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Oh my God was this story great! And I didn't see that twist coming! This was one of the most humorous stories I've played in this jam. Clash is just *chef kiss* and I would love to read 100s more stories with him in it!

That said, I feel like there should need a tiny bit more edits that should be done to make it a great overall game. Some choices didn't make sense to me, especially in the response I would get back. For example Victoria shooting me a glare when I didn't pick the dick-ish option. I think in hindsight it was to show how she knows you(?), but on first reading, it felt too out of character/narrative. Like something wasn't coded properly.

Like beeanca said, the use of the 1st person felt a bit weird. Maybe like she says, the use of the second person would work better? Or going through the perspective of another character? (that previous assistant that would train the unnamed MC?).

I agree with yousayrandy in terms of the story feeling a bit rushed in some parts. I think it would have helped to have a bit more conversation/interactiveness with the other. Maybe have the MC ask more questions or have more down time with Clash after each interaction? I did think it was good that Clash was hiding something from you, but now it makes me think that he was dragging me around to get the truth from me? Something in the story felt missing.

UI side, the dark theme does not work well. The background turns black but the text stays in this white box that makes it very annoying to read. Also, would have loved the option of going fullscreen or have the game window being a bit bigger.

Overall, great game! and would recommend others to play for sure! I had lots of fun playing it!


I am so glad people are loving Clash as much as I do.  xD  He's my favorite OC these days, and I definitely need to do more with him.  I mean, he's been in a few other games, sure, but I need MORE.  Like I mentioned earlier, I am still learning how to do foreshadowing in a way that isn't jarring.  :-(  

And I did not mention this earlier, but I will say that the first-person twist is a reference to Agatha Christie's The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd.  Or to be more specific, my reaction to that book's ending when I read it in 11th grade.  I remember almost throwing the book down the hallway in both anger and awe.  So I wanted to see if I could pull that kind of twist off, too.  :-)

But yes, thank you so much for the kind words!  I had so much trouble getting this story out, so I'm glad people are enjoying it.


OMG This makes to much sense now!

I think this is one of her more polarizing story, with how the twist ended up being as well (you either love it or want to burn the book for making you look like a dumbass). It really is a very hard thing to pull off in such little amount of words. So in retrospect, kudos to you!