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I should probably start off by saying I'm pretty far from your target audience >.< I love VNs and I love RPGs with turn-based battles, but I love them separately, haha. I'm not a fan of VNs that have heavy features like battle systems and stuff just because the main reason I play VNs in the first place is to read a story, so I feel like non-story stuff gets in the way of me just reading through and being immersed in the tale x3 On top of that, while I do love magic and the fantasy genre in general, one of my most hated settings for any story is a school just because I've read so many school stories now that I'm growing tired of them. I'm sorry my preferences are that way T_T

However, I'm trying to play through all of the jam games to at least 1 ending while I have the time, and the art in this looked so gorgeous so I wasn't gonna allow my personal preferences to prevent me from checking it out!

The title screen is absolutely gorgeous, as is every aspect of the art throughout ^-^ Absolutely beautiful visuals! And I love all the little animations! They're so flashy.

The only visual element I wasn't so keen on was the text boxes for dialogue. I quite liked the narration text box up at the top, but the constant movement of the speech boxes slightly irritated me, but then again, that's just another really personal thing, haha.

And even though I'm not keen on battle systems in VNs, I still gave the tutorial battle a go and thought that it was a pretty well-crafted system! I also loved the ability to tame because I'm a sucker for that in RPGs x3 I will always pick some form of summoner or tamer class if it's available, and I know it's not quite the same here, but I still appreciate the taming feature! The rest of the battles I just ran from like a coward x3

I'll put the rest under...


That creature at the end was gnarly! Really love me some creepy creatures so the design of that had me staring at the screen for a little while before actually taking any action, haha. And I chose the hug option at the end and thought the CG was adorable ^-^


I'm glad you enjoyed the game, and tried the tutorial battle even if battles aren't your thing haha. Limbo Line's been on our list to play for a bit, so I'll bump it up on my list from the jam and try it next!