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Great work! This game is fun and bouncy! The sprites are cute and the idea is definitely original.

Good stuff:

  • Appealing art
  • Interesting level design
  • Very appealing game play style - I kept thinking "just one more click"

If this had more dev time:

  • add sound
  • add an indication of where the leg would end up

Thanks a lot! Glad you enjoyed it!

For the sound it was on the todo list but our inexperience with unity meant we had other priorities unfortunately. I (imj, dev#2, I'm borrowing the account) was against putting any more sounds unless we had a working mute button (I believe non-manageable sound can be very deterrent to a lot of players), and we just did not have the time.

Yeah, that's a good reason to not add sound. Sound is a polishing element unless someone's making a rhythm game.