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Awesome game ! I had fun trying to speed my way through making swords shields and spears etc... I like the fact that you put little details to prevent players from planning too much ahead, like the ore overheating if you let it at full heat for too long, it's quite challenging as things get hectic quite fast, but its super cool !

Congrats guys don't know what else i could say about this one :)


I'm happy you found it challenging and fun! :D

You're right that we purposefully tried to make it so things would get hectic! We wanted there to be chaos while you're working and the more you try to do things at the same time the more things get crazy :P If we're taking this project further there are still things we'll take a look at and refine and improve upon! Thanks for the comment!

Truly did and if you intended to achieve chaos, mission definitively accomplished :o