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Amazing game! Getting some strong Overcooked vibes from this one!  I like how the movement is tied to a grid and that you cannot fall into the lava. I hated falling to my death because of imprecise controls  in Overcooked, cannot happen here. :) The only thing I really missed was a (limited) space to stash away finished weapons, you cannot sell right now. Happened more than once to me, that I crafted something but the customer went away splitseconds before I was done. And I would love to be able holding down the arrow keys to keep moving, as of now your fingers fall off after a few minutes of playing. :D

Woooop! :3 Lovely that you enjoyed the game!

Holding down to move is something we'll try out at the very least :) If that still doesn't feel good we'll try something else as well. We wanted to do the grid movement and make it feel crisp and responsive, so it was an oversight on our part that it kinda is hard on your hands when things get hectic! The 48-hour time frame of the jam was quite harsh, and we didn't want the game to be about just pre-making weapons, so we didn't include any way to store items. We will give it more thought in terms of the future of the game, maybe it'd be a thing you can unlock or something like that. For now the customers are just mean and impatient and make you pay for it! :P

Thanks for the detailed comment ^^ It was fun to hear your thoughts!

I agree that one should not be able to simply pre-make all the weapons. However, I think this is easy to avoid with the right pacing of new customers coming in and old customers getting angry and leaving. But it felt really disheartening to craft, let's say, a sword and seconds before you're finished, the customer leaves and as there is currently no other customer who wants to buy a sword, you have to throw away the sword in order to get the space again to craft anything. So even just one tile to store stuff would help, I feel!