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A member registered Jun 08, 2014 · View creator page →

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Ah, I just checked in the Discord (which I probably should have done first, whoops!) and there's a message from the organizer there saying there will be public rankings, just not immediately as there are more checks to do than usual :)

Are the results for the jam going to be made public? I know for the Pastime ones they weren't, but the jam page mentions that this one was going to be ranked - not sure if I might have misinterpreted what that meant!

Really liked all three tracks, you absolutely nailed the Spyro vibes! Gnorc City especially sounds like it could have been pulled straight from one of the old PS1 games.

This was a really good arrangement! It kept the same kind of energy as the original, and it was really realistically orchestrated - I could see this song being played like this at one of the Distant Worlds concerts :)

My only critique would be to make sure your streaming versions match up with your final submission - I very nearly missed out on listening to the (very good!) piano solo because I clicked through to YouTube instead of downloading, which would have been a massive shame!

I really liked both of these tracks! I've not played the Divinity games myself, but I feel like this gave me a really clear idea of what their atmosphere is like - not an easy thing to do in 3 minutes of music :)

Doom and Sonic isn't a combination I'd ever have thought of, but this worked super well :) The chiptune-y lead synths were a great choice.

I'm shocked how well this works as a synth-y piece, really nice twist on the original song :)

Loved all five tracks! The whole thing felt really cohesive, yet it never got boring or same-y; that's hard enough to do in any genre, but I think it's especially impressive with this kind of cinematic/ambient music.

Also, as someone who's not played Below Zero - I didn't realize this was a tribute rather than a cover until reading the description, so you definitely nailed the style :)

This is really nicely mixed/arranged - I loved the way it builds up to that final Starjump section :)

Really good choice of Celeste-y sounds, as well.

This comment made my morning, thank you :)


Thank you! The contrast between the intro and the rest of the song is one of my favourite things about the original, I'm glad I was able to make that work here too :)

Thank you!

I never would have guessed the original song was only 30 seconds long, the way you extended it felt really natural. Really funky as well :)

This is fantastic! The sounds you picked really capture that old-school survival horror atmosphere.

Love the use of slowed down samples for percussion as well - a lot of old PS1 games used to use similar tricks (my favourite:, so it fits really well for a Silent Hill tribute :)


Thank you :)

Thanks :)

Thank you!

oh no now i'm thinking about the edgerunners ending again 😭

This is such a good cover, I liked the more rock/indie-ish sound you went for!

I'm not familiar with the original tracks, but you absolutely nailed the "90s racing game" vibe! Really enjoyed all three parts :)

This had me bobbing my head the whole way through, excellent track :)

I love this! Even though the instrumentation is really different from the original, it still has very Celeste-y vibes. Doing it all in LMMS with soundfonts/default samples is super impressive, as well - it sounds really polished.

Nice arrangement :) The synths give it much more of a sinister sound (which is very fitting for anything Shinra related!), and the change up in the back half worked really well.

Really enjoyed this, completely different vibes from the original!

I never would have guessed all the swing was done by hand, it sounds super natural :)

Seconding all the comments saying this is a really clever interpretation of the theme! Super dreamy vibes, and I love that bass sound.

I hadn't heard the original song, and you could have totally fooled me into thinking this was always meant to be an instrumental - you made it work really well!

Really nice medley, I'm super impressed with how many songs you were able to fit in while still having it all flow naturally!

I love how atmopheric this is, fits really well with the theme! I've not played Oxenfree but if the music is anything like this then I'll have to give it a go :)

(1 edit)

This is outstanding! I don't know the soundtracks it's based on very well (I really need to get around to playing those games...) but this totally stands up in its own right, the sax solo absolutely blew me away.

Strange combo of songs, but you made it work :D

I really like how 'classical' sounding a lot of this is - it's a lot more subtle than most orchestral game music arrangements I've heard, and I think that extra dynamic range made the more intense final track have a lot more impact.

I would never have expected to see a Doom medley in a 'dreamscape' themed jam, but you made it fit the theme really well! The style of music is completely different from the original but it sounds really natural.

(bonus points for the high production values in the youtube video)

I get real 'boss battle' vibes from this, I liked it a lot!

These are all really good, I love how varied all of the tracks are! I haven't heard of either of the games, but this definitely makes me want to check them out.

Three seconds in and I was already like

One of my favourite tracks from the jam so far :)

Really liked both of these, the Abyssal Ruins one especially!

Really nice arrangement - just hit the end of disk 1 on a replay of FF7, so this song was fresh in my mind, and I think you really did it justice :)

I really liked this! Songs with very few tracks can very easily sound 'empty', and I think you did a really great job of avoiding that - the little background ambient bits gave it a load more atmosphere without distracting from the piano.

I wouldn't have guessed it was your first time using a DAW, the whole thing sounded super well balanced.

Someone could have told me these were from a Bomberman remaster and I would have 100% believed them, amazing work! I love the dreamy atmosphere on both tracks, and the choice of synths/beats really gave that late 90s console game vibe without sounding too lo-fi.

Thank you! I spent quite a lot of the back half of the jam messing with the pacing/dynamics, so I'm really glad it paid off :)