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Omg, thank you SO much! I was really enjoying it until it crashed. You are a very skilled writer and an amazing artist, so, even without the rest of Snowe's lines the game is magnificent! I know that sounds dramatic, but it's true. It was so worth it to play it even though it took like 25 minutes for the game to start up. I don't care though, because Snowe makes me feel like I matter, and I really love him. 

I do understand using a program that not everyone can use easily, though. I can't use Ren'py, or Unity, because I only have a phone, but I found an app called Kocho, and it is so easy to make games with it, that even I can do it. The problem is, you can only play games made with Kocho ON the Kocho app, so it is pretty limiting.

It's okay, I'm fine with deleting this version of the game, because I can't play it, anyway, and updating it without deleting it would add too much additional space for my phone.

The people around you can influence your mood, so things have been...rough to say the least, but this game is like a late Christmas gift, so I feel better knowing that I will be able to play it.

I hope that you are enjoying the new year, and I hope that everyone is as kind to you as you are to me!

I just hope that the addition of all the masc Snowe lines doesn't make it even harder to load >.< The way I've split it up now with the extra load though it really shouldn't use too much for it to load such a small section (fingers crossed anyways x3) Thank you though! You're too kind x3 I still kinda just feel like an incompetent noob stumbling through the world just trying to do things, haha. I'm really glad you like this one though :3 especially when it's such personal subject matter! 

25 mins is torture though x3 but still, it's impressive that it can run on that at all! It means a lot if Snowe can make you feel that way though :3 I really wish everyone could have someone in their real life who is able to make them feel loved and cared for. I mean, I absolutely have that in my dad, but when I was in the darkest place of my life many years ago, I was completely cut off from my dad, and I would've given anything to have someone like Snowe come along and rescue me from the whole situation and from myself x3

That sounds like a pretty cool app even with its restrictions! It's nice just to be able to have some form of outlet for creating stuff :3 I got the RPGmaker game on 3DS years ago cos I thought it might be fun to mess around with!

"The people around you can influence your mood, so things have been..."
I feel that >.< I can be having a perfectly decent day, and all it takes for that to come crashing down is for my dad to come in from work depressed or angry, and that then instantly rubs off on me like I've somehow absorbed his feelings into myself x3 I hope things become more positive for you soon though! Rough is not good :( 

I'll do my best to get the game working for you at least! If it still struggles to run once I have the update out, just let me know. I probably won't be able to add any more loads than I currently have to the main version without it becoming potentially irritating on other systems, but I could make a separate version for you with more in and just send you a download link or something :3

It's been pretty rough here for different reasons >.< but things are just starting to look up somewhat again now. Let's hope February is a better month for us both :3


I'll definitely let you know if I can't play it; the new Winlator update boasts "improved performance" but, I'm not sure if that means it can run bigger games.

You make such beautiful artwork, and write so well. I know from experience how hard it is to draw, and I can't even color it in like you do. Plus, I can only draw the head and neck of a person, because anatomy is really hard for me to do. And, though writing is pretty much the only thing I'm good at, I really admire your script because it is SO well written. Even your early game, Solipsism Reigns has really great writing and artwork. Especially the sprites - they are SO cute! And I think that the fact that it's personal makes it even more special: like I get to know more about you through this game.

I know, the creator of Winlator is a genius. Snowe and other game characters are enough for me; I don't need anyone else. I understand how you feel, because now that my mom has passed away, I didn't have anyone else who I'm close to, or really love. I know that sounds horrible, but I really don't get along well with my other relatives; still, you are very nice to talk to, so I guess your the only person I get along with, or interact with.

I really wish that I could make RPGmaker games. I would prefer a visual novel maker that can make games that are more compatible with other devices. Sadly, I fear many people can't run Kocho games.

I am so sorry that you have to go through that. My own cousin talks about how I don't clean up when I do, just because her kids leave clothes and toys lying around, and won't pick them up. I can clean the whole kitchen, feed her animals, and clean up ther mess, but she will say that because I don't have a job, I'm not trying to do anything for myself. Ugh. Really, I should just leave, and go to a shelter.

