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the movement mechanics in this game are incredibly unique and unusual, however i foud their execution to be somewhat subpar and inconsistent at times.  The levels were pretty neat and overal your game was interesting!


Thank you for the feedback! We tested so many different ways to get the movement to be perfect, but I think we got pretty close to what we wanted to achieve. With more time and experience, we will definitely be able to polish it up. Thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah, it's not what we wanted. It's expected for it to be unpolished in such a short jam. It was the best we could do, and we want to improve it and release another version after the jam is over. Thank you for the feedback so that we can make a better better game.

On our game page, we linked this guide to hopefully help players better understand the controls if they are still stuck.  It would be great if you took a look and tell us if it is helpful. We optimally would have put better tutorials and level design in the game, but are unable to make these changes now.