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A member registered Mar 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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I was a bit lazy towards the end ´:)
just 43...

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The game is interesting, I like how everything is affected by absorption. The map is closed and the camera fits nicely to it. In general most things are cool. I enjoyed the game.

P.S.: For some reason I had to rename the data folder...

Already a familiar concept, nice background, but most importantly another Godot Engine user. Good luck in the future.

Snappy, simple and one of the best performing ScoreBoards I've seen. Keep it up!

I'm not really sure what I'm seeing at the moment, but I still feel like I just played a TD but I could move and I was basically completely out of it, but well out of it and all of a sudden there's a laser and a box and I'm running around just wondering what's going on. :D But then after a while you catch yourself and it starts going better and better. My only regret is a bit jerky control... probably my computer couldn't handle it :D Otherwise Good job!

Music Pong! I love the placement in the old TV and the static in the background. Almost a horror atmosphere :D

Currently first in the ScoreBoard (I hope... RezeKuS)

The game is cool, it's kind of a spore, but that doesn't take away from the fact that the game adds new controls and shows the player in a nice way what kind of fish they can absorb ;)

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Yep, I tried the behavior tree, but the state machine seems better for offensive enemies.

Btw thx for feedback. <3

Hi, I need help, or at least an opinion... What does it mean to you when someone says good AI? I'm new to game development and I'm currently expanding the AI for our game that we've created in the course of three days. I would be incredibly grateful for any opinion or feedback.

At the moment, the nature of our AI is very simple. I'm using state machine and simple conditioning for distance from the player and randomness. I'm quite keen to switch to a behavior tree...

Definitely meets the theme and not bad for three days. I would have expected maybe a bit more distant camera and movement in at least eight directions instead of four. But otherwise, for a prototype, it's fine.

Unlike Osu, here I at least caught some score. :D

The game is simple enjoyable and is made in Godot Engine, what can I say. Great job!

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oh... that sucks... I'm lucky that Godot Engine solves this instead of me :D

But for a first project, it's pretty cool.

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I had, but luckily the most important parts of the game fit in the middle of the screen :D 

Quick tip, you can reduce the size of the game window in itch page settings.

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Yeah, the game is not made for the web :D It was exported and indexed in the last 10 minutes before the deadline...

So I was expecting problems like this. What can be done, optimization and more time to polish was no longer, unfortunately :D

Great game, lots of things to look out for and the sounds are an amazing aid to understanding the game. I enjoyed playing!

Can you specify? Did it not load or did something not work? We know about the limited functionality of the scoreboard but is there anything more?

Anyway, thanks for playing.

This was fun. The movement in this game is incredibly smooth. My only gripe is the size of the game and having to bring a magnifying glass to the computer, but otherwise it's a great break from work.

Pleasant game. With simple controls and a straightforward objective. Love it!

This is a great arcade game. The best part are the sounds plus those sweet score collecting animations.

The star can be picked up several times. Otherwise, for three days of work, a pretty cool game. (Also nice beats)

Interesting, the controls are a bit clunky at times, but the music and visuals save the day :D

Functional concept, I'm not too sure where the theme is, but in general it's not bad.

I enjoy the game for some reason, but I would have liked more levels. Other than that it doesn't look bad at all, just a pinch of work on level design and more levels. Almost like it was made for speedrunning.

Suffice it to say that it is an interesting game with well-executed mechanisms. Well done!

Exactly :D

Nice, reminds me of the fight in undertale against undyne. All in all, a good game. The music is cool and the sounds aren't annoying. Love it!

Ok, no kidding, this is the best game I've played this jam. And what's this, am I seeing a Godot Engine loading? I love it! You just made an almost better inscription in three days. I hope to see you in the top 3. I just love this game!

I love the music, it brings it into a completely different atmosphere than I was expecting. Also thank you, I could at least practice my aim a little :D

Fast and it caught me right when I started. The movement is great too. General I had a lot of fun. :D

Nice visuals. The way the whole game shakes with every shot gave me a feeling of power :D

Yep, the game needs better AI, it's one of those things I neglected when writing the code :D
But otherwise I'm incredibly glad to hear that the game entertained. Good luck with the reviews!

The movement is well polished tbh. I had fun even just running away from enemies.

Almost a literal snowman armageddon, quite entertaining :D

The game has an incredibly interesting concept, but after a few tries my enthusiasm left me. The game is not bad, it has nice visuals and amazing music. But it's good for the first 20 tries, after that it starts to get stale. That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the game. It was pretty fun.

Great job.

In fact, this is exactly what I imagine when someone says Game Jam. The game has an interesting idea and a nice look.

Amazing visuals. The gameplay is great, although this style of games is not my strong point, but it was fun for a while. Overall the game looks great.

I can only think of two words. Cute and funny.
Great job!

Fun and for some reason reminds me of old button phone games like golf :D

For three days, awesome job.

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Pleasant music at the beginning of a nice relaxing gameplay that makes you think. For me a full functioning piece of art :D

WTH this game is amazing. Sounds great, visuals great (maybe too much flickering, but that might just be me) and the gameplay... it's just so simple and fun.

Plus I love seeing the Godot Engine loading screen :D

They said 2 options weren't enough, but the music, the MUSIC! No really, the music is great :D