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Very nice game :D! Loved the description, too :P. And of course the great graphics, music, sound effects and feedback :D!

Some points:

  • Awesome level generation! Apart from sometimes very long single platforms, that is.
  • The game could be much more interesting, if touching platforms wasn't just a way to end a little early, but you played with the idea a bit more - maybe you'd die if you didn't switch platforms for three seconds, or if the requierement wasn't 60 seconds but landing on [insert number] different platforms... It would motivate a more risky and interesting gameplay.
  • Isn't very original in it's current state.

Good luck with this game (if you want to continue making it) and with future projects :D!


Thank you very much for the feedback, I really appreciate it, and I'm glad to hear you enjoyed playing! Apologies for the issues with very long single platforms, I didn't quite code the platform generation the way I would've done it ideally. And apologies again for it not being very original - I was aware of this from the start, but couldn't think of another way to manipulate the environment that I could make in the time given. And those are good suggestions for gameplay changes - I'll keep them in mind if I do expand on the game in the future!