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How to make these patterns?

A topic by SHROOMINTERACTIVE created Jan 24, 2023 Views: 512 Replies: 51
Viewing posts 1 to 7

So, I want to have a variety of different attacks with unique patterns. How would I make these? The red represents the user, and the green represents the affected area. It would be best if single-target and multi-target versions could be provided.

Also, how do I make attacks hit random enemies? It doesn't seem to work when just doing it in the database.


To make the above pattern with the square and the lines, simply select it from the damage pattern. To exclude the inner ranges, select exclusion damage pattern and then exclusion damage range.

Cross patterns aren't made possible yet.

As for the scope checks, it's something I'll look into. It does not recognize the random scoping for randomization.

So I have a problem. I tried making the second pattern (the 3x3 area two tiles away from user, and i set it up like this:

However, in game it looks like this, which obviously is not how it's meant to look. Because of this, the skill is completely useless and is essentially just a glorified End Turn.

(also, i'd like to know how i can change the icons on the turn order from the character sprite (which is cut off at a very weird place) to a picture file, or at least change the offset.)


Your damage splash range is 0, this means that there is no hit area for the skill.

The turn window takes the character sprite, will have to include that in an update going forward, possibly just resize to fit or removing entirely. I'll see what I can do there.

Oh, and also, I'd like for the player to be able to select any actor that's currently in the party (active or not), to be on the battle. I plan to have 40+ actors that can be used, and I've set up the map to have a maximum of 6 actors, but I can only place 4, which are the ones in the active party. (Cabbage-pult is in the reserve party, and I can't place him on the map)


I see you have 4/6 and you cannot place anymore?

Yeah. That's what happens. i have 5 actors total. Four in the party (that are already placed), and 1 in reserve (the lonely Cabbage-pult). Cabbage-pult can't be placed down unless I place him in the active party, but then I have to leave someone else out.


Thank you. That's a potential bug. I'll be checking it out.

(2 edits)

Sorry for the bombardment, but I have two gripes. First, is that for some unexplained reason, the enemies always get 3 actions instead of 1 before the party does.  I don't know why it's doing this, but I have no way to fix it. It would be very unfair to have the enemies act three times  before anyone else can! Here's the database setup and the plugin setup.

Also, a more minor problem. I want all the levels to be replayable, but have a reward that is only given the first time you beat it that shows up alongside dropped items. I could add it to the victory event under a conditional branch, but then it doesn't show up in the battle results as it isn't a drop item. I could also add it as a drop item to a monster, but then every monster of that type will drop it in every level it's in, and making a whole new monster that drops it every level would be a hassle.


What are the AGI setting for your player characters?

They all have the same Agility stat.


So player and enemy agi are the same? In that case try setting the player agi 1 digit higher

Now the player gets to move multiple times. If I set the enemy agility to 1, I somehow instantly lose. I'd much rather prefer that the actors move once per turn regardless of agility...


Oh then this is your turn order setting.

Change this to "turn".

In map configuration you should also be able to do this.

I think I'll change this to the default setting. It's far superior (in my opinion) to active.

(1 edit)

Oh, that was it! Thanks! Now, I'm sorry for all the questions, but how would I make an event that happens when a character dies, where they are revived immediately? In my tutorial battle, the Peashooter (the only actor) is very weak and prone to dying, and as this is the tutorial battle, i'd like it to automatically revive when killed. However, when I set the defeat event, the game over happens instead of reviving the Peashooter.


You need to have another battler on the field. A condition where all player characters are dead triggers a defeat event. Would it be possible to modify your tutorial to have at least one living battler before killing the other?

(1 edit)

Unfortunately, what I have in mind is that the player is in a 1v2 battle with one player and two enemies. Unfortunately, adding another battler would compromise that! If it can't be done with the dead condition, could it be possible to make the event occur when the character's HP drops too low instead?


Alright, it's something I'll consider for future updates/extensions.


Also, check and see if you have any action+ or action times parameters on your battlers.


Also, the most I can say is that you can have a common event show a message window showing those unique rewards, otherwise, I'd have to do that as an extension

I've come across yet another error. When I set the region specific enemies in the settings, there's an error saying "Unexpedtec toxen u in JSON position 0." I'm trying to set an enemy to spawn in Region 4, but it doesn't work. Here's the map setup.


A JSON error? That's weird.

Can you post the console report?

Also... why do you have a "0" in the State IDs?

(1 edit)

Well, I don't want the zombies to spawn with any states applied. It's not the cause since it happens with and without. It also haopens without VisuStella, so it's not that either.


ah that's why it was weird. That's remnant code that wasn't deleted. Thanks for bringing it up. You can resolve this by setting up default enemies on the map or by using the default as the first set of enemies to spawn

How do I set up the default enemies?


I looked at your screenshots and I see you do have an enemies array setup for the map. 

Highlighted is the default enemies which I see you have configured. On my end I have also setup region enemies without modifying the code:

Enemies do spawn normally in which I get two slimes.

The code error comes from using the spawn enemy function which has a different line up on my end.

Are you using the latest version of the plugin? I did a series of rapid updates recently.

I just got the new version, but the same thing still happens.


Are you using MV or MZ?



Is the map you're trying to start the TBS battle on the only TBS configured map?


Also, please screenshot the console of the bug again with the latest version