in some areas i couldn't jump at all (not sure if it was intentional) but overall a really nice looking game with a solid idea in play! Well done :)

A clear idea can be seen with the game, despite not working I can see the effort that went into this and the fact that you managed to even make a game within the time period deserves an applause , well done!

A fun, engaging game with competitive elements. I really enjoyed the art and how to game played with increasing difficulty. Lots of little details that added to the whole experience, definitely felt very hyper casual!

Really fun game with an interesting concept! The design is really pretty and engaging in every way with fluent movement!

Really fun addictive game with amazing transitions and and an easy to understand mechanic, the high score system adds an engaging competitive element to the game compelling players to play more! well done!

This game produced a really nice atmosphere with good ambiance and a clear increase in difficulty. This created an enjoyable tension when you could see the darkness slowly rising and catching up to you.   

Really enjoyed this game, had unique elements and an eye catching art style, I loved the implementation of a timer as it made the game competitive and made me want to play more!