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A member registered Apr 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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A very fun experience and a great idea to go with the theme! The audio cues to get your attention back to school side was a nice touch.

Thanks for the game! I can see myself playing this more.

Very fun game and I love the idea you had going on!

This game made me think of existential existence.

Fun game and well done! The flashing and color effects really gave a Jeff Minter vibe, if you've seen his works.

Good luck on the Godot port if you stick with that idea.

Thanks for the game!

(1 edit)

I appreciate the insight!

Thank you!

Also, man... I bet you are tired!!! You have over 200 ratings your your game. You got out there and put in the work!

I think that's almost worth more than getting the game in!

I remember you and your game from the jam!

Would you say that the mobile course would be current and relevant? I do want to consider the X-com like. The Youtube-style vs the earlier GDTV ones where ideas were presented as an aside rather than changing code only to delete it shortly after makes me really torn on what to choose, though.

I have to completely agree with CGQQL. It's very good advice.

I've actually went through the Godot course. If you look at my itch profile, I actually used his youtube tutorial on making a Flappy Bird in Godot 3 as the basis for my GDTV 2022 entry and credited him on the Spooky Ghost page. 

I've had no experience with Scratch, but I feel the Godot course does put things out in a way that makes sense as a progression.

Hey! I feel the mobile course is just for that dream a lot of people have to publish some games, get income, and fund further making them. I have done Godot games that work on mobile, but would have some concern as I watch the GDTV forums and have seen that things like the Ad model in Unity has changed since the course was made.

Hey people!

I am curious as to what courses people will get as their free one from participating  in the jam? Have any good or bad experiences with ones you have completed?

I'm personally a bit torn between the Xcom-like turn based strategy one, the Skills and Abilities RPG course, or the Unity mobile one. I honestly don't care much for some of the more youtube-like ones that are the most recent entries to the catalog, but it would be nice to hear if anyone had good or bad impressions from the ones I'm thinking about. Also, I'm sure everyone would like to hear the same for ones they might be thinking of! Some could also be showing their age a bit, and I think it would be useful for people to know.

Anyhow, thanks for the gamejam!

Very well made. Some of the music and traversal made me think of VVVVV.

Thank you for the game!

Very nice and something I'll absolutely come back to look at again.

The description made me initially think it'd be about like Electroplankton for the DS.

Extremely neat with a lot of customization.

Thanks for the game!

(1 edit)

Fun mechanic and a bit challenging, but very well done.

The apple in lvl 3 actually made me laugh, but I think I liked the platforming in lvl 2 a bit more.

Also, have not seen a ton of GDevelop at this point!

Thanks for the game.

Thanks for the game! It would be neat to have a neighborhood with a puzzle/key element, but not bad at all.

I was able to make it through all 3 levels, and the overworld was a surprise when I saw it! Also very nice to have used your assets pack and there was some effort put into a story.

The controls were a little sensitive with using the KB, but I might try using a controller with it later to see if that would make it a bit easier to land the jumps.

Thanks for the game!

Very interesting concept and this looks great!

Clever idea for the theme! This could actually be a good way to people to practice reading music.

Thanks for the game!

It was very well made and chill for a game called Jump Scare.

Great job and thanks for the game!

I really enjoyed the game. It was a good challenge as the jumps were pretty tight in a few places. 

Thanks for the game!

Very cute game, and it fits the theme well! Could easily make a cut virtual pet if the rabbits would spawn others at some points and maybe have some predators to keep their numbers in check.

I only got about score 3400 for my initial run, but got over 8700 after getting a better idea as to how the game works. 

Overall, very well done!

Thanks for the game! I initially didn't know how to build the towers, but once I could making it through wasn't too rough. A mouse sensitivity setting would be nice if you work more on the project.

I enjoyed the game and did make it all the way through. That last wave was pretty crazy!

I played through to the end. It was very well made!

Great job and thanks for the game!

I really enjoyed the game. It was a good challenge as the jumps were pretty tight in a few places. 

Thanks for the game!

Quite slick. Well done!

A solid platformer with nice aesthetics. Very intuitive with the introduction of the jump-pad mechanic. Well done!

A solid basis for a fun game. Some audio would add a lot to the experience, but I could see this being a great browser-based game.

Quite fun and very well-made!

I had a ghost clip through the fence, so didn't get them all. Above all, not a bad entry and I enjoyed it. A crosshair would be an improvement, but otherwise fun. A bit like ghostbusters. PixelShenanigans probably had the same issue I did initially whereby it feels like you can shoot them from afar, but you have to get pretty close for the shots to count.

Not a bad game! I enjoyed my time playing it

Very nicely done! 

Quite polished with good feedback from pickups to know if you're grabbing items that are affecting your Levity good or bad.

A solid first gamejam entry, as well, regarding your development note!

Solid game! Fun mechanic that you could do a lot with!

I made it through both levels. It was not a bad stealth game. Some more feedback on damage taking or dealt would help, but it was a fun experience.

I enjoyed the game, and the checkpoint in level 2 was a welcomed feature. Thanks!