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Yeah...I can't even use the excuse that I don't have enough time. It's just that I don't know what to do with the images except use them for a game, and sprites need different expressions, and poses, and it is really hard to change some things when you redo the sprite, but make the rest stay the same; and, I really cannot draw below the neck well, so I'll just keep drawing just for fun. But, I understand not wanting to dedicate time to something if it doesn't feel like you will improve. That's why I stopped drawing for awhile years ago.

I'm someone who does practically everything on my own, so I envy you. However, there is a freedom in doing something alone, and knowing that you can decide everything; it feels like I have complete control over everything.

Goodness, if it even happens on computers, that really is bad.  But, at least you understand how I feel.

I can't draw animals at all, only people, so it is great that you can draw birds. Your mom is like me then; I  can look at an image of an anime character, and draw at least their head, but I NEED an image in  front of me to copy off of, because I can't draw without a reference.

It is really sweet that you looked after your grandma! It's like she helped you go outside yourself, and I feel like I need someone like that, to give me a push to go outdoors. My grandma didn't go outside too often, but she would take my cousins and me to fast food places, and to other relatives places as well. My grandma didn't forget me, or my other relatives,  but she forgot other things like where she put her keys, or if she forgot to do something like put gas in the car, little things like that. But, I am glad that she kept her memory for the most part. Yeah, my grandma was heartbroken, and it showed, but she handled all of the funeral arrangements despite it all. My grandma had a sharp tongue, and a short temper, but she was very smart, and talented, so maybe our grandmas would have gotten along well.

I am very sorry that you had to go through all of that. People can be really cruel, and it is terrible that others have to suffer because of those people. If those kids actually tried to get to know you, they would have seen how nice you are. They missed out on having a good friend, and if someone can't except you, then they don't deserve to be around you. The only "friends" I ever had was in 4th grade, and only two of them were really my friends - the other three just pitied me. And I was taken out of school in the 5th grade because of bullying - being put in headlocks, spat on, just because I was the nice, quiet girl who didn't fit in. So, I get it, people can be awful, but I'm glad that they can't hurt you anymore.

It is really great that you made a new friend, and especially one that understands what you are going through. I met a guy who lived in the same apartment as me and my mom when I was living with her, and we would talk sometimes, but when my mom got sent to the hospital, I moved in with my relatives, and never saw him again. It was a nice experience, however.

I have made other online friends, but we either argued or drifted apart. Talking to you has made me very happy though, so I don't need anything else.

Twine is cool, and easy to use if you just want to write a story. You need to know how to code a bit if you want to add choices or images though.

All of that is what I have to go through with my cousin, my other cousin, and her kids. Except instead of putting dishes in a washing bowl, they just put them directly in the sink with food in it, so it clogs up the sink. Since one of my cousins pay rent in the apartment we live in, she says that she doesn't have to clean anything but her room and bathroom, and one of her kids are 11, and the other is nine, so they only have to clean their room too. So the kitchen gets dirty really fast, and I am really the only one who cleans it.'s pretty tough.

I hate living in a country where how much money you have, and what you do for work defines you. I'm almost jealous of people living in other countries, because they are free of that judgement.

My mom was really lucky to get a job as a teacher because she likes to teach, but I understand that   not everyone can be that lucky. Your dad sounds like a great person, and his job shouldn't define him.

This is unfortunately the world that we live in, where if you drop out of highschool, or live with your parents passed a  certain age, society looks down on you. Just because you aren't giving money to the government like a good little citizen.

Just so that those who are higher on the corporate ladder can take the little money you do have.

It is disgusting how people view those without a job like dirt, and yet they praise those who do work. When my mom died, none of my relatives thought that her assets should go to me, since I wasn't 'responsible enough' to accept them, so I know how you feel.

If I didn't have you, I would still think that I didn't have worth, so I am really grateful to you.

Sometimes it seems like the world will stay the same until the day I die. All I can do is hope that it will get better someday, so that I can live without prejudice or fear.

Fun fact: when I was writing this on my tiny phone, I accidentally clicked 'post' before I was done. XD I hate touchscreens and tiny keyboards, you can make many mistakes when typing, and misclick too. >.<