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A member registered Jul 02, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! This worked perfectly!!

(10 edits)

Hello! Thank you so much for the tool. I’ve been fiddling around to use this in our music room, and I was wondering if there was a way to make the animation reset when I click between two different song names that require the marquee. In the gif above, when switching between “I’ve Seen Something I Shouldn’t Have//Sign”​ and “I’ve Seen Something I Shouldn’t Have//Noir”​, the position in the marquee is saved between the two, which makes the song title harder to read when it’s first clicked on. I noticed this animation resets when clicking on a shorter name that doesn’t require marquee and then the longer name, and that’s the ideal behavior we’d like for switching between any songs.

Thank you!

    xsize 800 ysize 60
    animation marquee_pan(30.0)
    always_animate False
    text "{font=gui/fonts/EBGaramond-Medium.ttf}[song_name]{/font}":
    layout 'nobreak'
transform marquee_pan(t, delay=0.5):
    xpan 0 subpixel True
    pause delay
    linear t xpan 360

Thanks for playing!!! I'm so glad you got to see a happy ending for them :)

Thank you so much for playing and your thoughts!!! It really means so much to us! Lore really did so well on the poems, they're so incredible.

Thank you so much for the kind words and support!!!! As someone who's heard the voices, the voice actors did such an excellent job, I'm beyond excited to share it with everyone!

Hi! Thank you so much for your interest :)

The Blooming Edition will be available digitally for everyone one month after the Kickstarter ends (which will begin April 5th), and for people who already paid for the artbook, they will get the upgrade automatically.

It will be priced at $5.

Hi! On April 5th, we'll be coming out with a voice acting patch for all of the dialogue. Hitting V will enable self-voicing as well, which will read out the game's narration and menus using your computer's Text to Speech settings.

Thank you everyone!!

Thank you so much for the kind words, I'm so glad to hear that! I'll pass it onto the team members :)

(3 edits)

Hello everyone! We are so sorry for all the difficulties experience with running Highway Blossoms 1.2.2. We've figured out the issue and a proper fix will be coming as soon as possible.

If you are experiencing the "TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'NoneType' and 'float'" error:
For now, to make the game run without crashing, please go into the accessibility menu in options before starting the game and changing the font to any other font. You will be able to change it back to the default font afterwards if you wish.

If you are experiencing the "ValueError: unsupported pickle protocol: 5" error with the downgraded versions, we are still investigating this issue. Hopefully with the above fix will mean that downgrading will not be necessary, but we will work on a fix for it.

If you are getting any other error screens please report them and we will address them as soon as possible.

We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience.

i want to see him to grow up strong and healthy

Thank you so much for your kind words, and so sorry for the late response!

Please make sure you have the most recent version of the game; I believe the issues mentioned are fixed in those.

Oh, I see! Thank you and I'm glad you've found the folder :)

Hello! If you go to Help, there should be a button to open the folder for screenshots.

They would be also found in:

%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Studio Élan\Please Be Happy\Screenshots

Or the appro

Congratulations on the release! It's beautiful!!! I love the changing backgrounds and both Winter and Spring's designs!!!

(2 edits)

Beautiful game! I've been having discussions about minesweeper with my friend the last few days so as soon as I saw this we had to play it. The theming and visuals are really gorgeous, and I love the variation of minesweeper!

I have to agree that it would be much more enjoyable if I could mark infected cells as I went from the get go, maybe it could be an option to toggle?

Thank you for the wonderful game!

Edit: Saw a typo - "choose you laboratory" you > your

Hello everyone! I hope you've been well. It was the 1 year release anniversary for Without a Voice a couple days ago, and while I couldn't prepare anything grand, I wanted to draw a Elowen/Cassidy kabedon, so I did!

Thank you for all the support and love throughout the year, everyone!

Played through Chev, Rod and Karma so far and I can't stop smiling!!!! What an amazing after-story for Cinderella Phenomenon - worth every cent!!! Every part of this is made with so much love and care, and WOAH the redrawn sprites... Who made Rumpel hot!!! (Thank you Dicesuki.) I loved seeing how much the characters have grown, how they deal with more mundane issues (if running a kingdom can be considered 'mundane'), and the characters interacting. And the fluff. Oh my god, everyone is so cute.

