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A member registered May 21, 2017 · View creator page →

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Me alegro que te haya gustado! 

Sobre las velas, la solución era al revés. 

De menor a mayor, del primero que se uso al nuevo que se puso. 

De todas maneras, muchísimas gracias por jugar! 

Me encanta! muy original y rejugable. Buen trabajo!

Que arte más bonito! Buen trabajo!

Estupenda narrativa que te atrae de principio a fin. Buen trabajo!

Valla currazo! Buen juego de ritmos!

Good survival game!

I like the way that it makes you concentrate every time!


good old frustrating but addicting game!

Good work boyo!

Nice game!

Love the way you use the sound effects and the gameplay!

Great work!

I try it and it was awesome!

wana play mine?


Thats a beautiful highscore!

Thanks man!

We thoug it will be easy to understand what is happening in the game (for not saying we forgot to put a image with the controls, ups).

And for the 321 its intencionally disruptive.

You see, in the beginning thouse numbers will habe being put on the corner of the screen, but the way that the game looked was a little boring and easier. With the numbers in the middle of the screen it will help to get the rhytm in the beginning and being another obstacle to have later on the run.

Psycological stuff.

Again, many thanks for the feedback!

Love ya

Sorry to hear that!

Right now we cant provide with a downloadable version, but maybe if you reload the page it will work?

Sometimes it happens to us with other proyects.

I hope it works!

Good way to implement the theme into gameplay!

I like it!

This was very cute!

I love the story you implement with the theme, Great work!

Very creative!

I like it a lot, but the problem i see is that the cheapest tower is useless. If i work to build one or two in the first wave they cant kill a fly.

But overall, pretty epic stuff!

Very addicting!

What a interesting way to implement the geometric shapes with the theme!

Great work!

Good use of the theme for a interesting puzzle-platform game!

Great work!

I like it!

I didnt expected the "defend the planet from the asterioids" part.

Good Job!

Here is mine!

Have fun!


Lets celebrate with this:

A shooting math game? Yikes!


Great creativity my dude!


This was amazing.

Great use of the theme

Great Gameplay

Great creativity

Good use of the music

10/10 no kidding


Nice gameplay loop!

Very strategic based building and very cute penguins!

Love it!




Good lord, what a beautiful game!

Love the ingenuity of the levels and the way you have to solve it!

Good STUF!

Good artstyle and gameplay!

Great job!

That commentator scared the living shit out of me!

I didnt expect a full "Goin Up" Game here!

Very frustrating and fun!

Great Job!



Good use of the theme and a fun challenge for your mind.

Good Job!

Love the concept and the effects!

But the cámera it seems so fixed on the car that it made me a little sick...

But hey, Love it!

Good Shit!

A solid arcade game!

Loving the way you change the shape when you get damage!

Good Job!

I like the concept, but i dont know why when i kill a human i dont get time. I keep losing in only 5 seconds.

But again, I love the idea soo much and the shooting feeling feels amazing!

Good Job!

A little hard to understand but good concept!

Maybe is because im not smart but i cant create the shapes faster that the hexagons.

Good Job!

Here is mine!


Love it!

You made my hand to play twister and its awesome!

Geat Job!

What a interesting concept!

But I see a problem with the enemies, they shoots you the soon they spawn without a moment to breath.

Other then that pretty good!

Nice entry!

A little tricky but a fun puzzle to pass the time.

The only problem is that those three boxex on the top of the screen looks like the places you put the boxes.

Other then that pretty good!

Thanks for playing!

We did it intencinally so that you will learn the ropes and become more skillful, but thanks for telling us!

Love it! Nice artstyle and good gameplay!