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A member registered Jan 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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Congrats for the first place!

First thanks for telling the font! Second i meant that the hazard counter is always void instead of incrementing from 0 to 1 and etc

Interesting game, but the camera is kind of buggy and the hazard seem to always be void... Anyways it's a good game overall and it's "bugginess" is pretty understandable considering the time frame in which it was made. Btw just curious, but what font did you use?

Super awesome game! The effects of each power are just amazing and as someone already pointed out the polish level for 3 days is just super amazing! Well done!

Great game! As usual the visuals and the music blown me a way by their quality! Specially impressive considering that this was done in 3 days

Hi from the btp3 game jam where you made that masterpiece! Pretty excited for what you will make for this jam!

I have already rated and played yours! Here is our entry:

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Glad to hear! I will proceed with the update then!

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I have fixed a somewhat significant(not critical tho) bug and removed some unnecessary text color diversity and button states. Now my question is: If I update my game with these improvements will my submission be devalued or  frowned upon?

Pretty creative idea! Well done!

Good atmosphere and addicting gameplay! Well done! 

Entering the stream now... here is my game:

Glad you enjoyed it! Mouse aiming is definitely one of the areas I could have done better!

Thanks for playing and rating it!

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Mine is about a minimalist monk who kills his worshippers:  Btw I must warn you that i will probably not have time to rate your game  but i will try my best:- )

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You cant post updates during voting time; doesnt allow you to do so. Also no need to give my game( 5 stars, just play it and rate it whatever it deserves!

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Mine is about a monk who kills his worshippers:

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Mine has a backstory that some found funny:

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Thanks for providing such elaborate constructive criticism! I will try to keep all that in mind for the next game jam!

Glad you liked my jam entry!

Great game! Love the stealth mechanics, the ai logic, and the fact that unlike most stealth games you are not using a shot weapon! My only criticism is that the UI could get a bit of improvement in two ways: by making button text totally uppercase and having the arrows used displayed in another format other than text(maybe a progress bar or an arrow icon?). Awesome job nevertheless! Well done! 

Played yours now and thanks for playing and rating mine!

Good game! The atmosphere is awesome! My only complaints are the sprite animations and the fact that the buff control didn't seem to work:( Nonetheless good job!

Played and rated yours now! Please play mine!

Great game! I normally give at least a piece of criticism, but this game is just perfect! Well done!

Weird, but interesting game as many others have already said! Great take on the theme! My only complaint is that the UI and the mouse indicator need some improvement, but otherwise great job! Excited to see what you make next!

Mine is about a minimalist monk who kills his worshippers! Play it here: I will play yours now!

Great game! Well done! I really love the mixture of speedrun and mini-strategy in finding the most optimal way to get stuff done without losing too many customers, but not wasting time with those that are impossible to deliver on time! My only complaint is that the controls are kind of confusing

One of the best jam entries I have played so far! Well done! My only complain is that it makes more sense to die when you go from 1 health to 0 health than from when you from 0 to -1 health.

Thanks for playing and rating it!

Glad you liked it! I will try to play your game as soon as possible!