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(2 edits) (+1)

Well, I think the best way for you to explain it is how to do the generator way

Get staff soup

Lax the construction worker and get his uniform

Get the gas and then spill wine on the staff guy to get his uniform

Re-enter the staff area and sabotage the generator. Then walk straight to his office and shoot him, no one will see you coming (haha shitty pun).

As for the guard suit, yep, it's basically the highest priority so you can go anywhere with it. As for the theme, when I realised this was a problem it was a lil too late, so out the window it went and with the project I ran. Thank you for playing and the very detailed comment!

Oh yeah and the walking speed, guess i'll let you run in the post jam version

I didn't know you could spill wine on the staff guy! That really clarifies the problem I had of staff > soup > construction worker > gas > can't reuse the staff suit so you can't acces the generator.

Thank you for your answer!