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A member registered Dec 03, 2017 · View creator page →

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😱I think reaction playthroughs of this would be hilairious 

(1 edit)

Ahahaa. It's meant to be a hexagon. In fact, you can see in the dialogue box when it talks that it says “Hexagon” is talking. I don't know how I managed to draw an octagon or that we didn't spot it afterwards. 10/10 deduction skills, Detective.

I really enjoyed this. The tutorial was a bit dry and I agree with comment below's suggestions. But for a 48 hour game jam this is great.

I love the dogs so much. *playful woof*. I noticed a few glitches such as 1 of the checkpoints not working and you can escape the boundaries by going to the blocked path. Great job overall, I really enjoyed playing this one. 

Haha, that is extra meta! It would have been super difficult to pull that off but it’s a great thought process. I love it.

This is really cool!! I love the concept and the tiny details you've added like the sails curling up when you reverse. I'll be honest, I didn't realise I had a grappling hook or that the blue spheres where how to use it for a long time, haha. I was trying to parkour/cheat for a while there. Is the scale intentionally? The player character feels very small compared everything else.

If you develop this further a colourblind mode is a must-have accessibility feature!

Here’s a hint: in the Options menu you can enable the Credits button and there’s a secret in there…

I hope you give it another go! 

5 stars :) love this kind of thing

My keyboard doesn't have a numpad unfortunately 😅 so whilst I can't fairly rate this entry, I wanted to say the visuals look great and if you implement the option to rebind the movement controls I'd love to give it a go post-jam.

I love this! The barrels were a nice surprise. If you worked on this more it would be cool to have an endless mode with a height metric rather than time.

I really like the presentation on this one! I have two suggestions for future updates:

  1. Use NavMesh (or something similar) for the Enemy's movement as currently they get stuck on walls a lot when trying to get to the player 's ship.
  2. Hide the cursor so that the player can focus on the blue crosshair

Great job though, I'd love to see you work on this post-jam.

Everybody's creations are so beautiful!!

Thank you!


Lovely visuals! I like the particle effects following the boat and the day-night cycle. One thing is it was hard to view the landmark icons at night. Really calming gameplay overall and well polished!

I forgot to add that making an inventory system during a jam is very impressive :D

I struggled a little with getting going (reading the big block of instructions was difficult for me, I think mostly down to the font/colour choice). However, once I got going and started exploring I thought it was great! I love the underwater visual effect you added on top of Kenney's assets in particular.

Very atmospheric! I'll be honest, I'm a scaredy cat when it comes to jumpscares so I couldn't finish it 😅but it looks amazing and it's clearly a very creative use of assets. One thing to look into would be how to effectively use lighting to guide the player through the level because there were a few points where I wasn't sure where to go (I couldn't find that first alleyway for a while, for example).

The submissions page has a solution to the puzzle, but there is a known bug with it at the moment so that may have affected your experience. I'd recommend trying again if this is the case!! Thanks for the kind words as well.

Developer update:

Big thanks to everyone who has played and rated our game so far and a special thank you to those who have left feedback and suggestions below as well.

I've added a section at the bottom of the itch page for known bugs and feature requests and I'll add to this as we get more comments. Please do let me know if I've missed something you've said :-) 

After the rating period has ended, we'll post a couple of updates to get rid of the current bugs and add some new features/puzzles based on the feedback we've collected at that point.

Thanks again everyone, I'm so happy with how positively received this little experiment has been!

Developer update:

Big thanks to everyone who has played and rated our game so far and a special thank you to those who have left feedback and suggestions below as well.

I've added a section at the bottom of the itch page for known bugs and feature requests and I'll add to this as we get more comments. Please do let me know if I've missed something you've said :-) 

After the rating period has ended, we'll post a couple of updates to get rid of the current bugs and add some new features/puzzles based on the feedback we've collected at that point.

Thanks again everyone, I'm so happy with how positively received this little experiment has been!

Thanks for coming back to rate it! We really appreciate that :D

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Password does do something! Once you’ve typed in the password, and clicked the tick button next to it, it’ll turn green if you got it right. It will also unlock something new so you have to keep an eye out for the changes ;) 

I'm by no means good at this game but I still think its fun and unique! Nice one!

First things first, I love how you've designed the itch page itself. It's pretty, informative, and I particularly like that you added a video of gameplay.

As for the game itself, the gameplay is cool and has a lot of potential to be expanded upon after the jam! I would love to see a shop to put those coins to good use and progressively more challenging dungeons to traverse and think my way through.

You nailed "exploration" on this one and I think you've carefully selected assets and put them to very effective use to make cohesive theming.

Thanks for reporting the bug! We should add a "reset to default" option that resets all of silly options like gravity, whilst keeping the player's progress.

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Life got in the way a bit during this jam so it was more like ~24 hour for us but I'm really happy with what we were able to do in that time. I would have loved to add more settings that actively effect the gameplay (like enabling resizeable/moveable windows). I'd love to hear your suggestions for what to add!! Thanks for playing :)

This is really cool. The difficulty seems to ramp up quite quickly. It would be really cool if selecting the powerup you want to buy automatically purchased it when you've got enough points (I think this would help a lot in the early game). Maybe this could be a toggle in the settings if you developed it further after the jam? Great job!

Without spoiling it too much for people who haven't played yet: it's hidden in the text in one of the windows. You'll definitely know it when you see it!

100% agree. I really wanted to do movable/resizeable windows! It would have added a lot of potential for more puzzles/hidden content. Thanks for playing!!

Hi aeta! Thanks for playing, it's been a while since I've updated this game so really apprecaite the interest. If I remember correctly, the substrate/bedding message will persist if you've picked a cage with a base that isn't deep enough for ~8 inches. It's probably not a very helpful message though - since it doesn't tell you why :)

Your style is very pretty and unique, I love the palettes you've picked too! 

i wish this was a full game so badly (and wow thats a cool twist)

Your animation is really smooth and it looks like it would feel very responsive and juicy to play

I love that you've added a story! And the battle screenshot in particular looks incredibly cool.

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Screenshot #1gameplay

Screenshot #2customise your deck

Screenshot #3: win your bracket to explore the forest

Screenshot #4wow so many opponents to face

To read a full description of gamplay visit the game's page!

I love this! I think it might be my favourite game of the jam (and that's not just because of the little frog). It's really cute and fun and juicy! I could play this for ages.

One feedback I will give is that it's a little hard to know where youre placing things because I have to look and pay attention to the dice and where im putting it versus where the frog is standing. And its hard to reposition the frog whilst holding the dice because it goes into slow mo (which is good in itself because it makes it less stressful)

I would love to see some special abilities added to the gameplay - maybe you could AOE damage for certain party members?