Evermore is the closure that I didn't think I needed, but it turns out, I do. I haven't even gone through Fritz and Waltz's routes yet!!!

Looking forward to whatever else Dicesuki decides to do in the future!

Hello! Thank you so much for playing, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!

We don't have any plans to translate it to other languages - I can't speak for the quality of the TL since I can't speak Russian, but there seems to already be a fan Russian TL of Without a Voice! I think the team name is Sol Taere..? Thank you so much for offering though.

Hello! Thanks for your interest. We still plan to add it - it'll come out with the release of our DLC, Highway Blossoms: Next Exit!

Hey there! Sorry for replying so late! Of course, I hope you have fun ❤︎

Thank you so much for playing! And... Oops!!! That's embarassing!!! I've edited the game page, thank you so much for the catch!

Oh, and, thank you so much for playing!

Oh no! Sorry for getting to you so late!

On Steam, you'll have to go to the game folder itself. From Steam, try going to your local files and see if it's there! If it isn't please let me know and I'll figure something out for you.

Thank you very much!!!!

Ahh you can do it!!! Another tip for ending 2 would be, hmm... Cassidy needs to figure things out, while having a healthy dose of mistrust towards everyone around her.

ALSO thank you so much!!! We'll do our best!!!

(3 edits)

In the depths of a dark and unforgiving forest, an exiled princess whiles her time in solitude. For a girl raised in the lap of comfort, the woods are impossibly harsh, and day-to-day survival is the most she can manage. One day, however, a mysterious, beautiful maiden appears, throwing her world out of its already delicate alignment. The princess is instantly captivated by this stranger, and begins to fancy herself the heroine of a fairytale, even as the maiden proves herself to be less and less of a fantasy.

Foolish princess. She should know by now that her life is no fairytale.

In seven days, the wheel of fate will splinter. Seven days, for better or worse...

Hello everyone! We've recently just released Without a Voice after over three years of development. It has:

  • Over 15,000 words
  • 8 endings
  • 12 event illustrations
  • A beautiful, dark fantasy, WLW tale

- and a lot of love put into the development of the game!

If you're interested, please give it a shot!

We have also included a 40 page artbook for people who pay $5 and above!

It has:

  • A quick, spoiler-free guide to all the endings as well as explanations for them!
  • All the artwork from the game!
  • Concept art and work-in-progress shots!
  • Lots and lots of developer commentary!
  • A ton of extra art I have made over the last few years!
  • Lots of love, sappy feelings and a couple of bad jokes

Thank you!

Oh also, thank you so much!!

(1 edit)

Ending 8 is the ending you get when you don't trigger the other endings - it's not too important but being a little nonsensical might help. For ending 2... try feeding into Cassidy's paranoia.

Edit: I made a mistake and I'm a terrible dev, I was describing ending 6 instead of 8!!!!!!!!!!! I am sorry. feralphoenix has it right though!!!

There's a little bit of updated CG directing and art! I think most of the text is the same but, (probably bad to admit this), I'm not entirely sure!

Ahh sorry about this! They were for the beta, though they were very close to the final game. We've uploaded the newest version for Windows for now, and we'll try and get the Linux version up asap!

Thank you for your helpful contributions always!!!!

(1 edit)

March 20...

WORKIN on it!!!!

Oh, I hope you enjoyed it! It definitely still is in development, I just finished off the last event illustrations yesterday! It might take just a little longer, but I hope you'll play the full game too~

Hi! Thank you so much!

 It should be possible to reach 100% - there's a lot of minor dialogue changes depending on your choices, so it might be some of those lines.

UI designer appreciates that ;_; <3 Thanks so much!

Thank you so much for the feedback! We're working hard on the full version and I think there's some things that people will like!

I will definitely consider the save system info - I'm thinking of maybe putting in playtime as a piece of info into the save slot? That being said, I'm not great at coding so I'm not sure if that's viable. Maybe chapter titles?

Thanks so much again! I hope you enjoy the full release.

Thank you very much!!! We hope you'll enjoy the full game as well!