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A member registered Jul 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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Really cool!

Good game, I enjoyed it! Your game always has this unique sense of originality. I can tell you put a lot of passion when making this piece of art. I appreciate your games' use of original composition (which is underappreciated in the game dev community IMO). I can feel the touch of passion and good feel you probably when through when making them!

Keep up the great work! :D

Truly magical. I now have the power of the keyboard in my hand. I can now summon a choir of 'piano' and cats! I highly recommend anyone still feeling a doubt requiring this absolute power.

Thank you very much! That means a lot to me!

Hey there! Thank you very much for the feedback. The core codes of this game are pretty flawed, and I switched engine from Godot to Unity lately. I will rebuild this game again from scratch on Unity someday. With better code management, hopefully.

Hey there! Thank you very much for taking the time to play, record, and even post the video on youtube! This is my first game, and I'm fully aware that there are many bugs to be fixed in this game. There are some flaws in the core basic movement setting of the game, and I don't really use Godot engine anymore. 

However, I will someday rebuild this game from scratch on Unity. Hopefully, I will fix the janky movement and prone to bugs codes inside this game and build a better and more solid version of this game.

Hey there! Thank you very much!

Whoa same, I'm also just messing with 3d part of Godot lately haha. For the jam I'm planning to join Godot Wild Jam 40. It starts tomorrow, 9 day duration. I'm really interested with that jam's rating category system.

Nice! so, what jam are you planning to participate in next?

Oh, man. This got to be one of the games I enjoyed the most of all the games I played in this jam. Raising an army of the dead that follows you and help you fight made me feel so badass. I absolutely love the last battle- it just felt so satisfying. The art and the music compliments the style really well. Impressive!

Imma guess... 150?

Hey Jade! Would love to see you play my first game~

Moon Spirit

Hey there! Here's my submission :)

Thank you for checking it out!

Amazing. All of it. The music, art style, design, game play. Everything is so unique and polished. Impressive work!

I love the art style! Great work!

Whoa this is some interesting puzzle mechanics! Good job!

Interesting game play mechanics! You managed to build a well balanced puzzle, and a good tutorial on top of that. The art and dynamic music is also really good! Good job! If I were to add more, it would be nice if we can control the player more precisely. Sometimes it can be a bit frustrating when the player moves too fast and hit the spike unintentionally,  resulting in multiple tries even when the player already knows the solution to the puzzle. It's like, your game sits between puzzle and platformer genre- the puzzle player gets put off by the platforming mechanics, and the platformer player gets puts off by the puzzle mechanics. Mark Brown (Game Maker's Toolkit) designed it really nicely on his video here, if you haven't watched it yet. All in all, good job in making this game! I really enjoyed it!

Hey Norodix, that was some fantastic idea! That would really increase the depth and juice to the game play. I'll consider adding that mechanic if I continue this project later, thanks a lot!

As for the story, I originally planned to have 5 characters in total. The player just happened to control the fox (not wolf :D), but all 5 of this animals are moon spirit that are trying to ascend to the moon. Sadly, there wasn't enough time to make the worlds and cut scenes for all those 4 fox companions, so I just cut them out. They would really add a lot to the story though as I've arranged them to have their own personality and story. Anyway, thank you very much for taking your time to write the feedback. They will be very helpful for my next project!

Here's the character sketch by the way:

From left to right: moon fox, moon deer, moon medium dog, moon small dog, moon lion :D

Thank you very much for the feedback! I completely agree with you, there's quite a bit of inconsistency in the game play. I wasn't thinking about it too much when I'm making this game as I focused a lot more into the experience of the player, but now that it's done it's kinda bugging me haha. I'd definitely pay more attention to this aspect in the future.

Glad you enjoyed the experience!

Thank you!

Thank you for the feedback! Completely agree there, I'd definitely try my best to make a smoother movement flow for atmospheric games like this in the future.

Thank you very much, Keichi! I'm very very glad that my game managed to convey the artistic experience to you. That has always been my goal from the start of learning Godot, and your review gives me a huge confidence boost at what I'm doing, so thank you!

Thank you! That means a lot to me!

Thank you very much, Riplea!

Hi Luna! This is my very first game and jam- "Moon Spirit"

Let me know what you think of it!

Moon Spirit by Cryodawn (

Thank you very much!

Hey Jade! Would love to see you play my first game!

Moon Spirit by Cryodawn (

Fantastic! The gameplay was simple and polished. The music and sound design were gorgeous. I love how you communicate the "less is more" concept through breathing slowly and reflecting on it. Impressive work!

This is a very polished game! Impressive!

The art style is really interesting! Good job!

It wouldn't look half that pretty without your tool haha. Thanks again. You're awesome!

Really cool game! It feels so satisfying. Good job!

I really like the shooting effect. Made me feel so badass. Also, the diary that appears between the levels is a really good cherry on top! Good job!

Thank you!! That means a lot to me. Conveying art through a video game medium has always been my goal since I started learning Godot a month ago. I'll consider continuing this project later. But even if I don't, the games I will make in the future would be similar to this game- in an artistic way.

Thank you very much!

This game looks very polished! Well done! I absolutely love mopping the blood- that felt so satisfying.


Well played!

Man, dunking the monster into the power source made me feel so badass. I absolutely love your art style and design. Great work!

I really love the fact that both running out and having too much energy be harmful to you. This is some freakin cool game concept! Really love the gameplay. Great work!

Really cool! I like the way you go with dark lighting, it makes the glow part much more impactful. Good job!