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(2 edits)

Oh sorry



By the way, I really like the game. I just hope this is fixed soon ^^

Thanks and I'm glad you like the game!  I should have a fix pushed out to the iOS app store tonight, but it then takes 2-3 days or more for Apple to approve and make it available.  I will let you know when that happens.  Do you have a previous save that you can run from where you are not stuck?  If not, I will need to find a creative way to get you un-stuck as the fix only changes the transfer out of the 1st floor of the Fairy Tower  :)

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That’s cool, take your time. 

Also I don’t have a previous save file. I never expected this to happen.

From what I can see, you would need to be able to move the character back to the land to face the box that contains the ship. Right now they are within the box of the ship. Technically, the game is assuming there is a part of a land there. Though, there is a conflict at hand where the box interaction of the ship and the character are connected. That there would need to be separated somehow.

Ok, I've got some ideas on how to get you out of there and get your boat in the right place too.  I'll keep you posted.

Cool thanks 

I know how this can be. When programming, errors can pop up left and right heh. Sometimes, it can be the least expected one as well.

Okay, I found a way to get you unstuck.  I submitted the fix to the iOS App Store.  once it gets approved (may be a few days) you should be able to update to it.  once you load the new version, try to move straight up.  I put an event in that will transfer you out of the boat and onto land.  

Cool, thanks! ^^

I really want to finish this game.

It’s unique how the interaction in battles are, and how events translates to the story, and characters themselves. 

Hey Thanks!  writing this game has been quite a journey for me and I have enjoyed every minute of it.  

We are in luck.  apple just released my update (faster than expected!).  Go ahead and update to version 0.3.3 and when you load your saved game, walk directly upwards.  Let me know if that works in getting you unstuck so I can remove the event I put in to pull you onto land :-)

okay, my issue is slightly different.  I sailed to the island and talked to the fairy there.  She teleported me to the spot on the island the op is stuck in.  My ship is a few spaces over.

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Hi Spaceboy, do you know which version you have installed?  I think what happened to you is that you had an older version that still had the transfer bug.  Do have a different save that you could start from (after updating the game)?  Did you get the game from the Amazon store or via  I have an idea on how to get you unstuck.

I free now. You got a talent for this. 

Is this a starting point? Since I am certain, you can take your talents much further ^^

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Oh my goodness, thank you!  It is a long story.  Yes, this is my very first game.  I started programming when I was 8 (a very long time ago :)).  When I graduated from college with a cs degree, I applied to a ton of game companies, but was rejected or never heard back from any of them.  I ended up working as a developer for ibm and a few other companies.  Once I became a manger, I missed coding.  Once I had kids, it became difficult to do my stand up comedy and improv (something I used to do for fun).  Writing this game was very therapeutic for me.  I could code again and it was an awesome creative outlet.  I have a ton of ideas for follow on games once this one launches (once I get all of the bugs out :-)).  The only challenge I have is time (I can only work on games sporadically on the weekend and during the week when the kids are in bed).  Thanks for your kind words.  it is support like yours that keeps me going.  ...and I'm so glad that we got you unstuck :-)    

I have this exact same problem on Amazon fire TV.  I tried pushing up to no avail.  Perhaps the update hasn't pushed through yet.

Also fun game!