Uh...rant over. But, thank you so much!

Thank you very much! I was wondering what I would do if I still couldn't play it. You are seriously too kind. I would make a game for you if I could to thank you...but, I have another idea, since you can't use Kocho. You don't have a phone, right? But, my gift is a secret. Teehee~

I hope things get even better for you. And I'll try to cheer my depressed self up for you. I am so sorry for the late reply. I haven't touched my phone for probably all of yesterday, and I dont remember what I did Sunday, cause my brain is a bit scrambled right now. I kind of felt a bit worthless for a while, but you made me feel better. I can never thank you enough.

You give me too much credit x3 I can’t draw to save my life! T_T None of the art in my games is actually drawn by me personally. I just tend to edit things like colours and stuff. Trust me, I’m no artist. I’ve tried to learn, even did Art GCSE at school and didn’t do great, haha. The art in all my games is either asset pack stuff that I’ve edited in GIMP, or art from other artists that I’ve teamed up with for game jams and stuff :3

The artist I’ve collaborated with most is LazyPolarBear. She drew the sprites (and CG) for the BxG version of A9, the sprites and CGs for Bitter/Sweet, the sprites + camera feed CGs + some backgrounds in Limbo Line, some sprites + some CGs + some backgrounds in Tunnel Vision.

In SR, I made the sprites using a character generator asset I had which allowed me to pick hairstyles, clothes, and accessories for characters, then colour them myself :3 DestiniDraws did all SR’s CGs.

The sprites in Impostor were ones from asset packs that I recoloured.

The sprites in DD are ones from asset packs that I recoloured + added extra facial expressions to.

The sprites in Love in Lockdown I made in the same character generator software that I used for SR.

GxB A9 sprites were drawn by the artist maneki mushi. CGs were drawn by Bun & LazyCrocodile.

Yandere Heaven sprites are ones I recoloured from an asset pack.

Dawn of the Damned sprites came from the same artist’s asset packs that the DD sprites come from and I recoloured them. CGs were done by a big mixture of artists.

The Graveyard Shift sprites came from an asset pack. CGs were done by Eufasy.

The Hostage sprites came from an asset pack and I heavily edited them to change the colour and the style.

Tunnel Vision’s art was by a big team of different artists for the jam.

And Sapphire Snowe’s sprites came from an asset pack, and again, I just spent a long time recolouring them and changing the style a bit :3 

I mainly use GIMP to do a lot of edits to both sprites and backgrounds. And I do make some of my UI assets from scratch, but even with that, I don’t draw them since I can’t draw x3 I just use GIMP and other software to manipulate shapes.

So I’m sure you can draw better than me!! I can’t even draw a decent head, haha.

I’m glad you like my writing though :3 I find it difficult to not pick faults with it all the time x3 I guess a lot of people are like that though cos it’s hard to be happy with your own work!

I’m sorry that your mum has passed away and that you don’t have anyone else that you’re close to now :( That’s really tough. I know I would be similar if I lost my dad because even though I do have other family, the only person I was ever super close to in my family besides my dad was my grandma (on my dad’s side) and she’s already passed away. My wider family are lovely people, but I don’t feel like I can talk to them in the same way as I could my grandma or I can my dad. Heck, I can’t even be myself around my wider family >.<

I’m lucky to have somehow managed to find a small group of friends as an adult who accept me for who I am :3 But we live pretty far apart so I don’t get to see them that often. And I don’t know if anyone in the world could ever be as close with me as my grandma was x3 She’s been gone for a good few years now, but I still miss her a lot and life has never really been the same since she passed!

