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Hey Perita, Many, many, many thanks for this full point-and-click experience with Pepper&Carrot.

You can’t imagine how I laughed hard at the last part (no spoiler), that was an absolute mind-blowing experience 😆

Thank you also for making it complete, with an ending, a puzzle, and a story. I see you shared and opened the code and I really hope it will inspire you or contributors to continue the project.


Hello David!

Thanks for taking the time to play, not only my game but every game in the jam. And for your awesome showcase video :)

I tried to make an ending that had the same kind of humor as most Pepper&Carrot’s episodes have. Based on your comment, i believe i can count it as a success!

I do not think i am going to continue this particular project, as it was intended only for the jam. Having said that, i would love to make a full-featured point and click adventure based on Pepper&Carrot, with a proper story and a magic system similar to the one in Find Carrot !, which i loved.

Again, thank you for playing, for your comment, and, above all, for Pepper&Carrot!