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Bumblebean Games

A member registered Feb 16, 2022 · View creator page →

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SO CUTE!! For 8 hours this is an absolute GEM

Thanks so much! Gotta patch those colliders but I appreciate the feedback :)

Thanks for playing, and so cool getting to watch you play! Definitely hoping to make the tutorial make more sense (my bad)

Oooo good to know! The gameplay was mostly balanced for local multiplayer (similar to Overcooked) so it might be too hard singleplayer, I'll try and balance that out though!

So excited for this game jam, can't wait to see everyone else's!

Omg so fun! The 4-wall slider was something I've never seen before, so cool! It took me a while to figure out how to catch but I got it working :)

Okay it took me a little bit to understand the mechanics of it all but once I did it was super fun! The 3D assets are amazing and the atmosphere is great. Also very cool gameplay and SFX. I think with a little polish to the UI/tutorial this is definitely a keeper, great job! 

Really fun game! I had a hard time knowing where I was hitting and I had hoped that some of the obstacles would provide cover. Also the gravity when hit by a wolf sent me flying. Otherwise really cool!

This is so cool! I think it needs a little polish because the crafting system wasn't intuitive, it would be awesome if some of the instructions were included in the game so that I don't need to reference the game description as I play, and the steering wasn't working for me, but overall super cool concept! Also very impressive that you made all the 3D assets, that isn't easy in the scope of a week and I think you did a really great job!

Thank you so much for the feedback!

Hahaha oh noooooo, and thanks for playing!

Cool concept! There's something really satisfying to a game that incorporates death into the gameplay and you did a great job doing that! I think the controls were a little unintuitive but it seems like you already know that, and I think a few more levels to really feel the difference of those upgrades would be awesome. Great job!

Great feedback, and thanks for playing!

So fun!! I think some music would have gone a long way but overall a clean game executed really well, nice job!

Very cool game! I didn't understand which character I was for a while because I didn't realize I was switching places with the people I lost to but that's a really cool mechanic I haven't seen before. Art style was great, SFX were great, and story was great. Small detail but for a game that looks this polished I enjoy a more stylized font (but that could just be me). Overall great job!

Thank you so much, and thanks for playing!

Thank you so much! I love adding a little story to my games to help pull people in. I loved the story in your game, really great job!

Thank you so much! I'll definitely be working on a solution to that issue with sheep in the corner so thank you for letting me know

Thanks for the feedback! There were plans for better use of theme but had to scrap them for time but I definitely agree

Hahaha yes I voiced the sheep, the bad guys, and the narration at the beginning. In the version I release once voting ends there is an upgrade in the market for the strength of attraction so thank you for suggesting that!

Really fun game! It took me a second to figure out how everything works but once I did it was smooth sailing and a very satisfying game! Maybe a brief tutorial round to introduce the concepts would add but overall really nice game! 

Really cool concept! I think the controls were difficult but in a good way, definitely a game with a learning curve but I think one that pays off if you get the hang of it. I think if you added something to the tank to visually tell the player which end is the front, speed up the rate of rotation and move speed for the player, and add some SFX it would be more satisfying, but overall a great concept and use of an interesting combo of mechanics!

This was so fun, such a good story line!! Great work

Really cool game! The environment was very cool and the theme was executed great. I think some sound effects and mini-story/tutorial would have gone a long way, I loved the puzzles but I wasn't really sure what I was working towards and didn't always understand what I was collecting. Overall great game though, I really enjoyed!

Really fun game! I thought the audio was fun and once I understood the gameplay I had a really fun time trying to intercept the little dudes. I think some music and a brief tutorial would go a long way but otherwise great submission!

I appreciate the feedback! I'm hoping to add a story mode that should provide the missing direction :)

Very cool game! I think the star was all the custom audio, for the scope of a game jam that's really impressive and something a lot of dev teams don't flesh out. Overall really enjoyed the games and the art too, the only issue I had was some lag and some UI remaining open for longer than I should have. Overall great submission!

You chose some great assets to bring together! I think I was craving more, maybe slightly more sophisticated combat, but otherwise good job!

Really cool concept! Everything felt really smooth, my only notes are that I would have liked some music and some polish on the level-build UI, otherwise super super cool idea to build the level as you parkour across!

This was actually really fun! The quick pacing kept me on my toes and engaged throughout the whole thing, good job!

Omg so cute! my only qualm is that I wanted more, I thought the calendar telling you what to do was a great idea, and typing fake code at the end of the day was more fun than I expected. Great job!

Cool game! I think I would have liked to upgrade my weapon more or get different kinds of weapons at the gun shop, and I think music would add a lot to the experience. Otherwise very fun entry! 

Well designed levels and a cool visual style! I think some extra audio and a tiny tutorial would go a long way but that's the only thing I was really missing. Great job!

I couldn't figure out how to do anything but I was really excited by the idea, this kind of game is one of my favorites!

Omg what a fun take on a platformer where the goal is to die, very clever! Loved the art and the homemade sound effects, overall a really solid game

Cute game, I loved how the lantern swung around when you moved. Unfortunately the audio was really quiet and I had some issues with buggy movement/reseting, but really cool dungeon design!

Nice art, great music, and cool world-building! I wasn't sure if I could ever lose a fight so I just started spamming my way through, also wasn't totally sure I was using the right controls (between SPACE and F). Good stuff though!

Cute game!! The hitch hiking was a really nice touch that rounded out the game nicely!

Cool art style, great puzzles, nice music & SFX, everything came together really nice here, great job!