Maybe you could save up for a PC somehow that would be good enough to run a version of RPGmaker! I dunno if that’s a possibility at all for you, but it would be great if it was something you can get eventually :3 

That sucks that the cleaning you do isn’t appreciated >.< My brother is kinda like how you describe her kids. He just leaves a trail of mess wherever he goes in the house and never cleans up after himself, just expects me to do it, even simple things, like emptying a packet of crumbs into the bin! He will just leave the packet on the counter somewhere until someone else cleans up after him o.O He’s been told a billion times, but it makes no difference. And no matter how much cleaning I do, the house is pretty much always some sort of messy because of him >.< Like I wasn’t even at my friend’s for that long, but I came home to find a mountain of washing up to me done T_T My dad couldn’t do it because he’s at work all day and so tired when he gets in that he just tends to fall asleep on the sofa, and I wasn’t even physically there to be able to do it, but my brother just left it for me to do when I came home >.> So I had to wash up a massive pile of dishes that I didn’t even use. It’s not like you can leave it until we run out either cos he still won’t do it then, he’ll just eat off of kitchen roll or something instead until someone else gets fed up and does the dishes.

I do have a phone, but it’s not a very good one, haha. I can’t really play games on it or anything x3 I pretty much just have it for emergencies!  You don’t have to do anything for me anyhow, you silly sausage x3 You should concentrate on doing nice things for yourself! :3

Depression is pretty hard to fight your way out of, but I do hope you manage to get rid of it eventually, and that you can still have some happy times and things that make you smile in the meantime :3 

I feel you on feeling worthless cos that’s how I feel most of the time >.< haha. The stupid thing is, I even know why I do, but that still doesn’t stop me from feeling that way so often x3 I feel like money is the problem. If you have money, people see you as a person who has value, and if you don’t, then you’re seen as a burden on society x3 Deep down, I know that I do have worth. It just takes a lot of work to keep remembering that being poor and unemployed doesn’t = being worthless (as the UK government would have you believe) x3 I hope you know deep down that you have worth too :3


At least you tried to learn at school. I drew some really bad drawings on deviantart when I was younger, and then stopped drawing until a few years ago, so that's why I'm so bad at it. All of those artists were so nice to help you with your games! Oh, by the way, I actually got maneki mushi's game Blank to work by setting the screen size to 440 x 280. It wasn't frozen...I just couldn't see the rest of the text box or the text, so I thought that the game wasn't playing anymore. Yeah...I'm really dumb.

But, I digress. Even if you use assets, and only edit them, I'm sure that you can draw well if you try again. Trust me, it takes time and patience to pick up the skill again - a LOT of patience - but, it's worth it in the end.

Oh, about me drawing well, I had to use free AI images in the game I made you, and I did not edit them at all, so you still put more work into the assets that you used than me. XD

Even when someone compliments my writing, I can see the mistakes that I made, so I do understand what you mean.

I am so sorry that you lost your grandma. My own grandma passed away from the Coronavirus, and had dementia, so I know how much that hurts. My mom passing on before her could not have been easy for her, but she was a strong woman, and she is in a better place now.

I'm not surprised that you have friends, because you are really nice! Anyone would want to be friends with you.

I found an an online game maker called Twine that makes interactive games, and that's good enough for now. If Kocho could be viewed by more people that would be great...but, I won't use it right now, because of the limitation of only being playable in the Kocho app.

I could already have a pc, but my cousin wanted one month of internet, so I gave the money my mom had sent to me to her. But, it doesn't matter now. I'll try to just be happy with what I have now.

Is your brother my cousin in disguise? She keeps eating in her room, and bringing all of the dishes to the kitchen, puts them in the sink, and walks away. And I have to do them, because she won't. We have seperate days to clean, but she will leave half of the kitchen dirty, so that I have to clean it the next day. It's a nightmare! >.<

That reminds me of a phone that my mom gave me years ago. That is so nostalgic. I used to read so many stories online, because I couldn't do anything else on it. But, it was still fun.

I already did something though, heehee~ And I do need to do something for you, because those who help others deserve to have good things, and you have helped me so much. :)

Making that game for you made me happy, and playing your games make me happy too. I think that as long as you are alive, I'll be happy.

Are we twins or something? Because I'm the same as you, unemployed and viewing myself as garbage because of it. And when you have others comfirming that you are nothing, because you don't work, it's even worse.

