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If you're planning on expanding the game(post-jam version, or a sequel?), I'd personally suggest having more deck editing or something like that. Right now, both opponents seem to have identical decks, and even though draw and discard piles are shown, they don't seem to be effective since I doubt that any player will be seriously tracking remaining cards, or deciding on a strategy based on them. It would be quite cool if, for example, after winning a battle, you get to add some cards to your deck, change around the card counts etc.

I was thinking about adding some sort of single-player campaign, where you would have to defeat a series of different decks and you would have to modify your deck to counter them, so a "deck building" menu would definitely be there. 

This sounds like a great idea. Similar like the Magic MTG 1997 game, where you travel a map, duel enemies and gain their cards to strengthen your deck.