Change the _states to _stackedStates[State_id]
No filter function required
Try using the plugin I have here, it should be possible to load fonts into the game using that
The steam version should have the v1.4 soon, as for English descriptions, is your RPG Maker in English? It should have English and Japanese display options.
The script call: $gameTemp.closeMenu() will close the existing menu whilst $gameTemp.openMenu(identifier) will open the menu.
identifier is the Menu settings identifier from the plugin parameters and must be in quotation: " "
Ok then please provide a video showing the following:
- The plugins loaded (Use with visustella enabled and not. I am not an employee of visustella so difference in state must be noted in video)
- The skills to be used in battle
- A battle
- Enemy battler with immortal state dying.
All must be present in single video as the issue is not replicable under the conditions stated in your original post.