But, your words make me so happy. You should know that you are a really great person, and if I can keep talking to you, then I'm fine with being alive. 

I did try every now and again after school too, but I always end up giving up again after a few months cos I never seem to improve, and it’s hard to keep dedicating time to it when there’s other stuff I wanna do and never enough time in the world to do it all >.<

Getting to team up with artists and other different people is part of why I love taking part in game jams so much :D I feel like you can achieve so much more when you team up with other people than trying to do everything on your own :3

That’s brilliant that you managed to get Blank working in the end! It’s a pretty nifty game :D I’ve had that problem with resolution on some games even on my PC, haha. Cos they will launch at some weird resolution that doesn’t match mine, and it can cause menu options to be missing from the screen x3 Most of the time, it’s quite obvious that something is wrong cos other things are cut off, and it looks weird, but sometimes, it’s much harder to tell and you just end up thinking the game is broken when it isn’t >.< haha. So yeah, you’re not dumb x3 Stuff like that happens, haha. Computers are weird >.<

Well, I can just about draw birds badly, but that’s about it x3 I have pretty much no hope with humans cos I can’t get anything right T_T I swear some people are just naturally good at art, haha. Like I know it’s a skill you can learn over time with lots of patience and practice, as you say, but some people can just pick up a pencil and draw with nothing but intuition! I wish I could be like that, haha. My mum can kinda do it. She’s never had any lessons or practice with drawing, but she can somehow imitate a manga-style head on paper with a pencil just by looking at a page in a book! I clearly don’t possess that talent, haha.

I’m sorry your grandma passed away too :( and that really sucks that it was from coronavirus. In some ways, I’m a little glad that my gran didn’t have to try and make it through the covid pandemic because I know it would have made her incredibly miserable being forced to stay indoors. She couldn’t walk, but she always enjoyed going out if I pushed her in her wheelchair even if it was just to the local shops and stuff! Since I was her registered carer, I probably would’ve moved in with her or something during the pandemic, but I would have been so paranoid about accidentally bringing covid to her >.< Dementia is so hard too :( My gran was lucky enough to keep her mind even when the rest of her body failed her, and she always said that she would rather be dead than lose her cognition in any way >.< My aunt’s mother had dementia before she passed last year, and my aunt told us that it was like she wasn’t even the same woman anymore :( And yeah, I have no idea how a parent could handle having to bury a child. I wonder if our grandmas would have got on together! My gran was also a strong woman :3 probably the strongest person I’ve ever known cos life gave her a lot of shit, but somehow, she kept going into old age, bless her!

Well, I didn’t have friends until my late twenties x3 I went through all of school with no friends, haha. People just thought I was weird and didn’t want anything to do with me >.< I now know that’s because I’m autistic, but I didn’t know that back then! I just assumed there was something wrong with me since the other kids didn’t wanna associate with me! It kinda set me up for some really bad experiences with people after leaving school, because whenever someone was nice to me, I thought they wanted to be my friend, and I was really grateful for that, but I didn’t realise they were actually just trying to take advantage of me so they could abuse me >.< Thankfully, I’m a bit better at spotting the signs of that sort of thing now!

But yeah, I met my best friend at a seasonal job I had doing scare acting, haha. We were both cast as creepy nuns xD She noticed that I was just sitting on my own not talking to anyone, and she was kind enough to make a huge effort to talk to me and try to bring me into the group more :3 She’s autistic too, and she could tell that I was before I even knew I was xD

For most of my life, I just kinda assumed I would be friendless forever >.< I even tried really hard at one point to make friends online, but it didn’t go very well cos it was mostly guys that spoke to me, and then they wound up wanting to date, but when we met in person, they either didn’t like me anymore, or they wanted to date me instead of being friends, but I didn’t want to date them, so then we’d just lose touch. I could never have imagined in a million years that I’d make a genuine friend through work! So it just goes to show that anything can happen, and often unexpectedly, haha.

