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You may want to Zip the files before you put them to download. Also when I needed to exit the game I couldn't find an exit key, and you don't seem to mention one in your page, you should add one if possible. The game itself was okay, I feel like the spear slowing down when you attacked was kinda annoying after a while though. The spritework was really good and that menu screen was great, reminded me of arcade games.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the advice on the Zipping. Also, yea, I didn't add a way to exit the game. Sorry :/. I get so used to Alt-F4ing out of everything that I kind of forgot.
As for the attack slowing, I intentionally added that mechanic to cause tension and create risk. You can dash during the last half of the stab animation to speed up your ability to move, so there's that, but I thought it'd be too easy if you could just move around will nilly. It may be that fun trumps difficulty in this case. I actually plan to work on the game a bit more, and if I find that the slowed movement is annoying, I'll probably remove it (or at least make you move faster.)


Maybe you could make the arena a bit smaller. And yeah I get your point about the attack style but if you are going to do it that way you have to add more oomph to it(like animation, sounds) so it doesn't feel weak or limiting.


I agree. I'm in the midst of updating the animation right now. Interesting take on the Arena size. It could potentially be square. I had intended to add projectile enemies but I never got to it before the end of the jam. Spent too long animating my character :/


If you do projectiles consider to test whether it feels better or more fun if your spear can block them, hit them back or can do nothing.


We're of the same mind XD. I've already reworked some of my existing entities to allow for that. Gonna try to add it by next week.

Great! Hopefully you can make this into something more akin to what you had on your mind when you started.