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Hey, coming from the community thread here. 

I really love the jokes you put in there. it's hilarious. (Especially the opening and the song on the elevator XD)

The game is also pretty fun and we love the fact that we are the only one person that operate the ship.

So it fits the theme well.

We suggest that you probably could remove the motion blur. It makes us a little bit dizzy.

Also, try our game as well (look forward to your feedback): :)

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed the humour, I'm usually left to write the game text/dialogue during jams and it always gets done in the last few hours so this time I made an effort to write earlier so it wasn't such a mad dash to the finish line... didn't work out that way, was still a mad dash :D

Oh and played your entry, Pogo'd my way to victory and left a comment!