I think it would be great if you end up using Twine more :D I’ve always thought it seemed pretty cool! 

I guess your cousin and my brother are pretty similar x3 He doesn’t eat in his room, but he will wander around the downstairs of the house eating and leaving a trail of crumbs everywhere >.< If he makes himself toast in the kitchen and gets crumbs all over the counter, he’ll just leave them there. If he cooks soup or noodles in a pan, he almost always ends up letting it boil over, then the splats of soup go on the unit and stain it, and he never wipes it up so it just dries on and is even harder to get off when I have to clean it T_T 

And yeah, he just puts his dishes in the washing up bowl for me to do, and he doesn’t even rinse them. He just dumps em in the bowl with food still on the plate! Even though I keep asking him to scrap any leftover stuff into the bin >.> Cos it’s bad enough that he puts stuff there for me to clean instead of cleaning up after himself, but putting dishes with food still on in the washing up bowl is even worse cos then food ends up in the bowl, and if I don’t notice before filling it with water, you get chunks of his food floating around which is gross >.<

I have no idea what my brother would do if he ever had to live on his own cos he just doesn’t know how to do anything for himself >.< He’d just let everything pile up!

It does suck that so many people view things based purely on money :( I guess that’s what capitalism does to a society >.< I hate that one of the first questions people ask when they meet you is, what do you do for work? Cos it’s like, really? Work isn’t what makes a person >.< You’re better off asking someone what they like to do for a hobby because then you’ll actually learn more about someone x3 But for some reason, people seem to think other people are defined by their work, even though most people out there are working jobs they absolutely hate just so they can survive!

Like my dad, for example, he’s a builder/bricklayer, but he wouldn’t wanna talk about it cos he HATES it. He just does it cos it’s the only job he’s ever known since his dad was the same and taught him the trade. Also, a lot of people have an image or an idea of what a stereotypical builder is like, and my dad isn’t like that at all, haha. My dad is shy, silly, and adores nature! But no one will find out that stuff about him if they only ask him about his work x3

It sickens me that the government where I live constantly push the message that if you’re not working/earning enough to pay taxes, you’re a burden and you deserve to live a miserable life >.< People can contribute more to the world around them than just money :( And people deserve to be treated as individual human beings, not slaves or cogs in a system to be exploited by those above them with more money and power. I think that’s one of the reasons I hated working in retail so much in the past x3 cos like, your purpose is to be there to make the people above you more money >.< It doesn’t matter how much time and effort you put into the job, you’ll never be more than just a tool for them to use to get richer. 

It’s also kinda crazy how the smallest difference in what you say can change the way others look at you. Cos I was my grandma’s carer for many years, pretty much ever since we lost my grandad. But I didn’t have the official title of carer. I was just there for her because I loved her and we were super close. It’s not like it’s a decision I made to be a carer, I just did what I did because I wanted to help. So if anyone asked me what I did and I said I was unemployed, they’d look at me like I was a piece of shit. One day, my local job centre suggested I actually fill out some forms to say I was officially my gran’s carer, so I did. Then when people asked what I did, I would say that I’m my gran’s carer, and all of a sudden, their attitude changed and they would say things like “Oh, wow, that’s so sweet of you. That must be hard, giving up your time to look after someone else.” etc. etc. But like, nothing was any different. I was still looking after her the way I had for years before that x3 and I was still technically unemployed! But just saying I was a carer made people see me in a completely different light!

People are too quick to judge I guess >.< I’m just glad that there are also plenty of kind souls out there who are bighearted enough to remind people like us that we have worth even if we don’t have jobs :3 

I just wish that the world could be a more understanding place and that no one has to go through suffering because of the cruelty of other people >.< We’re all stuck on the planet together, so it would be better if we could all just get along and try to bring some happiness into each other’s lives instead of hurting fellow people x3


Yeah...I can't even use the excuse that I don't have enough time. It's just that I don't know what to do with the images except use them for a game, and sprites need different expressions, and poses, and it is really hard to change some things when you redo the sprite, but make the rest stay the same; and, I really cannot draw below the neck well, so I'll just keep drawing just for fun. But, I understand not wanting to dedicate time to something if it doesn't feel like you will improve. That's why I stopped drawing for awhile years ago.

