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A member registered Nov 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Glad it could help you. I've seen your entry in the Discord; I'll check it out!

humble clipboard farmer

Simple, fun, has frog! Good art and sfx.

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Nice game! Good art and story. It would be nice if there was a way to attack enemies. Good job!

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Cool and fun game! The ending is great.

Good game! Much frog!

I did lol. Thanks for playing!

Great game! Short but fun, easy controls, nice art, music, and sfx. Good job!

Amazing! I've said that about a few but I haven't played any of them as long as I have this one. The ending was painful. Great job!

This is awesome! It's fun, I would like to play it more, good art, good sound effects, and the music is really good. Fantastic job!

Great game! Icy pond is hard. Good music and sound effects.

Thanks for playing! I don't know why the buy button didn't work. I'm guessing you weren't clicking on it high enough because for some reason you have to.

Glad it's finally working 'cause it's pretty fun! Good job!

Fun, simple, polished! +1 for frogs. Great job!

Fun, simple! Pretty hard. It's fun to figure out how to get faster times.

Fun! Good art. Good job!

Amazing! Looks great, good music. Good job!

Pretty cool! Good music and sound effects. Satisfying to slide the pieces.

Fun! Like someone else said, ambitious. Too long for me to give an accurate rating; lots of games to rate : ) Seems very polished. Good job!

Fun! but really hard. Love the colors and the particles. High score: 32

Pretty fun! Good job. High Score: 911

Fun game! Puzzles weren't hard but made you think. The music is good but got old pretty quick. Some coyote time would make the jumps more pleasant. Good job!


Thx. The button is not selected; it is disabled.

Escape closes inventory or shop

I improved the cursor-box collision. Thanks for letting me know!

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Beat the high score with 730. Hope someone else beats it!

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Got to 590! UPDATE: Beat the high score got 730! Hope more people can enjoy this game!

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I had that problem when I was testing. I have an idea how I could fix it but nothing for sure. I will try some things and let you know if I fix it or at least improve it. Thanks for letting me know!

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Thanks to everyone who rated my game! I didn't think it would get 65th place with the jam having more than 400 entries. I would also like to congratulate everyone for finally finishing something or at least making progress.

Thanks! In what way was it nonresponsive? Did the cursor not push a box?

Thank you!

Really fun, great game! You should have a more gunlike shooting sound since they're planes, not spaceships.

This is great! Good music and art. Maybe you could have a matching font for the numbers.

Good game. Nice art and music.

Pretty fun!

Very interesting. Could use some music.

Really cool! Could definitely become something. Like Tanasak and jinxedbyte said, adding audio would be a big improvement. At some point, I couldn't take the meat off of the left/bottom side of the pan.

Cool game.