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I played and rated your game, it is really fun. And also the voice of the narrator is quite good.

Thank you! Your game was good too.

I hope you gave me 5 stars in audio...  ) : <.   : D JK

I just played and rated your jumping game!

I was laughing - I really like the quick intro, then onto campaign. I did some double jumps, killed some people - the funny feeling of the mind and muscle memory conflicting is funny, makes you laugh - love that!

Great work! Here's my game - it's must shorter, just a quick idea I wanted to try, but I think it'll tickle your fancy! - a breakout game... where you are breaking yourself...

1 minute quick game for you all to try! a surprise ending and a reveal! QUICK AND FUN! mouse or A and D, if on windows, hit minus a few times to slow mouse down, L to restart!!

Thank you very much :)  I´ll check out your game.

I played and rated it and it´s very catchy and enjoying.