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A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks! That's an intriguing idea...

Thanks for playing!

The clocks give you one second boost. I agree running against the wall shouldn't keep the timer running. I kind of neglected and forgot about it by working around it. I made sure the game is completable but the difficulty might be quite high and I was used to the controls.

Thanks for playing! I agree the levels could have more complexity, but that would mean more levels as well. That's generally been an issue for me in jams, getting enough content out. 

I also think this could work on mobile, with some tuning.

Thanks for playing! Actually, I planned to give each a unique feature initially. But I had to cut that out. Perhaps something to consider in the future.

If nothing else, you are more prepared for the next one and know which AI to avoid :D

Nice game. I think you nailed the mood as a whole. 

Some story would have been nice and I'd preferred if you had more control over your camera. Maybe some sort of interaction animations.

I could see other levels as well

Good job!

What a lovely game. I love the feeling when you get a good flight going. Music fits nicely to the mood. I wish the restarting would be faster and didn't interrupt/reload the music, though. The current pace sadly breaks the immersion.

Good job, game's fun!

Nice twin-stick shooter. Great work with the graphics, they feel really polished (apart from the floating cubes). The first bit was kind of tedious, I feel you could've thrown the player into action straight away. Also, I'm unsure if the radar had any actual purpose. If not, I would lower the sound for it a bit as it can get on the nerves if it's beeping constantly.

Good job!

Quite fun game, enjoyed playing it. The gameplay feels unique and mechanics simple enough to grasp straight away. The visual presentation gives the game this eerie and kind of tense atmosphere. I suppose the spawns and speeds were randomized, but some of the monsters were very fast  in the first levels.

Great job!

Very good and polished game! I enjoyed the gameplay and appreciated the tutorials. 

Good job!

Cool game. I liked how some zombies came towards you as a blood pools. The gun has a nice juicy sound to it, although in the last minute it did sound louder and that felt off. Maybe it was a critical hit? 

The constant waves of zombies kept you busy and forced to move around which was nice. Slightly bigger and wider woods would've been nice. Maybe even some platforming, climbing on that big rock or something.

Well done! 

Nice game. I enjoyed the chill vibes it gave and the visual style has a cute, unique feel.

Following both tracks on the sides got pretty hectic with faster speed, which you apparently choose from the three symbols. The symbols are nice but it would have been great if you had any idea what you are choosing as a player.  The horizontal line also felt pretty unfair towards the end when you have pretty much no reaction time for inputs.

Good job!

Haven't played many FPS jam entries so it might be me but the game felt bit over ambitious. The graphics do look nice but since they are very detailed, they also make the loading times bigger. And that is something you might want to consider when making a game like this. After the first cutscene I thought the game froze since there was no indication of loading happening.

Objective wise I would've liked a journal or some tooltip on menu to tell me where to go again, because I was having a hard time reading the small print in the corner. I was also focusing on the controls so I might have missed my time to read there. Either way, some clear indication of objective would have been cool.

For action, there were features lacking I was expecting to see in a shooter. First, headshots. I was taking my sweet time to aim only to see it not having any impact what so ever. Which leads me to the second point, lack of feedback. Most of the time I had no idea whether I had hit the mark or not. 

Lastly, I wasn't able to reload my guns for some reason. 

Either way, I think you did a fine job pulling all the pieces together. For future I highly recommend putting your game in more accessible format and on a known platform if you want others to play it. Downloading from a google drive is very dodgy business.

Thanks for playing, glad you liked it!

Thanks for playing!

Thank you for playing!

Thanks for playing and the feedback!

Hey, thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! Glad you liked the mechanics.

Hmm. Alright, thanks for the input.

Thanks for playing! Can you elaborate on navigation?

Thanks for playing!

I really like the visuals of the game and the atmosphere you set. Unfortunately the game felt kind of slow and the font was really hard for me to read.

Well done in any case!

Quite enjoyable game! Love the different kinds of tracks you have made.

Control wise turning left and right felt a bit too slow, almost like you had brakes on. 

Good job!

Nice game. Visually it's very appealing and the music is quite atmospheric.

I went left straight from the start and ended up in a situation where I couldn't proceed due an enemy homing towards me with the speed of light and from an angle where you cannot dodge (or it is very hard).  I suppose I didn't find the power ups to dash and long jump, since they didn't do anything and there were clearly opportunities to use them.

Good job!

I love the tunes! The knights look cool as well. I agree with others about the telegraphing, the slam is too fast. Maybe the giant could get faster?

Well done!

Thanks for playing! I'm quite satisfied how the game turned out.

Hey, thanks. And thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Cool game. I like the graphics, especially the main character. I'm getting a Haiku the Robot vibe and I like that.

I find the movement and combat bit lacking. The movement didn't feel smooth and it affected the platforming for me. It might have been out of reach for the scope of jam, but I would've enjoyed some sort of wall sliding and jumping.

While I like the concept of reflecting attacks back, the time span of active reflection was slightly too short for my taste. Also, the enemies might have too much health, since I found myself skipping all of them instead of fighting .

Good job!

Nice game! I like the humor and the presentation. Fits the theme well, as well. Only nitpick would be the sluggish movement around the picnic area and how collision of the trees makes it unnecessarily hard to travel in the woods.

Good job!

Hey, thanks for playing!

After the cutscene game freezes with this error

It felt promising though, hope you get it to work.

Thanks for playing! I'll take a look.

Thanks for playing! Yeah, the AI is at disadvantage, as it has to make the guess every time. 

Clean art and fine gameplay. I enjoyed it.

Well done!

Nice game. I think you have a nice idea and concept here, it just needs tweaking. I feel like the randomness of the dice should be more controlled. Either their positions, or the areas they can land on. Using the same mechanic you could make some interesting puzzle levels. Now, if you're unlucky... You could be stuck for hours in a level. And that doesn't sound too appealing.

The graphics give a unique feel to the game, and the movement feels solid. You chose fitting music to the game as well.

Good job! 

Damn, I think I found my favorite for the jam! All of the parts are knit together so nicely. The music, the art, the gameplay.  Fantastic. 

However, I did encounter an impossible start as seen below. Just a little thing, that could be prevented.

Great job, team!

Quite fun game. Lovely tunes. I think the timer shouldn't run while the tutorial text is there or until the player makes a move.

Well done!

Nice game! I liked the  different effects, moon physics was the favorite one. I guess the movement felt slightly slogish, longer level with more velocity could've been quite fun.

I really enjoyed the completion melody, perhaps there could have been something similar for during the game.

Good job!