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A member registered Sep 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing!

Really fun game. The bullets where really fun to play against. I don't what it was, but the bullets were really nice, maybe the velocity increase? I also liked the art! Great game man.

(1 edit)

Unfortunately, I ran out of time, and couldn't make any. Thank you for playing!

I ran out of time unfortunately. Thank you! Thanks for playing! 

Thank you! Thanks for playing!

Thank you for playing!

Thank you for the feed-back. I did notice that. Unfortunately, due to school, I could not make a main menu. Thank you for playing!

Great Game! I had a lot of fun playing the game. The use of the theme surprised me a lot. Great use of the theme. The control feel very nice!

Very Nice!

Great Game! Love the economy system!

Thank you! My core mechanic, the Pogo effect, was made threw a bug. I was making a platformer with non-constant jumping. I was making the impulse effect off of the enemy, but the collision detector I was using also detected tile map. So, when my character hits the tile map it impulses. So, the character also jumps when it hits the walls also and not just the floor. This is my first game in any game engine, unless you count Scratch. I did not change my game engine to Godot, so I have no prior experience. But, Godot was easy to learn! Still working on my coding skills though! Thank you for the questions!

Thank you!

Thank you for the advise! I'll add some music into my next projects!

Looks great man!