I'm someone who does practically everything on my own, so I envy you. However, there is a freedom in doing something alone, and knowing that you can decide everything; it feels like I have complete control over everything.

Goodness, if it even happens on computers, that really is bad.  But, at least you understand how I feel.

I can't draw animals at all, only people, so it is great that you can draw birds. Your mom is like me then; I  can look at an image of an anime character, and draw at least their head, but I NEED an image in  front of me to copy off of, because I can't draw without a reference.

It is really sweet that you looked after your grandma! It's like she helped you go outside yourself, and I feel like I need someone like that, to give me a push to go outdoors. My grandma didn't go outside too often, but she would take my cousins and me to fast food places, and to other relatives places as well. My grandma didn't forget me, or my other relatives,  but she forgot other things like where she put her keys, or if she forgot to do something like put gas in the car, little things like that. But, I am glad that she kept her memory for the most part. Yeah, my grandma was heartbroken, and it showed, but she handled all of the funeral arrangements despite it all. My grandma had a sharp tongue, and a short temper, but she was very smart, and talented, so maybe our grandmas would have gotten along well.

I am very sorry that you had to go through all of that. People can be really cruel, and it is terrible that others have to suffer because of those people. If those kids actually tried to get to know you, they would have seen how nice you are. They missed out on having a good friend, and if someone can't except you, then they don't deserve to be around you. The only "friends" I ever had was in 4th grade, and only two of them were really my friends - the other three just pitied me. And I was taken out of school in the 5th grade because of bullying - being put in headlocks, spat on, just because I was the nice, quiet girl who didn't fit in. So, I get it, people can be awful, but I'm glad that they can't hurt you anymore.

It is really great that you made a new friend, and especially one that understands what you are going through. I met a guy who lived in the same apartment as me and my mom when I was living with her, and we would talk sometimes, but when my mom got sent to the hospital, I moved in with my relatives, and never saw him again. It was a nice experience, however.

I have made other online friends, but we either argued or drifted apart. Talking to you has made me very happy though, so I don't need anything else.

Twine is cool, and easy to use if you just want to write a story. You need to know how to code a bit if you want to add choices or images though.

All of that is what I have to go through with my cousin, my other cousin, and her kids. Except instead of putting dishes in a washing bowl, they just put them directly in the sink with food in it, so it clogs up the sink. Since one of my cousins pay rent in the apartment we live in, she says that she doesn't have to clean anything but her room and bathroom, and one of her kids are 11, and the other is nine, so they only have to clean their room too. So the kitchen gets dirty really fast, and I am really the only one who cleans it.'s pretty tough.

I hate living in a country where how much money you have, and what you do for work defines you. I'm almost jealous of people living in other countries, because they are free of that judgement.

My mom was really lucky to get a job as a teacher because she likes to teach, but I understand that   not everyone can be that lucky. Your dad sounds like a great person, and his job shouldn't define him.

This is unfortunately the world that we live in, where if you drop out of highschool, or live with your parents passed a  certain age, society looks down on you. Just because you aren't giving money to the government like a good little citizen.

Just so that those who are higher on the corporate ladder can take the little money you do have.

It is disgusting how people view those without a job like dirt, and yet they praise those who do work. When my mom died, none of my relatives thought that her assets should go to me, since I wasn't 'responsible enough' to accept them, so I know how you feel.

If I didn't have you, I would still think that I didn't have worth, so I am really grateful to you.

Sometimes it seems like the world will stay the same until the day I die. All I can do is hope that it will get better someday, so that I can live without prejudice or fear.

Fun fact: when I was writing this on my tiny phone, I accidentally clicked 'post' before I was done. XD I hate touchscreens and tiny keyboards, you can make many mistakes when typing, and misclick too. >.<